
Up the Yangtze

By three methods we can learn wisdom: First by reflection, which is noblest; second by imitation, which is easiese; and third by experience, which is the bitterest. ~ Confucius

I took my first cross-country cruise on Princess with golden ladies last September. It was such a joyful experience, I made it a plan to aboard a cruise every year, preferably with Toastmasters, say to organize a joint Toastmasters meeting between Japan and Taiwan on Princess. While enjoying the delicious food, we could have plenty time toastmastering.

After watching Up the Yangtzu* directed by Yung Chang (張僑勇), I thought I must board Victoria at least once in my life time, to see the beautiful scenery along Yangtzu River--the longest river in China.

I searched on-line immediately to see how many cruise liners running along Yangtzu. Take Victoria Cruises, there are Victoria Anna, Victoria Grace, Victoria Jenna, Victoria Katarina, Victoria Lianna, Victoria Sophia, and Victoria Selina. I like Victoria Sophia the best, firstly, the Victoria Sophia is the flagship for Victoria's upgraded fleet, secondly, the Chinese name of Victoria Sophia is "the Dipper", last but not the least, Up the Yangtzu was filmed on Victoria Sophia!

The old famous three gorges was replaced by modern Three Gorges Dam completed and fully functional as of July 4, 2012. I wonder what Li Bai** (701-762), the Immortal Poet, would say, if he could get on board of the Victoria. I won't see the three gorges of the past for sure, because they are under the water, but I still want to see the three gorges because of Li Bai.

** 李白 下江陵  "朝辭白帝彩雲間,千里江陵一日還。 兩岸猿聲啼不盡,輕舟已過萬重山。"

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