
Division J Club Officers Training

It was a productive and fruitful Division J Club Officers Training on a rainy Sunday afternoon, July 19th, in terms of Distinguished Club Performance (DCP) and toastmasters networking. Four club officers from MOFA Toastmasters and four club officers from Pacific Toastmasters participated in the training. CDE President Fanny Hsu and I (on behalf of MVP Lucy Wang) represented CDE Toastmasters!

During the group discussion, I joined MVP (Membership Vice President) group to network with many outstanding and enthusiastic MVPs. I like the acronym MVP (Most Valuable Player) in stead of VPM (Vice President Membership)!

Division J is a composed clubs of Mandarin, Taiwanese, Hakka, Japanese. Mandarin is the official language for club officers training. The conclusion of MVP is, as followed, categorized into three targets, how to recruit new members, how to reconnect with inactive members, and how to retain active members.

1. 宣傳單門口告示欄
2. 獎勵現有會員邀請新朋友
3. 熱情主動接待來賓
1. 打電話聯絡感情
2. 重溫舊夢
3. 餐敘聯誼
1. 隨時更新整理會員名單
2. 打氣加油啦啦隊
3. 善用社群 (FB, Line)

After the training, it was raining cats and dogs. I joined District 67 Trio for dinner at a Chiense restaurant 十里安 (literally Ten Miles Safety) with incumbent Division J Director and Immediate Past Division J Governor. What a Sunday of a lot of sweet memories!

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義大利語 B1

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