Achoo, when season changes, my nose is the first to know, especially in Autumn! I'm not the only one, more and more children are facing consequences of the climate change physically, cough, cough, cough!
Everyday we turn on TV, we watch the news about the impact of climate change around the world, drought, flood, we are warned about the global warming, and we are told to take action to reduce the carbon footprint to keep our mother earth clean and healthy!
What is carbon footprint exactly? The actual footprint is the mark we leave on the environment. Imagine we walk bare feet on the beach, we see our footprints left behind. Carbon footprint (Exhibit One) means green house gases, the harmful gases we leave behind, including CO2, Methane, Nitrous Oxide and others. CO2 alone contributes 62% of planetary warming. CO2 is produced by burning fossil fuels, like oil and gas. The more fuel we use, the bigger our carbon footprint will be.
When we drive a car, the carbon doesn't just come from the engine. Think about the energy to extract the oil from underground, the pollution caused by the transportation, refinement, and the final delivery to your local petro station, not to mention the CO2 emitted to manufacture our car in the first place. We produce more green house gases than we thought.
We and everything we own has its own footprint, our book, mobile phone. Read a book, printing and distributing use energy, send a textmessage, communicating uses energy. Even the food (Exhibit Two) we eat, could have traveled hundreds of kilometers, or even thousands of pollluting kilometers to end up in our local supermarket.
We don't live in a cave now. Being it impossible to leave no carbon footprint behind, that'ss no reason for us not trying. Every person can make a difference by changing the pattern of our behaviour to reduce personal carbon footprint.
Food production and consumption are large contributors to green house gas emission. Buy locally produced food. if possible, plant vegetables in your garden. Don't waste food, the waste of food in the garbage produces harmful gases, such as methane. It's estimated that 30 to 40% of food is wasted after it leaves the farm. So, remember, plant a garden, buy local, eat the leftovers.
Tourism accounts for an estimate of 5% of global green house gas emission. An airplane travel is the most significant contributor to that percentage. How about planning your next vacation by reexploring our own city on foot? As for transportation to work, ride a bicycle, take a bus, take the MRT, instead of driving a car. Car pooling is another option to reduce the carbon footprint. Acquire electricity saving habits, turn off lights after you leave home. In summer, while cooling offices and homes, turn up one or two degrees. Likewise, in winter, wear warmer clothes to turn down the heater one or two degrees.
Making informed choices about transportation, food, and energy used at home is what we can do individually to reduce the carbon footprints. Start from today, mark smaller carbon footprints (Exhibit Three) day in and day out. Let's take a boot in reducing the carbon footprint to combat climate change and global warming!
A life learning senior citizen's Diary--With a click, we are connected in the cyber world. With a click, we find people of the same interests and concerns in the global village. With a click, we achieve our goals and realize our dreams.
トーストマスターズ コンピテント コミュニケーション プロジェクト 6 ボーカルバライティ(声の変化)
包括出席八月十三日(星期四)晚上一人一故事劇場團練及觀賞知了劇團 八月廿九日(星期六)晚上於納豆劇場 演出二○一五年臺北藝穗節《夢七淘》。
最近迷上了演戲,從今年三月份加入 Tellus劇團 開始,每個週末都積極排戲,為的是能掌握五月底預定推出的皮蘭德婁 (Luigi Pirandello)的『六個尋找作者的劇中人six characters in search of an author』的戲碼,現在每天除專心研讀劇團導演推薦的世界知名劇作外,也勤跑圖書館,借閱許多文學巨作及劇場表演的書籍,好像準備明年要上戲劇研究所一樣。
今天上午報名參加台北市文山婦女暨家庭服務中心「戲劇與遊戲—一人一故事團體」工作坊,每週二上午九點半到十二點,一共八週,外加一場對外演出,看來二○一二年將會是我引以為傲的戲劇之年(year of the theater)。
接著進入主題,帶領者引導學員一同體驗「一人一故事」的表演,以四人組流動塑像(Fluid Sculpture)的表演方式重述說故事者的心聲,過程中重視每個人的生命經驗與故事,學員在分享故事、聽故事與表達故事的過程中可以提升傾聽、同理心、自我認知、尊重與表達的能力。
一人一故事劇場(Playback Theatre)是一種即興真實人生(Improvising Real Life)的劇場,重視分享、自發、參與及互動,由美國的Johanthan Fox所創立,結合了原住民的儀式、心理劇、劇場的元素,被運用在社區的凝聚以及學校的教育。劇場的基本佈置,包括左手邊陳列各種顏色的布,可以演出者當道具;右手邊是各式各樣的樂器,可供演出者提供背景音樂,並設定節奏。
知名表演教師Uta Hagen所著Respect for Acting中曾提到「情緒記憶」,建議學生平常要學會如何在心中貯存各種情緒,當要演出時,立刻能將其和劇情聯想,有效地引起所需的反應,情緒能增長演出的動作,動作也能促進情緒的產生,但演員必須切記和所要運用的經驗保持距離。
接著老師邀請六位學長一起上台,介紹『大合唱』,一人一故事劇場多元聲集的表演形式,演出『爸爸,我愛你』,第一次老師請同學使用簡單的字句,表演大合唱,學員們一起向前走,有動作,有聲音,再加上身體一部位的接觸,移動中每個成員輪流當帶領者與跟隨者(大合唱成員如同一只變形蟲一般 )。大合唱讓我想起希臘的歌隊,一個由眾人組成的有機體,能呼吸,有一個中心及延伸的四肢,像一個細胞能隨著四週的狀況,改變自己的形狀。歌隊通常由七至十五人組成,扮演的是敍事者和評論者的角色。
大合唱學員們的共同情緒感受,一次由一人說出情緒感受,其他組員要跟上,一起說出相同的話。每個人都可以表達感受,但要靠默契協調, 練習不停頓、不重疊、不搶話。說的話要簡短,說話速度不要太快。共同情境的情緒感受以肢體及語言表達,彼此有一體的感覺。一人開始表演,其他成員跟著做,直到下一個人的表演加上來,所有成員要有默契。
由於五月一日(星期二)勞動節放假,文山一人一故事實驗劇團也跟著停課。今天是一人一故事第四堂課,隔了二個星期沒上課,對於才入團一個月的我,一人一故事到底是啥呀,好像全忘光了!教室放簽到簿的桌上,看到一人一故事實驗劇團Playback 公演海報,哇塞!真是不敢相信,月底就要披掛上陣啦!由於大部分舊團員已經參加過二次的公演,當然是老神在在,我雖是新團員,但也懷著「初生之襩,不畏虎」的精神,一想到能夠增加人生舞台的體驗,當然應該勇往直前啦!
今天負責扮演樂師的團員,表現可圈可點,每組三句話表演結束後,指導老師都對樂師大表讚許,我也特別注意樂師極力與演員配合,即興製作音樂, 希望下次我也有練習的機會,才能熟能生巧呀!
『門』一人一故事實驗劇團Playback 公演。Playback劇場,中譯『一人一故事』,藉現場台下觀眾的故事分享,由演員即興表演,將故事呈現。
開門關門進進出出之間,我在哪裡? 我在做什麼?
門與門之間的故事 串起你我的回憶
由於我的故事情緒起伏不大,指導老師建議同學,先以流動塑像表達,再試著以轉型塑像表達,最後老師邀請舊團員表演拼貼。拼貼是Collage,也是 Scenes V Narrative,以數名演員排列成V字型,並且輪番上陣,以不同的角度及觀點陳述故事,演員可以獨白,或以雙人組,或是成群表演,但一定要有人留守營地,可以接力演出,保持V型隊型。最後指導老師以『超越門界』為我的故事定名。第一次當teller,體會到別人表演『自己的故事』的感受及感動。從別人的眼中及行動中,重新看到自己,並得以客觀檢視自己的行為及想法,讓自己的生活劇本,透過其他溟員在舞台上重現。當了teller以後,更能感受PT對teller的意義,也督促自己更努力了解teller的內心世界,幫助演出夥伴、幫助觀眾、幫助teller、也幫助自己。
今天上課結束前,初次彩排一人一故事公演,首先是序幕(Prologue)我們的故事,演員的自我介紹,以『門』為主題,接著團員以一人一故事的形式呈現,讓觀眾充分了解一人一故事的來龍去脈及藝術特質,接著鼓勵來賓上台談談社區中活生生上演的故事,並分享個人的生命旅程。尾聲(Epilogue)將以伍思凱/優客李林的『有夢有朋友』,贈送給參加一人一故事公演的來賓 們!
夜將來臨 心靈黯淡時光 那一盞燈 最早為你點亮
當黎明時分 回首長夜漫漫 那一顆星 堅持陪你一晚
在難免有風有雨人生長路上 因為你我會變得更堅強
夢想在左手 朋友是右手 未來才會變得有看頭
軟弱的時候 我不會低頭 多麼幸運和你一起走
有夢有朋友 有汗有笑有淚滴 都會是一生溫暖的回憶
明天的天空 因為有夢有朋友 心靈的翅膀才能飛得久
有夢有朋友 有笑有淚滴 將是我們溫暖的回憶
談到即興表演,讓人想到十六世紀的義大利即興喜劇(Commedia dell'arte all'improvviso,英譯為comedy of the craft of improvisation)。即興表演沒有劇本,沒有戲服或道具,沒有角色和年齡的限制,憑藉豐富的想像力,表演任何角色與場景,展現劇場的無限可能。一人一故事的即興表演,以同理心為出發點,演員們使用台詞及/或肢體,輔以色布及椅子為道具,真實地將現場來賓的生活故事搬上舞台。
【活動日期】 101年8月18日2:00pm 至8月19日3:00pm
【主辦單位】 花天久地劇團&遊戲基地劇團
【活動地點】 花蓮國軍英雄館(花蓮市花崗街56號)
【活動內容】 主題發表、小型工作坊、Playback大匯演、團隊交流演出、Playback園遊會等精采內容正在籌劃中喔!
【報名費用】 每人收1800元(包括住宿、餐費、活動費、場地費、保險費等)。
我一馬當先,先坐上灰布板凳,表明自己除了繼續上課外,還要參加八月在花蓮舉行的全國一人一故事研習營(TGA3 2012),明年希望有機會到新加坡及紐約取經,未來計畫在新店創立老人一人一故事劇團;接著橘布板凳的提問,我請問團員是否願意跟我一起到花蓮去進修,結果在指導老師的登高一呼下,有三位團員表示願意同行,我們四人幫可在東海岸窩在一起,與來自全國四面八方的同好一起Playback大匯演,與其他一人一故事的團隊經驗交流,觀摩及學習即興表演;最後坐上綠布板凳,當然是滿心喜悅,在過去二個月學到許多一人一故事的表演技巧,並且認識社區內許多興趣相同的好朋友。
中場休息時,有團員問我未來在新店地區創立老人一人一故事劇團的動機,其實我的想法很單純,就是想聽老人們說故事,口述歷史,至於老人表演故事的部分,也可藉機會訓練老人的傾聽能力及短期記憶,老人一人一故事劇團主要到老人院去聽故事、去演故事,大家一起玩遊戲,活出回憶,分享黃金歲月。What's good abut the playback theater, it's about the playback of the collective memories of people around us!
下課後,拿到文山婦女中心退回的保證金新台幣一千元,我為自己拍拍手,八堂課一人一故事的課我全勤,從未遲到早退,下星期二上午還有一堂免費的課程,暑假期間還有二堂暖身課程,再加上八月去花蓮大會師,今年的暑假將很playback theater !
今天的敘述者V只開了頭,上午十一點就接到官方通知停班停課,只得草草收場回家。好在及時搞定班上四名團員報名參加八月十八及十九日在花蓮舉辦的第三屆全國一人一故事夏令營TPG3 playback的豐年祭-基花潛力運動會。
文山婦女團代表四名學員(李向慈、鄭潤梅、陳素瓊、賴苑蓉),是吊車尾報上名的,從七月份報名以來,我們四人幫既期待又興奮,除可到花蓮旅遊外,也可以認識許多playbackers(盒子、知了、這一團、仲花枝玩、南飛、風子、高雄、遊基、一一、女巫、有你、新加坡、中部、你說我演、OOPS 、光腳、左手香)。由於時間緊湊,我們沒有在全國同胞面前宣傳我們團隊,下次一定準備週全,並攜帶文山包種茶,請大家品嚐啦!
8/18下午TPG3五場工作坊,包括:1 蘇慶元(知了) 的象徵的身體,以工作坊的方式,來探索不同層次應用身體的方式, 期盼能夠創作不同的表演思考方式;2 孔胖(一一擬爾、風子) 的塔羅貝克2.0,結合塔羅牌與playback的實驗,使用象徵與直覺來增進playback的演出;3 李志強(你說我演) 的發現故事核心的三種層次,參與者將體驗如何透過故事的本身,從說故事人所表達的語言、情緒以及能量模式,發現「故事的核心」;4 林宗緯、曾靖雯(南飛‧嚼事)的大家一起來失ㄕㄥ!,沒有滔滔不絕,沒有大呼小叫,當嘴巴休假去,我們如何互動、表達、聆聽、演出playback?;5 陳正一(仲花枝玩)的旅行X一人一故事劇場,一人一故事劇場人需要豐厚的生命經驗與體悟,而旅行是接觸不同風俗文化、擴展個人視野、體驗生命的絕佳方法,當兩者相遇了會有什麼火花?
