
Three in One Election 2010

Upon Irene's invitation, five golden ladies performed "Mambo No. 5" at her brother's campaign center for Borough Director (南港區玉成里長) this morning, November 13. Irene's brother is enthusiastic about community affairs. Even he failed in the last election four years ago and he is determined to come back to win this time.

In order to break the leg on stage, Pamela, Michelle, Trini and I arrived one hour in advance to rehearse as much as we could. Luckily, we had the chance to chat with other invited performers from Lion's club. The opening three shows performed by Lion club members were awesome, including Face off (四川變臉), Flamenco Dance and Belly dance. Mambo No. 5 was the last show, and golden ladies wowed the audience with our lively dance, dazzling costumes, most of all, with our heights. At the end of our Mambo No. 5, the Master of Ceremony introduced us five golden ladies, 白嘉莉 Sherry, 美黛 Trini, 趙曉君 Pamela; 冉肖鈴 Michelle, 鳳飛飛 Irene! We took a deep bow and received a full house of applause from the floor.

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