
Who is watching?

I uploaded two videoclips of golden ladies' clogging dance performance at the monthly birthday party of nursing home on YouTube as soon as I got home Wednesday, September 19th. Jennie (clogging instructor), Michelle, Lydia, and I performed Sweet Sweet Smile and Let's Put the Western Back the Country cheerfully and we won a big round of applause from the audience. The hours of rehearsal paid off. The elderly were pleased and we made progress in clogging dance.

I received many compliments from members of Hsin-tien Volunteer group the following week at the annual joint volunteers meeting in Hsin-tien Friday, September the 28th. I received more compliments from members of Hsin-tien Volunteer group at our monthly meeting, Monday, October the first. Many volunteers mentioned their interest in learning clogging dance with me.

Lydia and I went to the nursing home this afternoon. We received compliments from the caretakers about our clogging performance. Many of them expressed their interest in learning the clogging dance with us. I demonstrated a few basic steps and they picked up very fast. When I told them about the videoclips, they were eager to watch us on YouTube. I am sure these caretakers from the aboriginal tribes would make an excellent clogging team in the future, because they are born singers and dancers.

Even though there are less than 100 viewers of our videoclips on YouTube at the moment, but I believe many people would like to learn clogging dance if we show them what clogging dance is. Take the volunteers and the caretakers for example, they don't get access to the computers as regularly as we do, they would click to enjoy our performance if they are told how. Just imagine, if we act upon every invitation possible to promote clogging dance to people in Taiwan, we would motivate more people to clog on their feet. By doing so, they would have healthier legs and they are more likely to move around on their feet till one day they expire, so do we.

Clogging dance is one example how much human beings love to imitate. If there is a huge market of clogging dance, there is also a huge market of toastmasters at the nursing home. If we can motivate the elderly to stand up and speak up, we can help them regain their confidence. It would be awesome if we can nourish the positive thinking spirit in the elderly. It would be less painful for them to leave this world, because they are ready to take the challenge in another world ahead of them with our hearts with them.

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