8/19早上TPG3五場工作坊,包括:1 高伃貞(知了)的主持人,學習如何主持,一起思考主持人的認知,演出的前中後需要注意的事項和訪問的形式;2 趙懷玉(一一擬爾)的Welcome to火星,介紹即興劇中火星話相關遊戲,接受點子與提供點子,與伙伴一起即興創創作;3 喬色分(一一擬爾) 的走過創傷與美好,光腳的愛麗絲團體帶領經驗分享;4 蔡莉莉Anne(Tapestry Playback Theatre) 的形式的選擇與適應,探討四元素,一頁頁和調色板(流動塑像進化後的形式);5 陳志軒(知了) 的論文發表「進步或保守:一人一故事於社會議題演出中的侷限」,試圖透過對一人一故事演出的重新檢視,探索一人一故事劇場做為「社會實踐」及行動的可能性,並進一步提出「批判性」的社會議題演出所需要突破的限制,以及重新定義在演出過程中主持人及演員的主體內涵。
第三屆Playback台灣聚會,除了工作坊外,還會有Playback園遊會、Playback運動會、Playback營火晚會、Play&Back閉幕會。有些playbackers 已經提前一星期進駐國軍英雄館 館,走遍花蓮的大街小巷,並且利用機會與花蓮的團隊交流。文山婦女團住國軍英雄館房號517,左右鄰居都非常High,但是我們都已玩累到不行了,無法同樂!最後再次感謝主辦單位的精心規劃,文山婦女團員的相互扶持,為第三屆全國一人一故事夏令營留下美好的回憶!
一人一故事強調演員的同理心,保持開放的心態傾聽teller 內在的心聲,切忌驕傲和懶惰,不能從teller收到片面的信號,沒有探索還未接收到的信號,就枉然導出主題或要點,只作了部分的觀察,得出不成熟的詮釋。敘事者V頭在選擇故事時,應注意避免使用teller的故事的場景,以達到以第三人稱寓言敘事的效果,說明teller如何追尋理想,或是面臨困境,尋求解答,滿足teller想要傳達的「意義與目的」。
今天的一人一故事主題是「記憶」,首先學員分組,每組四人,討論一段美好的回憶。接著大家練習「自由發揮Free Form」,台上有四名演員,由說故事的人負責選角,指定二名演員分飾主角及配角,其他二至三名演員為忍者。忍者的角色為多功能,可以是人,可以是物件,可以是抽象的想法,可以是環境或氣氛。我們三組分別演出一位學員的兒時記憶,姐妹倆在大學時代,在南部老家的蔗田裡,搭著小火車,與司機一起拍照,學開火車的記憶。我分享的是結婚戒指的故事,從二十多年前買戒指到今天的夫妻生活。
青澀的歲月 陳以生
還剩多少時光 還有多少彷徨 现在未来交叉 伴随着挣扎
點燃心中火花 燃盡所有牽掛 即使天雨路滑 也不會害怕
我背起行囊 我回顧以前的荒唐 喔 怎能遺忘
這夏夜的晚風 吹進我心田 有點滴傷悲
那青澀的歲月 永遠不後悔 我依然選擇這一切
If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas. ~ George Bernard Shaw (1856 7 26–1950 11 2)
今天上午在家努力K了一人一故事劇場創始人Jo Salas所著「即興真實人生(improvising real life)」,希望晚上參加譯者李志強先生導讀的讀書會時,不致於一問三不知。
接著,我們圍成一圈,志強給我們每人一張玩具紙鈔,讓我們玩換錢的遊戲,接著大家在紙鈔的背面寫下自己對一人一故事的問題,然後大家交接寫上問題的紙鈔,志強詢問大家交換玩具紙鈔及寫上問題的紙鈔的不同感受,接著志強分享愛爾蘭劇作家蕭伯納 (George Bernard Shaw) 對集思廣益的看法,點出一人一故事的精神。<你和我各有一個蘋果,如果我們交換蘋果的話,我們還是祇有一個蘋果。但當你和我各有一個想法,我們交換想法的話,我們就都有兩個想法了。原文:"If you have an apple and I have an apple, and we exchange apples, we both still only have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea, and we exchange ideas, we each now have two ideas. ">
我很高興參加了「如何建立一人一故事的夢幻團隊」小組,因為解答就在即興真實人生第九章及第十章,好巧不巧參加讀書會前,我只讀完第八章,今晚的讀書會等於讓我讀完了Jo Salas所著的即興真實人生,並與十二位一人一故事劇場人交換心得想法,真是滿載而歸。
, 流動塑像 , 轉型塑像
, 三句話
, 三段落
, 一對對
, 自由發揮
, 拼貼 等
最近迷上了演戲,從今年三月份加入 Tellus劇團 開始,每個週末都積極排戲,為的是能掌握五月底預定推出的皮蘭德婁 (Luigi Pirandello)的『六個尋找作者的劇中人six characters in search of an author』的戲碼,現在每天除專心研讀劇團導演推薦的世界知名劇作外,也勤跑圖書館,借閱許多文學巨作及劇場表演的書籍,好像準備明年要上戲劇研究所一樣。
今天上午報名參加台北市文山婦女暨家庭服務中心「戲劇與遊戲—一人一故事團體」工作坊,每週二上午九點半到十二點,一共八週,外加一場對外演出,看來二○一二年將會是我引以為傲的戲劇之年(year of the theater)。
接著進入主題,帶領者引導學員一同體驗「一人一故事」的表演,以四人組流動塑像(Fluid Sculpture)的表演方式重述說故事者的心聲,過程中重視每個人的生命經驗與故事,學員在分享故事、聽故事與表達故事的過程中可以提升傾聽、同理心、自我認知、尊重與表達的能力。
一人一故事劇場(Playback Theatre)是一種即興真實人生(Improvising Real Life)的劇場,重視分享、自發、參與及互動,由美國的Johanthan Fox所創立,結合了原住民的儀式、心理劇、劇場的元素,被運用在社區的凝聚以及學校的教育。劇場的基本佈置,包括左手邊陳列各種顏色的布,可以演出者當道具;右手邊是各式各樣的樂器,可供演出者提供背景音樂,並設定節奏。
知名表演教師Uta Hagen所著Respect for Acting中曾提到「情緒記憶」,建議學生平常要學會如何在心中貯存各種情緒,當要演出時,立刻能將其和劇情聯想,有效地引起所需的反應,情緒能增長演出的動作,動作也能促進情緒的產生,但演員必須切記和所要運用的經驗保持距離。
接著老師邀請六位學長一起上台,介紹『大合唱』,一人一故事劇場多元聲集的表演形式,演出『爸爸,我愛你』,第一次老師請同學使用簡單的字句,表演大合唱,學員們一起向前走,有動作,有聲音,再加上身體一部位的接觸,移動中每個成員輪流當帶領者與跟隨者(大合唱成員如同一只變形蟲一般 )。大合唱讓我想起希臘的歌隊,一個由眾人組成的有機體,能呼吸,有一個中心及延伸的四肢,像一個細胞能隨著四週的狀況,改變自己的形狀。歌隊通常由七至十五人組成,扮演的是敍事者和評論者的角色。
大合唱學員們的共同情緒感受,一次由一人說出情緒感受,其他組員要跟上,一起說出相同的話。每個人都可以表達感受,但要靠默契協調, 練習不停頓、不重疊、不搶話。說的話要簡短,說話速度不要太快。共同情境的情緒感受以肢體及語言表達,彼此有一體的感覺。一人開始表演,其他成員跟著做,直到下一個人的表演加上來,所有成員要有默契。
由於五月一日(星期二)勞動節放假,文山一人一故事實驗劇團也跟著停課。今天是一人一故事第四堂課,隔了二個星期沒上課,對於才入團一個月的我,一人一故事到底是啥呀,好像全忘光了!教室放簽到簿的桌上,看到一人一故事實驗劇團Playback 公演海報,哇塞!真是不敢相信,月底就要披掛上陣啦!由於大部分舊團員已經參加過二次的公演,當然是老神在在,我雖是新團員,但也懷著「初生之襩,不畏虎」的精神,一想到能夠增加人生舞台的體驗,當然應該勇往直前啦!
今天負責扮演樂師的團員,表現可圈可點,每組三句話表演結束後,指導老師都對樂師大表讚許,我也特別注意樂師極力與演員配合,即興製作音樂, 希望下次我也有練習的機會,才能熟能生巧呀!
『門』一人一故事實驗劇團Playback 公演。Playback劇場,中譯『一人一故事』,藉現場台下觀眾的故事分享,由演員即興表演,將故事呈現。
開門關門進進出出之間,我在哪裡? 我在做什麼?
門與門之間的故事 串起你我的回憶
由於我的故事情緒起伏不大,指導老師建議同學,先以流動塑像表達,再試著以轉型塑像表達,最後老師邀請舊團員表演拼貼。拼貼是Collage,也是 Scenes V Narrative,以數名演員排列成V字型,並且輪番上陣,以不同的角度及觀點陳述故事,演員可以獨白,或以雙人組,或是成群表演,但一定要有人留守營地,可以接力演出,保持V型隊型。最後指導老師以『超越門界』為我的故事定名。第一次當teller,體會到別人表演『自己的故事』的感受及感動。從別人的眼中及行動中,重新看到自己,並得以客觀檢視自己的行為及想法,讓自己的生活劇本,透過其他溟員在舞台上重現。當了teller以後,更能感受PT對teller的意義,也督促自己更努力了解teller的內心世界,幫助演出夥伴、幫助觀眾、幫助teller、也幫助自己。
當黎明時分 回首長夜漫漫 那一顆星 堅持陪你一晚
在難免有風有雨人生長路上 因為你我會變得更堅強
夢想在左手 朋友是右手 未來才會變得有看頭
軟弱的時候 我不會低頭 多麼幸運和你一起走
有夢有朋友 有汗有笑有淚滴 都會是一生溫暖的回憶
明天的天空 因為有夢有朋友 心靈的翅膀才能飛得久
有夢有朋友 有笑有淚滴 將是我們溫暖的回憶
談到即興表演,讓人想到十六世紀的義大利即興喜劇(Commedia dell'arte all'improvviso,英譯為comedy of the craft of improvisation)。即興表演沒有劇本,沒有戲服或道具,沒有角色和年齡的限制,憑藉豐富的想像力,表演任何角色與場景,展現劇場的無限可能。一人一故事的即興表演,以同理心為出發點,演員們使用台詞及/或肢體,輔以色布及椅子為道具,真實地將現場來賓的生活故事搬上舞台。
【活動地點】 花蓮國軍英雄館(花蓮市花崗街56號)
【活動內容】 主題發表、小型工作坊、Playback大匯演、團隊交流演出、Playback園遊會等精采內容正在籌劃中喔!
【報名費用】 每人收1800元(包括住宿、餐費、活動費、場地費、保險費等)。
我一馬當先,先坐上灰布板凳,表明自己除了繼續上課外,還要參加八月在花蓮舉行的全國一人一故事研習營(TGA3 2012),明年希望有機會到新加坡及紐約取經,未來計畫在新店創立老人一人一故事劇團;接著橘布板凳的提問,我請問團員是否願意跟我一起到花蓮去進修,結果在指導老師的登高一呼下,有三位團員表示願意同行,我們四人幫可在東海岸窩在一起,與來自全國四面八方的同好一起Playback大匯演,與其他一人一故事的團隊經驗交流,觀摩及學習即興表演;最後坐上綠布板凳,當然是滿心喜悅,在過去二個月學到許多一人一故事的表演技巧,並且認識社區內許多興趣相同的好朋友。
中場休息時,有團員問我未來在新店地區創立老人一人一故事劇團的動機,其實我的想法很單純,就是想聽老人們說故事,口述歷史,至於老人表演故事的部分,也可藉機會訓練老人的傾聽能力及短期記憶,老人一人一故事劇團主要到老人院去聽故事、去演故事,大家一起玩遊戲,活出回憶,分享黃金歲月。What's good abut the playback theater, it's about the playback of the collective memories of people around us!
下課後,拿到文山婦女中心退回的保證金新台幣一千元,我為自己拍拍手,八堂課一人一故事的課我全勤,從未遲到早退,下星期二上午還有一堂免費的課程,暑假期間還有二堂暖身課程,再加上八月去花蓮大會師,今年的暑假將很playback theater
今天的敘述者V只開了頭,上午十一點就接到官方通知停班停課,只得草草收場回家。好在及時搞定班上四名團員報名參加八月十八及十九日在花蓮舉辦的第三屆全國一人一故事夏令營TPG3 playback的豐年祭-基花潛力運動會。
文山婦女團代表四名學員(李向慈、鄭潤梅、陳素瓊、賴苑蓉),是吊車尾報上名的,從七月份報名以來,我們四人幫既期待又興奮,除可到花蓮旅遊外,也可以認識許多playbackers(盒子、知了、這一團、仲花枝玩、南飛、風子、高雄、遊基、一一、女巫、有你、新加坡、中部、你說我演、OOPS 、光腳、左手香)。由於時間緊湊,我們沒有在全國同胞面前宣傳我們團隊,下次一定準備週全,並攜帶文山包種茶,請大家品嚐啦!
8/18下午TPG3五場工作坊,包括:1 蘇慶元(知了) 的象徵的身體,以工作坊的方式,來探索不同層次應用身體的方式, 期盼能夠創作不同的表演思考方式;2 孔胖(一一擬爾、風子) 的塔羅貝克2.0,結合塔羅牌與playback的實驗,使用象徵與直覺來增進playback的演出;3 李志強(你說我演) 的發現故事核心的三種層次,參與者將體驗如何透過故事的本身,從說故事人所表達的語言、情緒以及能量模式,發現「故事的核心」;4 林宗緯、曾靖雯(南飛‧嚼事)的大家一起來失ㄕㄥ!,沒有滔滔不絕,沒有大呼小叫,當嘴巴休假去,我們如何互動、表達、聆聽、演出playback?;5 陳正一(仲花枝玩)的旅行X一人一故事劇場,一人一故事劇場人需要豐厚的生命經驗與體悟,而旅行是接觸不同風俗文化、擴展個人視野、體驗生命的絕佳方法,當兩者相遇了會有什麼火花?
