
Hot Red X'mas Party on Mayan Doomsday

Among the visible spectrum, I like the colors of smaller wavelengths. During the X'mas seasons, my favorite one is none other than red. When Toastmaster Linda Tseng invited me to Excellence Toastmasters Club (TMC)'s X'mas Party, with the dress code of red, I was excited to put on a sexy Mrs. Santa Claus costume to add to the joyful X'mas atmosphere at Changee Friday evening, December 21st.

The moment I walked to the party venue, I saw a sea of people in red. I saw golden ladies Toastmasters. I saw two members from Grand TMC. I was particularly impressed by Linda's Fendi Motif skirt, not to mention her efforts to organize the party, prepare the food and drinks, rent the masquerade X'mas costumes single-handed! After a good dinner feast from 6:30PM till 7:30PM, the master of ceremonies announced the start of party time, including ice breaking time, bingo of Yoga, past presidents greetings time, and masquerade dance competition.

I was lucky to be called up to join the icebreaking time because of my extra short mini skirt. Before I introduced myself and my home club, I was requested to immerse my hands in a bowl of water full of ice cubes to pick up a box of chocolate to say greetings with the word on the box. What a cool way to celebrate Xmas!

Then every guest was given a piece of paper with a 3 by 3 grid. We first filled in with nine activities announced by the master of ceremonies, such as traveling, shopping, sleeping, mountain climbing. Then we were asked to make acquaintance with toastmasters and friends and filled in their names to match their favorite activities. I was lucky to win the bingo game and to mimic a yoga pose proposed by President Teresa Liu. Many thanks to Toastmaster Pamela Yang who took my place to illustrate a difficult yoga style voluntarily.

The past presidents greeting time was most touching. At least 10 past presidents of Excellence TMC showed up. They welcomed the members and guests singing X'mas caroling on stage. The most exciting moment was the masquerade dance competition. At admission, each participant wrote his or her name on the piece of color paper badge. I belonged to the pink group. Toastmaster Trini Ding volunteered to be the group leader to help dress up Toastmaster Scott Weaver as a hula dancer. We won the best dancer group.

In Toastmasters, people help people grow. In Toastmasters, I see many people grow. In 2003, I encouraged Toastmaster Michelle Liu to shoulder the responsibility of the President of Legacy TMC. In 2005, I met Toastmaster Linda Tseng, the incumbent President of Excellence TMC, who came to Grand TMC's 30th anniversary party. In 2012, Toastmaster Pamela Yang became the President of Galaxy TMC in July. She has been busy visiting toastmasters clubs in Taipei. It feels good to see Toastmasters friends grow old and wise with club members and friends.

Many congrats go to Toastmaster Linda Tseng and her club members for organizing a successful hot red X'mas party in 2012 on Mayan Apocalyptical Doomsday! I've always wanted to visit Excellence TMC after they moved to a more convenient new meeting venue in 2012. I shall definitely visit their club in 2013. It's going to be one of my new year resolutions of 2013.

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