
Pacific Finale 2012

For the past consecutive years, a troupe of toastmasters from D76 participated in Peace Toastmasters Club (TMC)' year-end meeting. Eight Japanese toastmasters joined Pacific TMC's year-end meeting Saturday afternoon, December 15th, this year. They are 酒井こずゑSakai Kozue (輝Club), 渡辺吉人 Watanabe Yoshihito (赤羽Club), 宮本文江Miyamoto Fumie (神楽阪Club), 小堀則之 Kobori Noriyuki (築波Club), 齊藤喜一郎Saito Kiichro (赤羽Club) ,豊満和德Toyomichi (輝Club), 杉山長Sugiyama (? Club),  水島かずのりMizuyama Kazunori (?Club).

Why Pacific TMC, instead of Peace TMC? I'm regretful to admit that Peace TMC closed down in 2012. Being the club mentor to Peace TMC when it was chartered in 1998, I couldn't be exempted from some responsibilities. From 3 Japanese-speaking TMCs in Taipei in 1998 to only 1 Japanese-speaking TMC left in 2012, it's time we took initiatives to bring back the old members and recruit new members to Japanese-speaking Toastmasters clubs in District 67.

The welcome dinner party held at A Dragon Restaurant at Xi-men District Friday evening, December 14th, was my favorite agenda. Seven Toastmasters from Japan and three toastmasters from Taiwan joined the round-table Peking Duck Dinner party for ten this year As usual, Japanese Toastmasters were generous to bring a lot of new year gifts to me. After the annual sumptuous dinner, I didn't stay for coffee gathering, because I needed to get up early for the life insurance agent exam the following morning.

Pacific Finale 2012 was a big success Saturday afternoon, December 15th. I saw Japanese Toastmasters mingling with Pacific club members when I arrived the meeting venue at 1PM. It has been a year since I last attended the club meeting. And It felt good to chat with long-time-no-see club members and knew many new members.

Toastmaster of the Day Tu(凃世俊) conducted the joint meeting at 1:30PM punctually. After he introduced the Toastmasters International and explained the meeting program, the variety session began. Upon the request of the session master Toastmaster James Huang(黃俊嘉), we were divided into two groups, to decipher the riddles with hand painting on the white board without words and body languages. It was interesting for me to see how Japanese and Taiwanese drew things with different mindsets.

The prepared speech session featuring four outstanding prepared speakers was the main course of the day. Toastmaster Huang(黃傳尹)encouraged us to learn ten merits of Japanese people during the 311 earthquake. When Toastmaster Ke(柯銀蘭)delivered her icebreaker speech, I was impressed with her impeccale self-introudction. She must have studied very hard with her veteran Toastmaster husband Kao(高錦泉). Toastmaster Lo (羅秀娟) talked about the manners at the hot spring. And Toastmaster Sugiyama(杉山長)talked about his addiction of marathon.

During the intermission, a birthday celebration party was held for two birthday stars, Toastmaster Sun (孫秀) and ToastmasterSakai(酒井こずゑ). While every member was busy eating the delicious birthday cake, I helped distribute five boxes of chocolate cookies and potato flies from Japanese Toastmasters..

The tabletopics session was conducted by Toastmaster Li (李育叡), he also signed up as a full-marathon runner in 2012. He prepared questions about Fubon Marathon and Taiwan Secenary. I was happy that I was not called upon to answer any tabletopics, because my Japanese language proficiency was dropping. I'm committed to attend Pacific club meeting more regularly in 2013. Toastmaster Miyamoto(宮本文江) was the general evaluator. She prepared her assignment well and I was happy that she asked me to be her written evaluator for her CL manual.

After the Pacific Final, five Toastmasters joined the Appetif Hours at the old Taipei City Hall in Japanese times before the year-end dinner Party. More than 2 dozen toastmasters joined the boisterous farewell Karaoke dinner party, also the year end party, in honor of Toastmasters from Japan at a seafood restaurant. It was a joyful and memorable moment for Toastmasters of Japan and Taiwan to sing, dance, eat, drink together till we meet again at Pacific Finale in 2013.




12月15日(土曜日)台湾と曰本のクラブの合同例会で,大成功できました、参加方が多くて、これは皆さんのお蔭であると思います 。会場で日本からの乄ンバと太平洋トストマトクラブの乄ンバ合同会議でスムスにして,敎室の中滿員です,熱い氛意気がよく,プログラム進行中,笑ぃ声が空気中あふれていました,プログラムがよくすすめられます。会議の三人の重要な乄ンバ集計係の報告,タイマーの報告口癖係三人の責任を紹介します。この会議は私が会三人が柯銀蘭の『アイスブレーカー』;羅秀娟の『温泉浴のマナー』;黄傳尹さんの『曰本に学ぶ10の事!台灣人頑張れ!』;日本国の杉山長さんのスピチC5『持病とともに』でした。

柯銀蘭さんの論評は渡辺吉人さん;羅秀娟さんのは小堀則之さん;黄傅尹さんのは齊藤樹―朗さん;杉山長さんのは呂芳茂さん;本当によかったです;皆樣とも心得が得られました。そのほか黄俊嘉さんお面白コーナ、教室の乄ンバ二チムは分けて、ひとチムずつ、ひとり代表して、画が黑板に書いて、ほかのひと実際の中文の意味を当ってて、あたったのチムは1点にとった,順番にして、最後に点数を計算して、點数多ぃのはのチムは優勝で、とてもおもしろいでした 。


太平洋日語會会長陳清南 2013年1月1日








太平洋日語會会長陳清南 2013年1月1日








齊藤樹―郎 2012年12月28日

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