8/19早上TPG3五場工作坊,包括:1 高伃貞(知了)的主持人,學習如何主持,一起思考主持人的認知,演出的前中後需要注意的事項和訪問的形式;2 趙懷玉(一一擬爾)的Welcome to火星,介紹即興劇中火星話相關遊戲,接受點子與提供點子,與伙伴一起即興創創作;3 喬色分(一一擬爾) 的走過創傷與美好,光腳的愛麗絲團體帶領經驗分享;4 蔡莉莉Anne(Tapestry Playback Theatre) 的形式的選擇與適應,探討四元素,一頁頁和調色板(流動塑像進化後的形式);5 陳志軒(知了) 的論文發表「進步或保守:一人一故事於社會議題演出中的侷限」,試圖透過對一人一故事演出的重新檢視,探索一人一故事劇場做為「社會實踐」及行動的可能性,並進一步提出「批判性」的社會議題演出所需要突破的限制,以及重新定義在演出過程中主持人及演員的主體內涵。
第三屆Playback台灣聚會,除了工作坊外,還會有Playback園遊會、Playback運動會、Playback營火晚會、Play&Back閉幕會。有些playbackers 已經提前一星期進駐國軍英雄館 館,走遍花蓮的大街小巷,並且利用機會與花蓮的團隊交流。文山婦女團住國軍英雄館房號517,左右鄰居都非常High,但是我們都已玩累到不行了,無法同樂!最後再次感謝主辦單位的精心規劃,文山婦女團員的相互扶持,為第三屆全國一人一故事夏令營留下美好的回憶!
一人一故事強調演員的同理心,保持開放的心態傾聽teller 內在的心聲,切忌驕傲和懶惰,不能從teller收到片面的信號,沒有探索還未接收到的信號,就枉然導出主題或要點,只作了部分的觀察,得出不成熟的詮釋。敘事者V頭在選擇故事時,應注意避免使用teller的故事的場景,以達到以第三人稱寓言敘事的效果,說明teller如何追尋理想,或是面臨困境,尋求解答,滿足teller想要傳達的「意義與目的」。
今天的一人一故事主題是「記憶」,首先學員分組,每組四人,討論一段美好的回憶。接著大家練習「自由發揮Free Form」,台上有四名演員,由說故事的人負責選角,指定二名演員分飾主角及配角,其他二至三名演員為忍者。忍者的角色為多功能,可以是人,可以是物件,可以是抽象的想法,可以是環境或氣氛。我們三組分別演出一位學員的兒時記憶,姐妹倆在大學時代,在南部老家的蔗田裡,搭著小火車,與司機一起拍照,學開火車的記憶。我分享的是結婚戒指的故事,從二十多年前買戒指到今天的夫妻生活。
點燃心中火花 燃盡所有牽掛 即使天雨路滑 也不會害怕
我背起行囊 我回顧以前的荒唐 喔 怎能遺忘
這夏夜的晚風 吹進我心田 有點滴傷悲
那青澀的歲月 永遠不後悔 我依然選擇這一切
今天上午在家努力K了一人一故事劇場創始人Jo Salas所著「即興真實人生(improvising real life)」,希望晚上參加譯者李志強先生導讀的讀書會時,不致於一問三不知。
接著,我們圍成一圈,志強給我們每人一張玩具紙鈔,讓我們玩換錢的遊戲,接著大家在紙鈔的背面寫下自己對一人一故事的問題,然後大家交接寫上問題的紙鈔,志強詢問大家交換玩具紙鈔及寫上問題的紙鈔的不同感受,接著志強分享愛爾蘭劇作家蕭伯納 (George Bernard Shaw) 對集思廣益的看法,點出一人一故事的精神。<你和我各有一個蘋果,如果我們交換蘋果的話,我們還是祇有一個蘋果。但當你和我各有一個想法,我們交換想法的話,我們就都有兩個想法了。原文:"If you have an apple and I have an apple, and we exchange apples, we both still only have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea, and we exchange ideas, we each now have two ideas. ">
我很高興參加了「如何建立一人一故事的夢幻團隊」小組,因為解答就在即興真實人生第九章及第十章,好巧不巧參加讀書會前,我只讀完第八章,今晚的讀書會等於讓我讀完了Jo Salas所著的即興真實人生,並與十二位一人一故事劇場人交換心得想法,真是滿載而歸。
プレイバックシアターを上演する主な形式としてパフォーマンスとワークショップがある。 いずれの場合も基本要素となるものは観客、テラー、コンダクター、アクター、ミュージシャンそして舞台空間である。 舞台空間には、観客からストーリーを募り、インタビューするコンダクター、それを演じるアクター、ミュージシャンが存在している。
プレイバックシアターを上演する主な形式としてパフォーマンスとワークショップがある。 いずれの場合も基本要素となるものは観客、テラー、コンダクター、アクター、ミュージシャンそして舞台空間である。 舞台空間には、観客からストーリーを募り、インタビューするコンダクター、それを演じるアクター、ミュージシャンが存在している。
My Robot Husband--C4
"Honey, I'm home," I opened the door. A pair of slippers were in front of me with my loyal robot husband bowing to me on his knees. "Welcome home, sweetheart," said my husband.
Fellow Toastmasters, good afternoon! Are you happily married? Do you want to be happily married? Joy shared is twice the joy! Today, I want to tell you the secret of my marriage. Firstly, let's hear what my husband has to say!
My name is ROBOT, an acronym for really outstanding boy of technology, entertainment, design. It should be Robo TED, or Roboted. I don't want to be the past tense. Just call me Robot! I am programmed and empowered by my Master Sherry, or shall I say my Mistress Sherry. She took me home, married me, and has made me who I am now. We were happily married after love at the first sight.
During the first tenty years, I was programed to perform two functions, to make money and to make love. During the day, I worked for challenging jobs with precision and accuracy with good pay. At night, "When the night has come, and the land is dark, and the moon is the only light we'll see. No I won't be afraid, no I won't be afraid, just as long as you stand, stand by me." Sherry was a frenetic Toastmaster. She was so much into leadership. So she led in bed, I followed. She was satisfied, I was happy.
Ten years ago, Sherry decided to reprogram me. She switched the love making funtion to peace making. She is still a frenetic Toastmaster, but much more interested in communication. At night, we practice in bed, "I love you. Ich liebe dish. Je t'aime", only oral, no body languages.
As for the future, I don't know when Mistress Sherry will reprogram me, but I certainly look forward to whatever she bestows upon me. Maybe I can regain my functions of musculinity, I keep my fingers crossed! Thank you for having me here!
I was single and fun loving. One midnight I was on my way home after a crazy party, suddenly out of the blue, I found a blue creature along the road. I was given a map. Before I took any action, I found myself in front of a warehouse full of robots. They all looked at me in their pleading eyes, take me home. I found one at the corner. We pledged our love and kissed each other on the spot.
Given the fact that my encounter with my robot husband was a stoke of luck, I enjoy our intimate, nurturing, lengthy relationship. No in-laws, no two timers, no jealousy, no betrayal are between us, only 1 and 0. From I to We, I know myself better through my robot husband, the ture reflection of myself in him. I cherish the precious gadget of artificial intelligence, breakfast in bed, handy at housekeeping, no talking back. And I am happier each and everyday!
Robert Frost said, two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference. It applys to the marriage life of me and my robot husband. Robot or not, happy marriage is about self-awareness and personal growth to take a chance, to achieve a goal, and to make a difference. So, be happy, be a happy better half to a human or to a robot! Contest Master!
Fellow Toastmasters, good afternoon! Are you happily married? Do you want to be happily married? Joy shared is twice the joy! Today, I want to tell you the secret of my marriage. Firstly, let's hear what my husband has to say!
My name is ROBOT, an acronym for really outstanding boy of technology, entertainment, design. It should be Robo TED, or Roboted. I don't want to be the past tense. Just call me Robot! I am programmed and empowered by my Master Sherry, or shall I say my Mistress Sherry. She took me home, married me, and has made me who I am now. We were happily married after love at the first sight.
During the first tenty years, I was programed to perform two functions, to make money and to make love. During the day, I worked for challenging jobs with precision and accuracy with good pay. At night, "When the night has come, and the land is dark, and the moon is the only light we'll see. No I won't be afraid, no I won't be afraid, just as long as you stand, stand by me." Sherry was a frenetic Toastmaster. She was so much into leadership. So she led in bed, I followed. She was satisfied, I was happy.
Ten years ago, Sherry decided to reprogram me. She switched the love making funtion to peace making. She is still a frenetic Toastmaster, but much more interested in communication. At night, we practice in bed, "I love you. Ich liebe dish. Je t'aime", only oral, no body languages.
As for the future, I don't know when Mistress Sherry will reprogram me, but I certainly look forward to whatever she bestows upon me. Maybe I can regain my functions of musculinity, I keep my fingers crossed! Thank you for having me here!
I was single and fun loving. One midnight I was on my way home after a crazy party, suddenly out of the blue, I found a blue creature along the road. I was given a map. Before I took any action, I found myself in front of a warehouse full of robots. They all looked at me in their pleading eyes, take me home. I found one at the corner. We pledged our love and kissed each other on the spot.
Given the fact that my encounter with my robot husband was a stoke of luck, I enjoy our intimate, nurturing, lengthy relationship. No in-laws, no two timers, no jealousy, no betrayal are between us, only 1 and 0. From I to We, I know myself better through my robot husband, the ture reflection of myself in him. I cherish the precious gadget of artificial intelligence, breakfast in bed, handy at housekeeping, no talking back. And I am happier each and everyday!
Robert Frost said, two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference. It applys to the marriage life of me and my robot husband. Robot or not, happy marriage is about self-awareness and personal growth to take a chance, to achieve a goal, and to make a difference. So, be happy, be a happy better half to a human or to a robot! Contest Master!
Taiwan BioBank--C2
Fellow Toastmasters and friends, Good Afternoon!
Welcome and thank you for your interest in Taiwan BioBank, a research project sponsored by Taiwan Academia Sinica to look into the future. This project has by far been the biggest and longest project, a 5-year research project from 2012-2017 to include 200,000 volunteers.
In Taiwan, we are now challenged with more and more citizens with chronic diseases, such as cancers, cardiovascular dieases, diabetes. It is important that we know how to prevent the diseases and to detect the dieases at early stages. With the genes pool of 200,000 volunteers in Taiwan, scientists and doctors can conduct researches and made predictions to help Taiwanese citizens stay healthy!
We are Homo sapiens, by our appreances, yes! In fact, we are coded in our genes, from our parents! A gene is a segment of DNA that encodes biological function. DNA, Deoxyribonucleic acid, stores biological information. The double helix DNA strands have four nucleobases, cytosine (C), guanine (G), adenine (A), or thymine (T), with the base pairing rules (A with T, and C with G) two separate polynucleotide strands to make double-stranded DNA. DNA strands work as a template RNA strand (guanine, uracil, adenine, and cytosine), then translate to specify the sequence of amino acids.
Charles Darwin published his theory of evolution in his 1859 book On the Origin of Species and later introduced basic mechanism of evolution through natural selection resulting in the diversity of life. The first human appeared 70 thousands years ago in Africa. Throughout years, the genes mutated to fit the environment and to cause diseases.
Angelina Jolie, one of the most beautiful women on earth, made a choice to remove both of her breasts and ovaries at age of 39, because the blood test revealed that she carried a mutation in the gene and gave her an estimated 87 percent risk of breast cancer and a 50 percent risk of ovarian cancer. She lost her mother, grandmother and aunt to cancer. She took the preventive measures with the knowledge of her genes.
At the moment, there are genes pools in Iceland, England, Japan, Estonia, US, Germany, and Canada. I welcome you to join Taiwan genes pool, if you age is between 30 and 70. Angelina can't join Taiwan genes pool, because she is not a Taiwanese and she was diagnosed with cancers. After you join Taiwan BioBank, your blood will be tested and you will be offered a gift of NT$500 Family Mark Coupon!
Please rise, extend both hands to reach out to your neighbors! Let's join hands to build a healthy society by pooling our genes together. You and I can help ourselves and our future generations detect and treat the diseases at early stages, if not to prevent the diseases! Now, please be seated!
Thank you again for having me here and I look forward to your participation in Taiwan Biobank, Toastmaster of the Day!
Welcome and thank you for your interest in Taiwan BioBank, a research project sponsored by Taiwan Academia Sinica to look into the future. This project has by far been the biggest and longest project, a 5-year research project from 2012-2017 to include 200,000 volunteers.
In Taiwan, we are now challenged with more and more citizens with chronic diseases, such as cancers, cardiovascular dieases, diabetes. It is important that we know how to prevent the diseases and to detect the dieases at early stages. With the genes pool of 200,000 volunteers in Taiwan, scientists and doctors can conduct researches and made predictions to help Taiwanese citizens stay healthy!
We are Homo sapiens, by our appreances, yes! In fact, we are coded in our genes, from our parents! A gene is a segment of DNA that encodes biological function. DNA, Deoxyribonucleic acid, stores biological information. The double helix DNA strands have four nucleobases, cytosine (C), guanine (G), adenine (A), or thymine (T), with the base pairing rules (A with T, and C with G) two separate polynucleotide strands to make double-stranded DNA. DNA strands work as a template RNA strand (guanine, uracil, adenine, and cytosine), then translate to specify the sequence of amino acids.
Charles Darwin published his theory of evolution in his 1859 book On the Origin of Species and later introduced basic mechanism of evolution through natural selection resulting in the diversity of life. The first human appeared 70 thousands years ago in Africa. Throughout years, the genes mutated to fit the environment and to cause diseases.
