
The Art of Essentialism

At MOFA Forum in March, we discussed about an article contributed to Forbes by Lawton Ursrey, advocating simple and actionable ways to simplify small business life, Thursday noon, March 5th.

Forum Facilitator Toastmaster Howard Chien briefed the art of essentialism by quoting "Do Less and Earn More" and "Less means more and more = mediocre". He mentioned his personal story happened the night before. When his friend's relative asked for an urgent translation service, he agreed instantly. But he regretted immediately after he said yes, he didn't sleep well, he was regretful the whole morning. He felt better after he decided to increase the charge for his translation service before he attended the forum.

In this mad, mad world, everybody has an urge to saturate his or her life with work and more work. We rush to say yes to everything. Being nice as "Yes Man” in the movie can lead to unhealthy/non-essentialist decisions. We should refrain from being impetuous to just say yes, practice "let me get back to you", to evaluate if things are essential.

Essentialism is a discipline proposed Greg McKeown. Greg says, "We've been oversold the value of more and undersold the value of less." Essentialism is the art of discerning between external noise and internal voice, it is a mindset to pursue doing less, resulting in greater success. Essentialists are a highly discerning folk, being open and honest to communicate with others to benefit everyone.

When I was young and insatiable, I valued a packed calendar. I wanted more friends, more money, more titles, I couldn't bear to miss out any opportunity. Now at face of 60, leading a life of simplicity, I think twice when I go shopping. Do I really need one more clothes in my closet? I have enough of almost everything till I expire with one exception. I’m insatiable just the same, about reading, writing, and toastmastering. They are priorities in my life in pursuit of KNOWLEDGE!

MOFA forum proved to be a great initiative to benefit all participants. Members can boost the fellowship through discussion about specific topics extensively and intensively in a small group. As the General Evaluator of MOFA's #26 meeting, I suggested MOFA Forum facilitator consider calling upon any member to conclude the group discussion for 1 to 2 minute. It would keep the spirit of Tabletopics to give every member a chance to speak up impromptuly in a timely manner.

On the lantern festival today, we took a group photo after the meeting in front of the auspicious flower decoration at MOFA's grand lobby on the first floor. We wish everyone a prosperous and happy year of golden goat.

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