Angelina Jolie, one of the most beautiful women on earth, made a choice to remove both of her breasts and ovaries at age of 39, because the blood test revealed that she carried a mutation in the gene and gave her an estimated 87 percent risk of breast cancer and a 50 percent risk of ovarian cancer. She lost her mother, grandmother and aunt to cancer. She took the preventive measures with the knowledge of her genes.
At the moment, there are genes pools in Iceland, England, Japan, Estonia, US, Germany, and Canada. I welcome you to join Taiwan genes pool, if you age is between 30 and 70. Angelina can't join Taiwan genes pool, because she is not a Taiwanese and she was diagnosed with cancers. After you join Taiwan BioBank, your blood will be tested and you will be offered a gift of NT$500 Family Mark Coupon!
Please rise, extend both hands to reach out to your neighbors! Let's join hands to build a healthy society by pooling our genes together. You and I can help ourselves and our future generations detect and treat the diseases at early stages, if not to prevent the diseases! Now, please be seated!
Thank you again for having me here and I look forward to your participation in Taiwan Biobank, Toastmaster of the Day!
Division J Club Officers Training
It was a productive and fruitful Division J Club Officers Training on a rainy Sunday afternoon, July 19th, in terms of Distinguished Club Performance (DCP) and toastmasters networking. Four club officers from MOFA Toastmasters and four club officers from Pacific Toastmasters participated in the training. CDE President Fanny Hsu and I (on behalf of MVP Lucy Wang) represented CDE Toastmasters!
During the group discussion, I joined MVP (Membership Vice President) group to network with many outstanding and enthusiastic MVPs. I like the acronym MVP (Most Valuable Player) in stead of VPM (Vice President Membership)!
Division J is a composed clubs of Mandarin, Taiwanese, Hakka, Japanese. Mandarin is the official language for club officers training. The conclusion of MVP is, as followed, categorized into three targets, how to recruit new members, how to reconnect with inactive members, and how to retain active members.
1. 宣傳單門口告示欄
2. 獎勵現有會員邀請新朋友
3. 熱情主動接待來賓
1. 打電話聯絡感情
2. 重溫舊夢
3. 餐敘聯誼
1. 隨時更新整理會員名單
2. 打氣加油啦啦隊
3. 善用社群 (FB, Line)
After the training, it was raining cats and dogs. I joined District 67 Trio for dinner at a Chiense restaurant 十里安 (literally Ten Miles Safety) with incumbent Division J Director and Immediate Past Division J Governor. What a Sunday of a lot of sweet memories!
During the group discussion, I joined MVP (Membership Vice President) group to network with many outstanding and enthusiastic MVPs. I like the acronym MVP (Most Valuable Player) in stead of VPM (Vice President Membership)!
Division J is a composed clubs of Mandarin, Taiwanese, Hakka, Japanese. Mandarin is the official language for club officers training. The conclusion of MVP is, as followed, categorized into three targets, how to recruit new members, how to reconnect with inactive members, and how to retain active members.
1. 宣傳單門口告示欄
2. 獎勵現有會員邀請新朋友
3. 熱情主動接待來賓
1. 打電話聯絡感情
2. 重溫舊夢
3. 餐敘聯誼
1. 隨時更新整理會員名單
2. 打氣加油啦啦隊
3. 善用社群 (FB, Line)
After the training, it was raining cats and dogs. I joined District 67 Trio for dinner at a Chiense restaurant 十里安 (literally Ten Miles Safety) with incumbent Division J Director and Immediate Past Division J Governor. What a Sunday of a lot of sweet memories!
黄会長は、会議終わりのご挨拶として、「ふるさと」を再び斉唱するよう提議し、うれしい歌声の中、会議が円満にお開きになりました。実りのある一日でした。(トーストマスター ハヤシ・ライス)
旅行と私 林展弘 アイスブレーカスピーチ
外国語を身につけるためにも、旅行は欠かせません。現地の人と触れ合わないとコミュニケーションの能力が身につきません。アメリカにいたとき、ある日電車に乗る前に道の傍らにある屋台でコーヒーを注文しました。すると、How would you like your coffeeと聞かれて戸惑いました。あなたのコーヒー、どう、好きですか、、、。私はしばし考えたあと、I like it very muchと見当違いの返事をしました。ネイティブの人にとっては極日常的な会話ですが、学校では必ずしも学べません。私はあと数日でフランスに旅立ちますが、この一ヶ月間、語学センターの集中講義に参加して、フランス語を猛勉強しています。現地で少しでも使えたらいいなと思います。これからも旅行を通じて自分の視野を広げていきたいと思います。ご清聴ありがとうございました。
ディビジョン J クラブ役員研修会がが7月19日に、無事に行運ばれました。外交部バイリンガルトーストマスターズクラブが四人の役員が出席し、DCP 0.5点を取りました。今年度の予定はDCPゴル9点を目指すつもりです。会員の皆さんは、これから、一緒に頑張りましょう。
会長 黃水益
教育副会長 李向慈
会員副会長 陳信良
広報副会長 林佾靜
秘書長 陳清南
秘書 津村葵
事務長 林展弘
財務長 王林郁翔
前會長 葉嘉華
黄会長は、会議終わりのご挨拶として、「ふるさと」を再び斉唱するよう提議し、うれしい歌声の中、会議が円満にお開きになりました。実りのある一日でした。(トーストマスター ハヤシ・ライス)
旅行と私 林展弘 アイスブレーカスピーチ
外国語を身につけるためにも、旅行は欠かせません。現地の人と触れ合わないとコミュニケーションの能力が身につきません。アメリカにいたとき、ある日電車に乗る前に道の傍らにある屋台でコーヒーを注文しました。すると、How would you like your coffeeと聞かれて戸惑いました。あなたのコーヒー、どう、好きですか、、、。私はしばし考えたあと、I like it very muchと見当違いの返事をしました。ネイティブの人にとっては極日常的な会話ですが、学校では必ずしも学べません。私はあと数日でフランスに旅立ちますが、この一ヶ月間、語学センターの集中講義に参加して、フランス語を猛勉強しています。現地で少しでも使えたらいいなと思います。これからも旅行を通じて自分の視野を広げていきたいと思います。ご清聴ありがとうございました。
ディビジョン J クラブ役員研修会がが7月19日に、無事に行運ばれました。外交部バイリンガルトーストマスターズクラブが四人の役員が出席し、DCP 0.5点を取りました。今年度の予定はDCPゴル9点を目指すつもりです。会員の皆さんは、これから、一緒に頑張りましょう。
会長 黃水益
教育副会長 李向慈
会員副会長 陳信良
広報副会長 林佾靜
秘書長 陳清南
秘書 津村葵
事務長 林展弘
財務長 王林郁翔
前會長 葉嘉華
最後に、今年七月から外交部日本語トーストマスターズクラブの教育担当を務めさせていただき、皆さんと一緒に努力して、 外交部トーストマスターズをよりいっそう優しい学習環境と卓越クラブを作り、プレジデンツディスティングィッシュトクラブを目指しましょう。
最後に、今年七月から外交部日本語トーストマスターズクラブの教育担当を務めさせていただき、皆さんと一緒に努力して、 外交部トーストマスターズをよりいっそう優しい学習環境と卓越クラブを作り、プレジデンツディスティングィッシュトクラブを目指しましょう。
Up the Yangtze
By three methods we can learn wisdom: First by reflection, which is noblest; second by imitation, which is easiese; and third by experience, which is the bitterest. ~ Confucius
I took my first cross-country cruise on Princess with golden ladies last September. It was such a joyful experience, I made it a plan to aboard a cruise every year, preferably with Toastmasters, say to organize a joint Toastmasters meeting between Japan and Taiwan on Princess. While enjoying the delicious food, we could have plenty time toastmastering.
After watching Up the Yangtzu* directed by Yung Chang (張僑勇), I thought I must board Victoria at least once in my life time, to see the beautiful scenery along Yangtzu River--the longest river in China.
I searched on-line immediately to see how many cruise liners running along Yangtzu. Take Victoria Cruises, there are Victoria Anna, Victoria Grace, Victoria Jenna, Victoria Katarina, Victoria Lianna, Victoria Sophia, and Victoria Selina. I like Victoria Sophia the best, firstly, the Victoria Sophia is the flagship for Victoria's upgraded fleet, secondly, the Chinese name of Victoria Sophia is "the Dipper", last but not the least, Up the Yangtzu was filmed on Victoria Sophia!
The old famous three gorges was replaced by modern Three Gorges Dam completed and fully functional as of July 4, 2012. I wonder what Li Bai** (701-762), the Immortal Poet, would say, if he could get on board of the Victoria. I won't see the three gorges of the past for sure, because they are under the water, but I still want to see the three gorges because of Li Bai.
* 沿江而上榮獲二○○八年金馬獎最佳紀錄片。
** 李白 下江陵 "朝辭白帝彩雲間,千里江陵一日還。 兩岸猿聲啼不盡,輕舟已過萬重山。"
I took my first cross-country cruise on Princess with golden ladies last September. It was such a joyful experience, I made it a plan to aboard a cruise every year, preferably with Toastmasters, say to organize a joint Toastmasters meeting between Japan and Taiwan on Princess. While enjoying the delicious food, we could have plenty time toastmastering.
After watching Up the Yangtzu* directed by Yung Chang (張僑勇), I thought I must board Victoria at least once in my life time, to see the beautiful scenery along Yangtzu River--the longest river in China.
I searched on-line immediately to see how many cruise liners running along Yangtzu. Take Victoria Cruises, there are Victoria Anna, Victoria Grace, Victoria Jenna, Victoria Katarina, Victoria Lianna, Victoria Sophia, and Victoria Selina. I like Victoria Sophia the best, firstly, the Victoria Sophia is the flagship for Victoria's upgraded fleet, secondly, the Chinese name of Victoria Sophia is "the Dipper", last but not the least, Up the Yangtzu was filmed on Victoria Sophia!
The old famous three gorges was replaced by modern Three Gorges Dam completed and fully functional as of July 4, 2012. I wonder what Li Bai** (701-762), the Immortal Poet, would say, if he could get on board of the Victoria. I won't see the three gorges of the past for sure, because they are under the water, but I still want to see the three gorges because of Li Bai.
* 沿江而上榮獲二○○八年金馬獎最佳紀錄片。
** 李白 下江陵 "朝辭白帝彩雲間,千里江陵一日還。 兩岸猿聲啼不盡,輕舟已過萬重山。"
Prison Movies and Books
In order to understand more about prisons, officers, and criminals, I’ve watched at least 20 prison movies in the past two month. Some of them are brutual (The Experiment, Law Abiding Citizen), some of them are touching (The Green Mile, The Longest Yard) , some of them are hilarious (Big Stan).
Gridiron Gang is a touching movie, based on a true story about kids at the Camp Kilpatrick, LA County Probation Department. The supervisor and former football player Sean Porter sees the lack of discipline, self-esteem, union and perspective in the teenage interns and proposes to prepare a football team to play in one league to fill their void. With the support of his superiors, he coaches and leads the kids to become mentally tough by playing football together. His successful experience changes the lives of many young kids at the detention center.
True Notebooks: A Writer's Year at Juvenile Hall by Mark Salzman was touching about juvenile delinquents. Mark taught at a writing class for boys at LA’s Central Juvenile Hall in 1977, a lockup for violent teenage offenders, including thoses charged with murders. The redemptive power of writing gives the boys a chance to come to terms with their crime-ridden pasts and searching for a reason to believe in their future selves.
In the US, the juvenile halls are filled with gangsters kids from minorities, black, hispatic, orientals. In a more homogenous society in Taiwan, the kids at detention centers are mainly from broken families. Likewise in the world, quite a few are gangsters kids.
It is a serendipity to know another dimension of the real world through prison volunteers. I felt blissful when I conducted a book reading of True Notebooks at Taipei City Library Wanhua Branch Saturday morning, May 23rd.
Gridiron Gang is a touching movie, based on a true story about kids at the Camp Kilpatrick, LA County Probation Department. The supervisor and former football player Sean Porter sees the lack of discipline, self-esteem, union and perspective in the teenage interns and proposes to prepare a football team to play in one league to fill their void. With the support of his superiors, he coaches and leads the kids to become mentally tough by playing football together. His successful experience changes the lives of many young kids at the detention center.
True Notebooks: A Writer's Year at Juvenile Hall by Mark Salzman was touching about juvenile delinquents. Mark taught at a writing class for boys at LA’s Central Juvenile Hall in 1977, a lockup for violent teenage offenders, including thoses charged with murders. The redemptive power of writing gives the boys a chance to come to terms with their crime-ridden pasts and searching for a reason to believe in their future selves.
In the US, the juvenile halls are filled with gangsters kids from minorities, black, hispatic, orientals. In a more homogenous society in Taiwan, the kids at detention centers are mainly from broken families. Likewise in the world, quite a few are gangsters kids.
It is a serendipity to know another dimension of the real world through prison volunteers. I felt blissful when I conducted a book reading of True Notebooks at Taipei City Library Wanhua Branch Saturday morning, May 23rd.
Make a Difference--Prison Volunteers
In less than a week, Toastmasters from District 67 will hold two consecutive demo meetings in Mandarin for prison officers at Taipei Juvenile Detention Center Monday and Tuesday, June 22nd and 23rd. Hopefully the prison volunteers initiatives will be accepted and recognized by the Ministry of Justice, so that prison volunteers can appy the communication and leadership skills they acquire in Toastmasters to help incarcerated people at juvenile detention centers and prisons in Taiwan. Toastmasters don't give up upon themselves, let alone kids at the centers or on the streets.
For juvenile detention centers in Taiwan, we can adopt Youth Leadership Program and we can charter gavel clubs for juveniles. It is not a dream to organize a speech contest for kids at detention centers if we coach them how to organize their thoughts, control their fears and emotions, face failtures, stand up from where they fall, and eventually gain self-esteem. It would be the ultimate goal to organize a speech contest outside the detention centers to give those who once make a wrong choice in life to turn into winners of their own and prove to the outside world that they are worthy and to win respect from family and friends again.
There are now over 100 juveniles incarcerated at Taipei Juvenile Detention Center. They are dividied into four classes, including one for girls and one for high-risk offenders. Like all juvies around the world, many incarcerated juveniles have mental retardation, learning disabilities, and emotional disturbances. For more information about the surroundings of Taipei Juvenile Detention Center, please see the mircofilm produced by Taipei Juvenile Detention Center.
In American criminal justice systems a youth detention center, also known as a juvenile detention center (JDC), juvenile hall or, more colloquially as juvy, is a secure residential facility for young people, often termed juvenile delinquents, awaiting court hearings and/or placement in long-term care facilities and programs. Juveniles go through a separate court system, the juvenile court, which sentences or commits juveniles to a certain program or facility. There are 120,000 juveniles incarcerated in detention centers across the United States. Upon release, 75% will either retrun to prison or die on the street.
Toastmasters training is proven to reduce recidivism in the US. Let's join hands to help incarcerated juveniles and adults learn communication and leadership skills in Toastmasters and become better persons in the society.
For juvenile detention centers in Taiwan, we can adopt Youth Leadership Program and we can charter gavel clubs for juveniles. It is not a dream to organize a speech contest for kids at detention centers if we coach them how to organize their thoughts, control their fears and emotions, face failtures, stand up from where they fall, and eventually gain self-esteem. It would be the ultimate goal to organize a speech contest outside the detention centers to give those who once make a wrong choice in life to turn into winners of their own and prove to the outside world that they are worthy and to win respect from family and friends again.
There are now over 100 juveniles incarcerated at Taipei Juvenile Detention Center. They are dividied into four classes, including one for girls and one for high-risk offenders. Like all juvies around the world, many incarcerated juveniles have mental retardation, learning disabilities, and emotional disturbances. For more information about the surroundings of Taipei Juvenile Detention Center, please see the mircofilm produced by Taipei Juvenile Detention Center.
In American criminal justice systems a youth detention center, also known as a juvenile detention center (JDC), juvenile hall or, more colloquially as juvy, is a secure residential facility for young people, often termed juvenile delinquents, awaiting court hearings and/or placement in long-term care facilities and programs. Juveniles go through a separate court system, the juvenile court, which sentences or commits juveniles to a certain program or facility. There are 120,000 juveniles incarcerated in detention centers across the United States. Upon release, 75% will either retrun to prison or die on the street.
Toastmasters training is proven to reduce recidivism in the US. Let's join hands to help incarcerated juveniles and adults learn communication and leadership skills in Toastmasters and become better persons in the society.
China Toastmasters Club's 30th Anniversary
Golden ladies were invited to China Toastmasters Club's 30th Anniversary to perform Mamma Mia Parody Saturday evening, June 13th.
MC: We are about to see a grand show by sexy and spicy golden ladies. Please turn on the flash lights of your smart phones. I give you "Mamma Mia Parody".
Lights off~
Daughter (singing from the back of the hall): I have a dream, a song to sing, to help me cope with anything. If you see the wonder of a fairy tale, you can take the future even if you fail. I believe in angels, something good in everything I see (walking on stage). I have a dream, a song to sing!
Lights on~ (Golden standing on stage in position)
Daughter: I'm getting married. Mamma mia is so excited to invite all her best friends to my wedding party. They have a song to sing, Super Trouper.
Mamma Mia and Friends (Singing and Dancing): Super Trouper beams are gonna blind me, but I won't feel blue, like I always do, 'cause somewhere in the crowd there's you. I was sick and tired of everything when I called you last night from Glasgow, all I do is eat and sleep and sing, wishing every show was the last show (Wishing every show was the last show). So imagine I was glad to hear you're coming (Glad to hear you're coming), suddenly I feel all right (And suddenly it's gonna be), and it's gonna be so different when I'm on the stage tonight. Tonight the Super Trouper lights are gonna find me, shining like the sun (Sup-p-per Troup-p-per), smiling, having fun (Sup-p-per Troup-p-per), feeling like a number one. Tonight the Super Trouper beams are gonna blind me, but I won't feel blue (Sup-p-per Troup-p-per) like I always do (Sup-p-per Troup-p-per), 'cause somewhere in the crowd there's you.
Daughter: Yes, I do, I do, I do. I found the secret diary of Mamma Mia. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, five romatic evenings with five gentlemen. (Five gentlemen* with masks on walking on stage) They all want to give me away together. Mamma Mia, I thank you for your love. Please pursue your dream from now on. Let's give a warm round of applause to welcome Mamma Mia to perform Mamma Mia.
Mamma Mia and Friends (Singing and Dancing): I been cheated by you since I don't know when, so I made up my mind, it must come to an end. Look at me now, will I ever learn? I don't know how but I suddenly lose control. There's a fire within my soul. Just one look and I can hear a bell ring. One more look and I forget everything. Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Mamma mia (Daughter and Fathers with masks on clapping hands), here I go again. My my, how can I resist you? Mamma mia (Daughter and Fathers with masks on clapping hands) , does it show again. My my, just how much I've missed you? Yes, I've been brokenhearted, blue since the day we parted. Why, why did I ever let you go? Mamma mia (Daughter and Fathers with masks on clapping hands) , now I really know. My my, I could never let you go.
Ending Pose, Group Photo~
* Originally, Mamma Mia Parody was to mock past District 67 Governors in a funny way, George B.(ush) (Yen), Eric C.(lapton) (Liang), Mike J.(ackson) (Yang), Harry F.(onda) (Fong) would be called upon, but we cancelled the scene to make the show as smoothly as possible. The musical turned out to be a blast with the full support of the audience. The silvery A-Go-Go costumes of the 70's were stunning! Five gentlemen were called upon at the last minute to wear masks to hide their identities. They added much fun and mysteries to make Mamma Mia Parody another memorable and successful performance of golden ladies!
MC: We are about to see a grand show by sexy and spicy golden ladies. Please turn on the flash lights of your smart phones. I give you "Mamma Mia Parody".
Lights off~
Daughter (singing from the back of the hall): I have a dream, a song to sing, to help me cope with anything. If you see the wonder of a fairy tale, you can take the future even if you fail. I believe in angels, something good in everything I see (walking on stage). I have a dream, a song to sing!
Lights on~ (Golden standing on stage in position)
Daughter: I'm getting married. Mamma mia is so excited to invite all her best friends to my wedding party. They have a song to sing, Super Trouper.
Mamma Mia and Friends (Singing and Dancing): Super Trouper beams are gonna blind me, but I won't feel blue, like I always do, 'cause somewhere in the crowd there's you. I was sick and tired of everything when I called you last night from Glasgow, all I do is eat and sleep and sing, wishing every show was the last show (Wishing every show was the last show). So imagine I was glad to hear you're coming (Glad to hear you're coming), suddenly I feel all right (And suddenly it's gonna be), and it's gonna be so different when I'm on the stage tonight. Tonight the Super Trouper lights are gonna find me, shining like the sun (Sup-p-per Troup-p-per), smiling, having fun (Sup-p-per Troup-p-per), feeling like a number one. Tonight the Super Trouper beams are gonna blind me, but I won't feel blue (Sup-p-per Troup-p-per) like I always do (Sup-p-per Troup-p-per), 'cause somewhere in the crowd there's you.
Daughter: Yes, I do, I do, I do. I found the secret diary of Mamma Mia. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, five romatic evenings with five gentlemen. (Five gentlemen* with masks on walking on stage) They all want to give me away together. Mamma Mia, I thank you for your love. Please pursue your dream from now on. Let's give a warm round of applause to welcome Mamma Mia to perform Mamma Mia.
Mamma Mia and Friends (Singing and Dancing): I been cheated by you since I don't know when, so I made up my mind, it must come to an end. Look at me now, will I ever learn? I don't know how but I suddenly lose control. There's a fire within my soul. Just one look and I can hear a bell ring. One more look and I forget everything. Oh, Oh, Oh, Oh, Mamma mia (Daughter and Fathers with masks on clapping hands), here I go again. My my, how can I resist you? Mamma mia (Daughter and Fathers with masks on clapping hands) , does it show again. My my, just how much I've missed you? Yes, I've been brokenhearted, blue since the day we parted. Why, why did I ever let you go? Mamma mia (Daughter and Fathers with masks on clapping hands) , now I really know. My my, I could never let you go.
Ending Pose, Group Photo~
* Originally, Mamma Mia Parody was to mock past District 67 Governors in a funny way, George B.(ush) (Yen), Eric C.(lapton) (Liang), Mike J.(ackson) (Yang), Harry F.(onda) (Fong) would be called upon, but we cancelled the scene to make the show as smoothly as possible. The musical turned out to be a blast with the full support of the audience. The silvery A-Go-Go costumes of the 70's were stunning! Five gentlemen were called upon at the last minute to wear masks to hide their identities. They added much fun and mysteries to make Mamma Mia Parody another memorable and successful performance of golden ladies!
Youth Leadership Program
Quite some years ago, I was invited by Toastmaster Trini Ding to visit her elementary school and taught English at two classes. Being excited, I exerted myself to give the best of what I had in me. One of the boys sitting at the front row asked me if I could not sputter on him while talking. Wow, it was embarrassing to behave like an exciting talking woman in front of graders kids! I slept two days afterwards to recuperate my strength. Teaching is tiring. It consumes a lot of energy, especially at elementary schools.
My husband has been a volunteer teacher of computer science at Taipei Juvenile Detention Center for a decade. Upon my request, he took me to the Detention Center as his teaching assistance with PowerPoint Monday morning, April 20th. Within less than one hour, I felt exhausted with the naughty teenager boys. More than half of them just ignored me most of the time. They were more eager to play computer games. Some followed my instructions and gave good presentation with the PowerPoint.
Why out of the blue, I thought about visiting Taipei Juvenile Detention Center? For a year or so, I've been involved in Prison Toastmasters Volunteers Initiative prompted by Toastmaster Umemoto Katzumasa of District 76 (Japan). He visited 8 prisons in the US, and he is trying to charter a Toastmasters club in prison in Japan.
When Toastmaster Umemoto informed me of his arrival in Taipei in two weeks to promote Prison Volunteers among Toastmasters in Taiwan, I thought about firstly recruiting potential Toastmasters volunteers at District 67 Spring Conference 2015 in Taipei this weekend, April 25th and 26th. We can organize workshops and prepare materials for potential prison volunteers to help incarcerated people develop communciation skills to become better persons.
Who knows, maybe I can start Toastmaster's Youth Leadership Program among teenager girls at Detention Center. We shall see if we can make it happen after we visit Detention Center with Toastmaster Umemoto Monday morning, May 4th.
My husband has been a volunteer teacher of computer science at Taipei Juvenile Detention Center for a decade. Upon my request, he took me to the Detention Center as his teaching assistance with PowerPoint Monday morning, April 20th. Within less than one hour, I felt exhausted with the naughty teenager boys. More than half of them just ignored me most of the time. They were more eager to play computer games. Some followed my instructions and gave good presentation with the PowerPoint.
Why out of the blue, I thought about visiting Taipei Juvenile Detention Center? For a year or so, I've been involved in Prison Toastmasters Volunteers Initiative prompted by Toastmaster Umemoto Katzumasa of District 76 (Japan). He visited 8 prisons in the US, and he is trying to charter a Toastmasters club in prison in Japan.
When Toastmaster Umemoto informed me of his arrival in Taipei in two weeks to promote Prison Volunteers among Toastmasters in Taiwan, I thought about firstly recruiting potential Toastmasters volunteers at District 67 Spring Conference 2015 in Taipei this weekend, April 25th and 26th. We can organize workshops and prepare materials for potential prison volunteers to help incarcerated people develop communciation skills to become better persons.
Who knows, maybe I can start Toastmaster's Youth Leadership Program among teenager girls at Detention Center. We shall see if we can make it happen after we visit Detention Center with Toastmaster Umemoto Monday morning, May 4th.
Aesthetic Diplomacy —Republic of China
Function Scenario: Opening Ceremony of MOFA Office Building
Venue: MOFA Banquet Hall, 5th floor
Date: August 1971
Advanced Communication Series—Special Occasion Speeches, Project 2 Speaking in Praise
ROC Foreign Minister's opening address on Aesthetic Diplomacy —Republic of China!
Vice Premier Chiang, Chairman Chen, Ambassador McConaughy, Distinguished Ambassadors, Ladies and gentlemen, Good Afternoon!
Welcome to the Opening Ceremony of MOFA Office Building, Republic of China!
It is a big day for MOFA today as MOFA has a new home, designed and built by the most prominent architect in the Republic of China, Architect Wang Da-hong.
I'd first like to express the heartfelt appreciation to US Government and Taiwan Province for providing the precious land in adjacent to the Presidential Hall and the Taipei Guest House.
I'd like to thank Architect Wang for agreeing to build MOFA office within a short notice. Wang won the design competition of National Dr. Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall in 1965. During his tight schedule in building the national hall representing the father of our nation and his spirit of revolution, he completed MOFA office building in 14 month.
Mr. Wang was born in Beijing in 1917, son of celebrated law expert Wang Chung-hui, the first Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of China. Mr. Wang was bought up by his grandmother in Suzhou. At age of 12, He went to high school in Switzerland where Spartan education was applied.
After graduating from Architecture Department in Cambridge in 1939, Mr. Wang continued his studies at Harvard where he and Ieoh Ming Pei were students of first generation architect Walter Gropius who taught them about modernism.
Wang opened a joint architect firm in Shanghai in 1947. He moved to Taipei in 1952. Wang holds very specific aesthetic views. He applies strict spatial rules. He believes less is more. With Wang's Suzhou background, he introduced interesting Chinese elements to functionalist modern buildings in the Republic of China.
MOFA office building was commissioned to Mr. Wang in 1969 with the theme of simplicity and modesty. Mr. Wang applied his aesthetic diplomacy in the symmetrical structure with two arms standing forward to embrace friendship from all over the world and to reinforce the image of stability of the Republic of China. The white walls of small mosaic tiles give MOFA a taste of dignity and solemnity.
Wang is an architect of arts, music, literature. He wrote his English novel Phantasmagoria when he studied at Harvard University. He translated Oscar Wilde's "The Picture of Dorian Gray" into Chinese, changed the scene from high society in London in late 19th century to that in Taipei in the middle of 20th century. Wang considered it an opportunity to hone his language skills in Mandarin. What a diligent and outstanding architect in pursuit of perfectionism.
My fellow diplomats colleagues, with the completion of MOFA office building, we can work in an elegant office with beautiful rectangular windows in odd numbers of 3 and 5 signifying the scrolls of Chinese paintings. Enjoy the fresh air and practice Tai chi during the coffee break at MOFA atrium gardens. Mr. Kissinger met Mr. Zhou last month. The Republic of China is losing the security council seat at United Nations any moment. Let's embrace the tremendous challenges held in store for us. Let's stay modest and proud by serving our country to the best of our abilities. No matter how strong the storm we shall face, we have faith in the fate of our country.
Allow me to propose a Toast to aesthetic diplomacy of Republic of China!
Long live the Republic of China!
June 30, 1971 President Nixon spoke by phone with Walter McConaughy, Jr., U.S. Ambassador to Taiwan. Nixon told McConaughy to, "Just say that we, that our—as far as the Republic of China is concerned that we have—we know who our friends are. And we are continuing to continue our close, friendly relations with them." Nixon explained that the U.S. would not support throwing Taiwan out of the United Nations, but he said there was no way to prevent Taiwan from losing the Security Council seat.
At the same time, Nixon stressed, "But we must have in mind, and they must be prepared for the fact, that there will continue to be a step-by-step, a more normal relationship with the other—the Chinese mainland. Because our interests require it. Not because we love them, but because they're there." Nixon noted the Taiwan government had just sent a nice wedding gift for his daughter. He said that if he were in their situation, he wouldn't worry about staying in the UN: "I would just say the hell with the UN. What is it anyway? It's a damn debating society. What good does it do?" Nixon went on to say that the Chinese, if they had a decent system of government, would be an economic powerhouse. (State Department, Office of the Historian)
National Security Adviser Henry Kissinger met with Premier Zhou. On July 15, 1971
Venue: MOFA Banquet Hall, 5th floor
Date: August 1971
Advanced Communication Series—Special Occasion Speeches, Project 2 Speaking in Praise
ROC Foreign Minister's opening address on Aesthetic Diplomacy —Republic of China!
Vice Premier Chiang, Chairman Chen, Ambassador McConaughy, Distinguished Ambassadors, Ladies and gentlemen, Good Afternoon!
Welcome to the Opening Ceremony of MOFA Office Building, Republic of China!
It is a big day for MOFA today as MOFA has a new home, designed and built by the most prominent architect in the Republic of China, Architect Wang Da-hong.
I'd first like to express the heartfelt appreciation to US Government and Taiwan Province for providing the precious land in adjacent to the Presidential Hall and the Taipei Guest House.
I'd like to thank Architect Wang for agreeing to build MOFA office within a short notice. Wang won the design competition of National Dr. Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall in 1965. During his tight schedule in building the national hall representing the father of our nation and his spirit of revolution, he completed MOFA office building in 14 month.
Mr. Wang was born in Beijing in 1917, son of celebrated law expert Wang Chung-hui, the first Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of China. Mr. Wang was bought up by his grandmother in Suzhou. At age of 12, He went to high school in Switzerland where Spartan education was applied.
After graduating from Architecture Department in Cambridge in 1939, Mr. Wang continued his studies at Harvard where he and Ieoh Ming Pei were students of first generation architect Walter Gropius who taught them about modernism.
Wang opened a joint architect firm in Shanghai in 1947. He moved to Taipei in 1952. Wang holds very specific aesthetic views. He applies strict spatial rules. He believes less is more. With Wang's Suzhou background, he introduced interesting Chinese elements to functionalist modern buildings in the Republic of China.
MOFA office building was commissioned to Mr. Wang in 1969 with the theme of simplicity and modesty. Mr. Wang applied his aesthetic diplomacy in the symmetrical structure with two arms standing forward to embrace friendship from all over the world and to reinforce the image of stability of the Republic of China. The white walls of small mosaic tiles give MOFA a taste of dignity and solemnity.
Wang is an architect of arts, music, literature. He wrote his English novel Phantasmagoria when he studied at Harvard University. He translated Oscar Wilde's "The Picture of Dorian Gray" into Chinese, changed the scene from high society in London in late 19th century to that in Taipei in the middle of 20th century. Wang considered it an opportunity to hone his language skills in Mandarin. What a diligent and outstanding architect in pursuit of perfectionism.
My fellow diplomats colleagues, with the completion of MOFA office building, we can work in an elegant office with beautiful rectangular windows in odd numbers of 3 and 5 signifying the scrolls of Chinese paintings. Enjoy the fresh air and practice Tai chi during the coffee break at MOFA atrium gardens. Mr. Kissinger met Mr. Zhou last month. The Republic of China is losing the security council seat at United Nations any moment. Let's embrace the tremendous challenges held in store for us. Let's stay modest and proud by serving our country to the best of our abilities. No matter how strong the storm we shall face, we have faith in the fate of our country.
Allow me to propose a Toast to aesthetic diplomacy of Republic of China!
Long live the Republic of China!
June 30, 1971 President Nixon spoke by phone with Walter McConaughy, Jr., U.S. Ambassador to Taiwan. Nixon told McConaughy to, "Just say that we, that our—as far as the Republic of China is concerned that we have—we know who our friends are. And we are continuing to continue our close, friendly relations with them." Nixon explained that the U.S. would not support throwing Taiwan out of the United Nations, but he said there was no way to prevent Taiwan from losing the Security Council seat.
At the same time, Nixon stressed, "But we must have in mind, and they must be prepared for the fact, that there will continue to be a step-by-step, a more normal relationship with the other—the Chinese mainland. Because our interests require it. Not because we love them, but because they're there." Nixon noted the Taiwan government had just sent a nice wedding gift for his daughter. He said that if he were in their situation, he wouldn't worry about staying in the UN: "I would just say the hell with the UN. What is it anyway? It's a damn debating society. What good does it do?" Nixon went on to say that the Chinese, if they had a decent system of government, would be an economic powerhouse. (State Department, Office of the Historian)
Time magazine, July 26, 1971 |
Aesthetic Diplomacy--Wang Da-hong
I wish to express my appreication to Toastmaster Charles Teng, Immediate Past President of MOFA Toastmasters Club. He gave me a grand tour of MOFA building for my C7 speech (Research Your Topic) this afternoon, March 26th!
Welcome to MOFA Toastmasters Club! What is your first impression about the white building of Ministry of Foreign Affairs?
Did you notice the hand-chiseled 8 pillars of the entrance arcade?
Fellow Toastmasters, good afternoon! Among all prominent Taiwanese architects, Mr. Wang Da-hong certainly comes on top of the list. He is the laureate of National Culture Award in 2014. He is the architect of MOFA office building.
At age of 97, Wang shares his secret about his keen eyesight. Every morning before he gets up from bed, he looks around four corners of his bedroom to massage his eyes. To see is to believe!
Wang was born in Beijing in 1917, son of celebrated law expert Wang Chung-hui, the first Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of China.
Wang was bought up by his grandmother in Suzhou. At age of 12, He went to high school in Switzerland where Spartan education was applied. After graduating from Architecture Department in Cambridge in 1939, Wang continued his studies at Harvard. He and Ieoh Ming Pei were students of first generation architect Walter Gropius (1883-1969) who taught them about modernism.
After World War II, Wang founded a firm in Shanghai in 1947 and moved to Taipei in 1952. Wang holds very specific aesthetic views. He applies strict spatial rules. He believes less is more. With Wang's Suzhou background, he introduced interesting Chinese elements to functionalist modern buildings in Taiwan.
Wang won the design competition of the National Dr. Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall in 1965. The building represents the father of our nation and his spirit of revolution. The yellow roof is a hat, the front is tilt upward to see the bright future of our country.
Wang was invited to build MOFA office in 1969 with the theme of simplicity and modesty. Wang's aesthetic diplomacy is found in the symmetrical structure with two arms standing forward to reinforce the image of stability. The rectangular windows in odd numbers of 3 and 5 signifies the scrolls of Chinese paintings. The white walls of small mosaic tiles give MOFA a taste of dignity and solemnity.
Wang is an architect of literature. He wrote his English novel Phantasmagoria when he studied at Harvard University. He translated the novel of Oscar Wilde’s "The Picture of Dorian Gray" into Chinese, and changed the scene from high society in London to that in Taipei in the 50s.
After Wang settled in Taiwan in 50s, he never went back to UK, US, he didn't travel abroad. He leads his life on this land, Taiwan. Wang is not a showman, he is a quiet hero. A crowned reticent poet of architecture, Wang believes architecture bridges the gap of ideals and reality.
It feels blissful that we can enjoy MOFA Toastmasters Club meetings at such an exquisite and magnificent building designed by a great architect of the Republic of China, Mr. Wang Da-hong!
Welcome to MOFA Toastmasters Club! What is your first impression about the white building of Ministry of Foreign Affairs?
Did you notice the hand-chiseled 8 pillars of the entrance arcade?
Fellow Toastmasters, good afternoon! Among all prominent Taiwanese architects, Mr. Wang Da-hong certainly comes on top of the list. He is the laureate of National Culture Award in 2014. He is the architect of MOFA office building.
At age of 97, Wang shares his secret about his keen eyesight. Every morning before he gets up from bed, he looks around four corners of his bedroom to massage his eyes. To see is to believe!
Wang was born in Beijing in 1917, son of celebrated law expert Wang Chung-hui, the first Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of China.
Wang was bought up by his grandmother in Suzhou. At age of 12, He went to high school in Switzerland where Spartan education was applied. After graduating from Architecture Department in Cambridge in 1939, Wang continued his studies at Harvard. He and Ieoh Ming Pei were students of first generation architect Walter Gropius (1883-1969) who taught them about modernism.
After World War II, Wang founded a firm in Shanghai in 1947 and moved to Taipei in 1952. Wang holds very specific aesthetic views. He applies strict spatial rules. He believes less is more. With Wang's Suzhou background, he introduced interesting Chinese elements to functionalist modern buildings in Taiwan.
Wang won the design competition of the National Dr. Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall in 1965. The building represents the father of our nation and his spirit of revolution. The yellow roof is a hat, the front is tilt upward to see the bright future of our country.
Wang was invited to build MOFA office in 1969 with the theme of simplicity and modesty. Wang's aesthetic diplomacy is found in the symmetrical structure with two arms standing forward to reinforce the image of stability. The rectangular windows in odd numbers of 3 and 5 signifies the scrolls of Chinese paintings. The white walls of small mosaic tiles give MOFA a taste of dignity and solemnity.
Wang is an architect of literature. He wrote his English novel Phantasmagoria when he studied at Harvard University. He translated the novel of Oscar Wilde’s "The Picture of Dorian Gray" into Chinese, and changed the scene from high society in London to that in Taipei in the 50s.
After Wang settled in Taiwan in 50s, he never went back to UK, US, he didn't travel abroad. He leads his life on this land, Taiwan. Wang is not a showman, he is a quiet hero. A crowned reticent poet of architecture, Wang believes architecture bridges the gap of ideals and reality.
It feels blissful that we can enjoy MOFA Toastmasters Club meetings at such an exquisite and magnificent building designed by a great architect of the Republic of China, Mr. Wang Da-hong!
Bologna Illustrators Exhibition
I bought the discount ticket to Bologna Illustrators Exhibition (2/14 ~ 4/6) at the CKS Memorial Hall before Chinese New Year. Since then, I had look forward to selected illustrations from all over the world.
Among seven days a week, I'm free on Mondays. I work on Tuesday and Friday mornings. I have dance classes Wednesdays and Thursdays. On weekends, I prefer to stay home to avoid the crowd.
When my brother informed me of the family tomb-sweeping on March 30th (Monday), I knew I had to see the exhibition as soon as possible. Today would be the last Monday before the exhibition comes to an end. I arrived at CKS before 10 in the rain. I left my raincoat at the information center.
The prepaid ticket of NT$250 covers one-day admission and an audio-guide. In order to see as much of the exhibition as possible, I stayed at the exhibition for more than four hours, including a coffee break for 30 minutes and a drawing break at the designated area for another 30 minutes.
It was exciting to see many techniques and media used by the world famous illustrators. It was inspiring to read many illustrated stories. I like the story of seven penguins traveling around the world and the fate of dust particles before and after the clean-up from Korean illustrators.
Among seven days a week, I'm free on Mondays. I work on Tuesday and Friday mornings. I have dance classes Wednesdays and Thursdays. On weekends, I prefer to stay home to avoid the crowd.
When my brother informed me of the family tomb-sweeping on March 30th (Monday), I knew I had to see the exhibition as soon as possible. Today would be the last Monday before the exhibition comes to an end. I arrived at CKS before 10 in the rain. I left my raincoat at the information center.
The prepaid ticket of NT$250 covers one-day admission and an audio-guide. In order to see as much of the exhibition as possible, I stayed at the exhibition for more than four hours, including a coffee break for 30 minutes and a drawing break at the designated area for another 30 minutes.
It was exciting to see many techniques and media used by the world famous illustrators. It was inspiring to read many illustrated stories. I like the story of seven penguins traveling around the world and the fate of dust particles before and after the clean-up from Korean illustrators.
The World At TMU
Dr. Val Crawford gave me a copy of "The World at TMU—International Students Share Their Stories" after my visit to TMU International Office yesterday afternoon, March 19th.
I met Val at TMC TMC meeting Wednesday evening, March 14th. She gave me valuable suggestions after she listened to my international speech "Seven Minutes and Thirty Seconds". I wrote her a thank-you email after I got home and Val invited me for lunch at TMU the following week.
I rode my scooter to TMU and found a parking space right in front of the hospital. I saw Val waiting for me at the Starbucks Café. She gave me a hug and a caramel waffle. Wow, sweet Val, I love sweets. Val suggested her fluent Café Chuang (since 1986) and I didn' t mind trying new restaurants. It felt good to reconnected with TMU campus after almost four decades.
TMU has grown a lot, it is like a small university town. The old clock has been relocated. I had the sense of homecoming when I saw the clock. I could remember good old times at various cafeterias on Wu-xin Street corners. I won the nickname of hippopotanous (I weighed 70 kilograms). It wouldn’t be hard to imagine how much I enjoyed eating back then.
It was fun to read The World at TMU 2014. I knew some of them as Toastmasters. I noticed that they were quite a few internaqtional students from Mongolia. Most international students are relustant to join Toastmasters because of the membership fees. Maybe a gavel club can solve the problem.
I met Val at TMC TMC meeting Wednesday evening, March 14th. She gave me valuable suggestions after she listened to my international speech "Seven Minutes and Thirty Seconds". I wrote her a thank-you email after I got home and Val invited me for lunch at TMU the following week.
I rode my scooter to TMU and found a parking space right in front of the hospital. I saw Val waiting for me at the Starbucks Café. She gave me a hug and a caramel waffle. Wow, sweet Val, I love sweets. Val suggested her fluent Café Chuang (since 1986) and I didn' t mind trying new restaurants. It felt good to reconnected with TMU campus after almost four decades.
TMU has grown a lot, it is like a small university town. The old clock has been relocated. I had the sense of homecoming when I saw the clock. I could remember good old times at various cafeterias on Wu-xin Street corners. I won the nickname of hippopotanous (I weighed 70 kilograms). It wouldn’t be hard to imagine how much I enjoyed eating back then.
It was fun to read The World at TMU 2014. I knew some of them as Toastmasters. I noticed that they were quite a few internaqtional students from Mongolia. Most international students are relustant to join Toastmasters because of the membership fees. Maybe a gavel club can solve the problem.
A Bilingual Cat in Disguise
Somebody has to say something! If not me, who? If not now, when? There is a joke about a bilingual mother cat who gives a lesson to her kittens about the importance of a foreign language when they encounter a junkyard dog on the street. What if the bilingual cat crosses the line to fetch the food in the territory of the canine world?
In this flat world now, many people speak more than one language to see the world with more perspectives. The multilingual people are more humble and modest, because they know the world is so big that there are all kinds of people in existence.
But if people of language skills take advantage of the system, say in Toastmasters, it's disturbing. Take bilingual Toastmasters clubs, for example, they seize the opportunity to compete at contests of different languages. They cross the line to another territory, namely another area to loot. Being a toastmaster, I'm obliged to safeguard the system, in the name of Fairness.
Birds of a feature flock together, so are people. I am a polyglot, and I am proud of myself. But I shall stay away from those bilingual cats in disguise. There is a Chinese saying, "If you live with a lame person you will learn to limp. 近朱者赤,近墨者黑". People just can't be too careful to be selective about friends in the human societies, including the Toastmasters.
In this flat world now, many people speak more than one language to see the world with more perspectives. The multilingual people are more humble and modest, because they know the world is so big that there are all kinds of people in existence.
But if people of language skills take advantage of the system, say in Toastmasters, it's disturbing. Take bilingual Toastmasters clubs, for example, they seize the opportunity to compete at contests of different languages. They cross the line to another territory, namely another area to loot. Being a toastmaster, I'm obliged to safeguard the system, in the name of Fairness.
Birds of a feature flock together, so are people. I am a polyglot, and I am proud of myself. But I shall stay away from those bilingual cats in disguise. There is a Chinese saying, "If you live with a lame person you will learn to limp. 近朱者赤,近墨者黑". People just can't be too careful to be selective about friends in the human societies, including the Toastmasters.
I was lucky to rehearse my international speech at Taipei Medical University Toastmasters Club (TMU TMC) Wednesday evening, March 11th.
It was a chilly and rainy evening. I put on my raincoat, rode my frayed scooter in the mist of dim street light, meandered through small slippery alleys, asked a trembling food vendor for directions, saw the road sign of Wu-Xin Street, parked my scooter in front of a dental clinic, walked through Taipei Medical University Hospital, got lost on campus, asked for directions from a security guard, eventually I made it through the labyrinth, reached Room 8004, Teaching Building, Taipei Medical University, just on time for social gathering session, 15 minutes before the regular weekly meeting.
The warm-up variety session was entertaining. Toastmaster Anas Khalil from Jordan, a PhD student at Department of Pharmacy, hosted the session. Anas must have prepared a lot of time collecting celebrity photos of past and present. We were requested to find missing halves in a group of 30 Toastmasters members and guests. I was given the present photo of Nicolas Cage and Toastmaster Andrew Lee had the young Nicolas.
At the first sight of Nicolas, I thought he was Oscar Wilde, the author of the Picture of Dorian Gray. Gradually, Nicolas came to my mind. Nicolas played in many movies, the most impressive one that flashed over my mind was Face Off. I saw that movie by myself at Plum Blossom Theater near the Mall on Dun-hua South Road many years ago. Half way through the movie, I had an urge to leave, because it was so horrifying. But I stayed, finished the movie, and liked it. And I remember it.
Andrew and I volunteered to share our story about Nicolas Cage. Anas gave us beautiful souvenirs of fridge magnet from Dubai as tokens of apprencitation for our active participation. Being a movie fan myself, I need to know more about the past of celebrities and their endeavours to become who they are today.
I might've stayed at home watching DVDs from Taipei City Library, if I was not invited to TMU TMC TMC. I was glad I accepted the invitation to get another chance to rehearse my international speech. Luckily Former District 67 Governor Mike Yang was my individual evaluator. He gave a lot of feedback for my improvement, such as facial expression, body movement, blocking, I really appreciated it.
Professor Vallaurie Crawford was the language evaluator. She listened carefully to my speech and gave comments about the wording of my speech. Being a native speaker of the English language and professor of English, she stressed the correct usage of words with right connotations.
In my speech, I mentioned when I was young and “insatiable”. The reason I used "insatiable" is to stress the over-supply and insatiable demand in the market. I had no idea what-so-ever, “insatiable” has sexual connotation, especially for a woman. Who knows, maybe it was sheer luck, a dead rat fell into a blind cat's clutches, I was young and "insatiable" after all.
Dr. Val also commented about my use of "causes" in the sentence, "I found the value of my life when I offer my helping hands for free for bigger and more meaning causes". She suggested that I use purposes. And I took her advice accordingly.
I was lucky to rehearse my international speech in cold early spring rain Wednesday evening for three reasons. Firstly, I had a seasoned Toastmaster Mike Yang to evaluate my speech; secondly, I had an English professor to check my vocabulary; thirdly, I had the chance to speak in front of a group of energetic and enthusiastic students of alma mater. What a fruitful evening to feel thankful and grateful!
It was a chilly and rainy evening. I put on my raincoat, rode my frayed scooter in the mist of dim street light, meandered through small slippery alleys, asked a trembling food vendor for directions, saw the road sign of Wu-Xin Street, parked my scooter in front of a dental clinic, walked through Taipei Medical University Hospital, got lost on campus, asked for directions from a security guard, eventually I made it through the labyrinth, reached Room 8004, Teaching Building, Taipei Medical University, just on time for social gathering session, 15 minutes before the regular weekly meeting.
The warm-up variety session was entertaining. Toastmaster Anas Khalil from Jordan, a PhD student at Department of Pharmacy, hosted the session. Anas must have prepared a lot of time collecting celebrity photos of past and present. We were requested to find missing halves in a group of 30 Toastmasters members and guests. I was given the present photo of Nicolas Cage and Toastmaster Andrew Lee had the young Nicolas.
At the first sight of Nicolas, I thought he was Oscar Wilde, the author of the Picture of Dorian Gray. Gradually, Nicolas came to my mind. Nicolas played in many movies, the most impressive one that flashed over my mind was Face Off. I saw that movie by myself at Plum Blossom Theater near the Mall on Dun-hua South Road many years ago. Half way through the movie, I had an urge to leave, because it was so horrifying. But I stayed, finished the movie, and liked it. And I remember it.
Andrew and I volunteered to share our story about Nicolas Cage. Anas gave us beautiful souvenirs of fridge magnet from Dubai as tokens of apprencitation for our active participation. Being a movie fan myself, I need to know more about the past of celebrities and their endeavours to become who they are today.
I might've stayed at home watching DVDs from Taipei City Library, if I was not invited to TMU TMC TMC. I was glad I accepted the invitation to get another chance to rehearse my international speech. Luckily Former District 67 Governor Mike Yang was my individual evaluator. He gave a lot of feedback for my improvement, such as facial expression, body movement, blocking, I really appreciated it.
Professor Vallaurie Crawford was the language evaluator. She listened carefully to my speech and gave comments about the wording of my speech. Being a native speaker of the English language and professor of English, she stressed the correct usage of words with right connotations.
In my speech, I mentioned when I was young and “insatiable”. The reason I used "insatiable" is to stress the over-supply and insatiable demand in the market. I had no idea what-so-ever, “insatiable” has sexual connotation, especially for a woman. Who knows, maybe it was sheer luck, a dead rat fell into a blind cat's clutches, I was young and "insatiable" after all.
Dr. Val also commented about my use of "causes" in the sentence, "I found the value of my life when I offer my helping hands for free for bigger and more meaning causes". She suggested that I use purposes. And I took her advice accordingly.
I was lucky to rehearse my international speech in cold early spring rain Wednesday evening for three reasons. Firstly, I had a seasoned Toastmaster Mike Yang to evaluate my speech; secondly, I had an English professor to check my vocabulary; thirdly, I had the chance to speak in front of a group of energetic and enthusiastic students of alma mater. What a fruitful evening to feel thankful and grateful!
Friends from Afar
Emiko already checked in Grand Hotel Room 1201 when I received her email after I came home from the lecture on Food Safety at Anatonia Formosa Association Saturday afternoon, March 7th.
Emiko likes Taiwan. She enjoys Taiwanese food, scenery, and people. Emiko and I met two decades ago at a language school in chambery, France. We have kept in touch ever since. Emiko is more interested in the English language now. For me, I stopped learning French after I shifted my interest to Japanese two decades for at least three reasons. My parents-in-law spoke Japanese fluently. There are more Japanese speaking people than French speaking people in the world. Japan is close to Taiwan.
Last week, I borrowed the Story of Four Seasons by Eric Romer from Taipei City Library. After watching 4 DVDs with subtitles in French, I regained my interest in the French language. I found it easy now to study French with on-line Larousse dictionary by listening to real people pronunciation of examples. I considered living in France for some time in the future to bring back old memories.
Emiko invited two of her belly dance friends to Taipei this time. On Sunday, we visited the Gold Museum at Kinkaseki 金瓜石, saw the sunset from the famous tea house in Kyufun, enjoyed the most delicious dumplings for dinner at Dingtaifung. On Monday, we visited the National Palace Museum, National Revolutionary Martyrs' Shrine, went shopping Ximen District, and enjoyed the most delicious beef noodles in Taipei. Emiko and I spoke Japanese most of the time. Only once a while, we conversed in English and French.
Taipei is ever-changing lady. Everyday she puts on different veils to allure tourists from all over the world. Many thanks to Emiko, I could visit Taiwan from time to time as a tourist. For all scenic places in Taiwan, they are new to me every time I pay them another visit, because a lot of renovations takes place.
On top of that, during different seasons, I could appreciate different flower blossom. There is a Chinese saying, "the time isn't as important as the terrain, but the terrain isn't as important as unity with the people, 天時不如地利, 地利不如人和. It's the joy of meeting friends from afar that stays in our heart for the rest of our lives.
Emiko likes Taiwan. She enjoys Taiwanese food, scenery, and people. Emiko and I met two decades ago at a language school in chambery, France. We have kept in touch ever since. Emiko is more interested in the English language now. For me, I stopped learning French after I shifted my interest to Japanese two decades for at least three reasons. My parents-in-law spoke Japanese fluently. There are more Japanese speaking people than French speaking people in the world. Japan is close to Taiwan.
Last week, I borrowed the Story of Four Seasons by Eric Romer from Taipei City Library. After watching 4 DVDs with subtitles in French, I regained my interest in the French language. I found it easy now to study French with on-line Larousse dictionary by listening to real people pronunciation of examples. I considered living in France for some time in the future to bring back old memories.
Emiko invited two of her belly dance friends to Taipei this time. On Sunday, we visited the Gold Museum at Kinkaseki 金瓜石, saw the sunset from the famous tea house in Kyufun, enjoyed the most delicious dumplings for dinner at Dingtaifung. On Monday, we visited the National Palace Museum, National Revolutionary Martyrs' Shrine, went shopping Ximen District, and enjoyed the most delicious beef noodles in Taipei. Emiko and I spoke Japanese most of the time. Only once a while, we conversed in English and French.
Taipei is ever-changing lady. Everyday she puts on different veils to allure tourists from all over the world. Many thanks to Emiko, I could visit Taiwan from time to time as a tourist. For all scenic places in Taiwan, they are new to me every time I pay them another visit, because a lot of renovations takes place.
On top of that, during different seasons, I could appreciate different flower blossom. There is a Chinese saying, "the time isn't as important as the terrain, but the terrain isn't as important as unity with the people, 天時不如地利, 地利不如人和. It's the joy of meeting friends from afar that stays in our heart for the rest of our lives.
Eat for Health
When I saw the invitation from Mrs. Sencan Arikan, Vice Chairman, Anatolia Formosa Association, I was thrilled to know it was about the food safety. On top of that, the keynote speaker is Professor Tsung-Yun Liu, an old colleague of mine at the Department of Health. Not having seen Professor Liu for more than three decades, all I saw was wrinkles of his profile photo. I thought I might just look old to him, too, when he sees me.
Indeed, it's a great pleasure to see an old friend with whom I worked with on Hepatitis B Prevention Project when I just came back from the US in 1983. Dr. Liu has not changed at all, easy-going and friendly as usual.
Dr. Liu mentioned about the recent news about carcinogens of McDonald’s French Fries in Taiwan. In fact it was old news of acrylamide produced in the heated condition of carbohydrate and aspartagine. Fortunately, I am not crazy about French Fries. But I don’t mind having tiny amount of acrylamide in my favorite pork stew. For pregnant women, they can't be too careful to pay attention to the food they consume.
The biological condensation was a catch-up for me. I must have learned it before, but I just forgot all about it. As some toxic substances are deposited in the fat tissue, it is important not to lose weight suddenly to increase the toxic compound level in the blood.
Everyday, five kinds of vegetables and fruits (three vegetables and two fruits) are recommended, for the purpose of chemoprevention. Photochemicals, such as sulforaphare (green), procyanidins (red), indole-3-carbinal (yellow), are anti-oxdiants. They are good for beauty and youth. The greener, yellower, redder vegetables and fruits, the better. Consuming local vegetables and fruits in season is the key to stay healthy and fit.
Indeed, it's a great pleasure to see an old friend with whom I worked with on Hepatitis B Prevention Project when I just came back from the US in 1983. Dr. Liu has not changed at all, easy-going and friendly as usual.
Dr. Liu mentioned about the recent news about carcinogens of McDonald’s French Fries in Taiwan. In fact it was old news of acrylamide produced in the heated condition of carbohydrate and aspartagine. Fortunately, I am not crazy about French Fries. But I don’t mind having tiny amount of acrylamide in my favorite pork stew. For pregnant women, they can't be too careful to pay attention to the food they consume.
The biological condensation was a catch-up for me. I must have learned it before, but I just forgot all about it. As some toxic substances are deposited in the fat tissue, it is important not to lose weight suddenly to increase the toxic compound level in the blood.
Everyday, five kinds of vegetables and fruits (three vegetables and two fruits) are recommended, for the purpose of chemoprevention. Photochemicals, such as sulforaphare (green), procyanidins (red), indole-3-carbinal (yellow), are anti-oxdiants. They are good for beauty and youth. The greener, yellower, redder vegetables and fruits, the better. Consuming local vegetables and fruits in season is the key to stay healthy and fit.
The Art of Essentialism
At MOFA Forum in March, we discussed about an article contributed to Forbes by Lawton Ursrey, advocating simple and actionable ways to simplify small business life, Thursday noon, March 5th.
Forum Facilitator Toastmaster Howard Chien briefed the art of essentialism by quoting "Do Less and Earn More" and "Less means more and more = mediocre". He mentioned his personal story happened the night before. When his friend's relative asked for an urgent translation service, he agreed instantly. But he regretted immediately after he said yes, he didn't sleep well, he was regretful the whole morning. He felt better after he decided to increase the charge for his translation service before he attended the forum.
In this mad, mad world, everybody has an urge to saturate his or her life with work and more work. We rush to say yes to everything. Being nice as "Yes Man” in the movie can lead to unhealthy/non-essentialist decisions. We should refrain from being impetuous to just say yes, practice "let me get back to you", to evaluate if things are essential.
Essentialism is a discipline proposed Greg McKeown. Greg says, "We've been oversold the value of more and undersold the value of less." Essentialism is the art of discerning between external noise and internal voice, it is a mindset to pursue doing less, resulting in greater success. Essentialists are a highly discerning folk, being open and honest to communicate with others to benefit everyone.
When I was young and insatiable, I valued a packed calendar. I wanted more friends, more money, more titles, I couldn't bear to miss out any opportunity. Now at face of 60, leading a life of simplicity, I think twice when I go shopping. Do I really need one more clothes in my closet? I have enough of almost everything till I expire with one exception. I’m insatiable just the same, about reading, writing, and toastmastering. They are priorities in my life in pursuit of KNOWLEDGE!
MOFA forum proved to be a great initiative to benefit all participants. Members can boost the fellowship through discussion about specific topics extensively and intensively in a small group. As the General Evaluator of MOFA's #26 meeting, I suggested MOFA Forum facilitator consider calling upon any member to conclude the group discussion for 1 to 2 minute. It would keep the spirit of Tabletopics to give every member a chance to speak up impromptuly in a timely manner.
On the lantern festival today, we took a group photo after the meeting in front of the auspicious flower decoration at MOFA's grand lobby on the first floor. We wish everyone a prosperous and happy year of golden goat.
Forum Facilitator Toastmaster Howard Chien briefed the art of essentialism by quoting "Do Less and Earn More" and "Less means more and more = mediocre". He mentioned his personal story happened the night before. When his friend's relative asked for an urgent translation service, he agreed instantly. But he regretted immediately after he said yes, he didn't sleep well, he was regretful the whole morning. He felt better after he decided to increase the charge for his translation service before he attended the forum.
In this mad, mad world, everybody has an urge to saturate his or her life with work and more work. We rush to say yes to everything. Being nice as "Yes Man” in the movie can lead to unhealthy/non-essentialist decisions. We should refrain from being impetuous to just say yes, practice "let me get back to you", to evaluate if things are essential.
Essentialism is a discipline proposed Greg McKeown. Greg says, "We've been oversold the value of more and undersold the value of less." Essentialism is the art of discerning between external noise and internal voice, it is a mindset to pursue doing less, resulting in greater success. Essentialists are a highly discerning folk, being open and honest to communicate with others to benefit everyone.
When I was young and insatiable, I valued a packed calendar. I wanted more friends, more money, more titles, I couldn't bear to miss out any opportunity. Now at face of 60, leading a life of simplicity, I think twice when I go shopping. Do I really need one more clothes in my closet? I have enough of almost everything till I expire with one exception. I’m insatiable just the same, about reading, writing, and toastmastering. They are priorities in my life in pursuit of KNOWLEDGE!
MOFA forum proved to be a great initiative to benefit all participants. Members can boost the fellowship through discussion about specific topics extensively and intensively in a small group. As the General Evaluator of MOFA's #26 meeting, I suggested MOFA Forum facilitator consider calling upon any member to conclude the group discussion for 1 to 2 minute. It would keep the spirit of Tabletopics to give every member a chance to speak up impromptuly in a timely manner.
On the lantern festival today, we took a group photo after the meeting in front of the auspicious flower decoration at MOFA's grand lobby on the first floor. We wish everyone a prosperous and happy year of golden goat.
Ready for the Battlefield
At Grand Toastmasters meeting Wednesday evening, March 4th, it was another small but smart gathering of 12 participants, including 9 members and 3 guests.
Toastmaster Helen Lin and I were given two topics to practice before Area H1 Tabletopics contest at Tatung University Sunday afternoon, March 15th. I was asked how to make the world a better place for all and what new things I planned to do in 2015. Helen was asked about the service leadership and fun activities on Lantern Festival.
During the prepared speech session, I rehearsed my international speech on 7'30", I felt the connection of audience. When I saw the receiving eyes of the audience, I burst into laughter to surprise everybody. I left people with an impression that I forgot my lines. Maybe I did.
During the intermission, many members complimented me about my progress in PERFORMING 7'30" and gave me valuable suggestions to claim a trophy at the area contest. Winning or not, I am happy to be able to seize the opportunity to share my thoughts about life with fellow toastmasters and friends.
Toastmaster Helen Lin and I were given two topics to practice before Area H1 Tabletopics contest at Tatung University Sunday afternoon, March 15th. I was asked how to make the world a better place for all and what new things I planned to do in 2015. Helen was asked about the service leadership and fun activities on Lantern Festival.
During the prepared speech session, I rehearsed my international speech on 7'30", I felt the connection of audience. When I saw the receiving eyes of the audience, I burst into laughter to surprise everybody. I left people with an impression that I forgot my lines. Maybe I did.
During the intermission, many members complimented me about my progress in PERFORMING 7'30" and gave me valuable suggestions to claim a trophy at the area contest. Winning or not, I am happy to be able to seize the opportunity to share my thoughts about life with fellow toastmasters and friends.
On 228
District 67 held the serial advanced workshop on Effect Club Officers meeting at the National Postal Museum Saturday, February 28th. I participated in the first serial workshop (Club Coach Workshop) when I took the challenge as a club coach of Aloha Toastmasters Club in December 29th, 2013.
As Taipei Botanical Garden is in the proximity of Postal Museum, I thought it would be a nice idea to create a facebook event for participants to enjoy an early morning promenade at Taipei Botanical Garden for an hour, from 7:30 till 8:30.
Only three participants showed up, President Zoy Jaung, Treasurer Betty Lin, and me, VPPR from Grand Toastmasters Club. We saw many early birds at the garden, including Taiwan Magpie, Chinese Bulbul, Gray Heron, and we took many photos holding Toastmaster Magazine February issue with hibiscus blossom in the background. What a refreshing warm-up before the workshop!
The workshop on Effect Club Officers Meeting was conducted by senior Toastmasters (Edward Chen, Harry Fong, Joy Tsai, Jorie Wu) featuring four demos in-between. It was very rewarding to observe veteran Toastmasters coach juniors to run club officers meetings effectively. I saw the giant leap of Zoy in presiding two mock club officers meetings in the morning and in the afternoon. She excelled her communication and leadership skills in less than four hours, from knowing how to listen actively to asking questions timely and accordingly.
During the lunch break, Zoy, Betty and I paid homage to 228 victims at National Postal Museum, right across the street from National 228 Memorial Museum. While we took photos with the red banner of US Marine Corps—Devil Dogs (from Devil Dogs to Grand in 1984), we caught some attention on 228, the most devastating day in Taiwan history.
When I was called upon to tell why I joined the workshop, I replied that I simply wanted to network with Toastmasters and friends. In the end, I caught up with old members and made acquaintance with new members. I was contented that I made it to the workshop. I learned about the importance of ownership of each club officer and 3 W (Who to do What at When). Meetings are not about talking in the air, meetings are about making solutions and building solidarities among club officers.
Be the advent in social media, Line, Facebook, Instagram, I believe more in vis-a-vis networking. People can bring up ideas and put them into actions instantly. After I listen to other members' opinions, I adjust my perspectives accordingly. For life-long learning toastmasters, it's never too late for us to learn new tricks, junior or senior Toastmasters. Toastmasters are proven examples of neuroplasticity through learning by doing!
After the workshop, I rushed to golden ladies Spring Wine Party. It was a full house of people, food, beverage, noise and laughter. I put on my newly bought Latin dancing shoes to practice tango, cha-cha, and jitterbug. At the coming dancing class from next Wednesday, I look forward to learning Rumba and waltz intensively in the next three months.
As Taipei Botanical Garden is in the proximity of Postal Museum, I thought it would be a nice idea to create a facebook event for participants to enjoy an early morning promenade at Taipei Botanical Garden for an hour, from 7:30 till 8:30.
Only three participants showed up, President Zoy Jaung, Treasurer Betty Lin, and me, VPPR from Grand Toastmasters Club. We saw many early birds at the garden, including Taiwan Magpie, Chinese Bulbul, Gray Heron, and we took many photos holding Toastmaster Magazine February issue with hibiscus blossom in the background. What a refreshing warm-up before the workshop!
The workshop on Effect Club Officers Meeting was conducted by senior Toastmasters (Edward Chen, Harry Fong, Joy Tsai, Jorie Wu) featuring four demos in-between. It was very rewarding to observe veteran Toastmasters coach juniors to run club officers meetings effectively. I saw the giant leap of Zoy in presiding two mock club officers meetings in the morning and in the afternoon. She excelled her communication and leadership skills in less than four hours, from knowing how to listen actively to asking questions timely and accordingly.
During the lunch break, Zoy, Betty and I paid homage to 228 victims at National Postal Museum, right across the street from National 228 Memorial Museum. While we took photos with the red banner of US Marine Corps—Devil Dogs (from Devil Dogs to Grand in 1984), we caught some attention on 228, the most devastating day in Taiwan history.
When I was called upon to tell why I joined the workshop, I replied that I simply wanted to network with Toastmasters and friends. In the end, I caught up with old members and made acquaintance with new members. I was contented that I made it to the workshop. I learned about the importance of ownership of each club officer and 3 W (Who to do What at When). Meetings are not about talking in the air, meetings are about making solutions and building solidarities among club officers.
Be the advent in social media, Line, Facebook, Instagram, I believe more in vis-a-vis networking. People can bring up ideas and put them into actions instantly. After I listen to other members' opinions, I adjust my perspectives accordingly. For life-long learning toastmasters, it's never too late for us to learn new tricks, junior or senior Toastmasters. Toastmasters are proven examples of neuroplasticity through learning by doing!
After the workshop, I rushed to golden ladies Spring Wine Party. It was a full house of people, food, beverage, noise and laughter. I put on my newly bought Latin dancing shoes to practice tango, cha-cha, and jitterbug. At the coming dancing class from next Wednesday, I look forward to learning Rumba and waltz intensively in the next three months.
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