
Kyoto Toastmasters Club's 100th Meeting

I almost fainted when I saw a huge welcome poster with my name on it. When I walked into the bravura banquet room where Kyoto Toastmasters Club's 100th meeting took place, I didn't expect it would be a special event for my home coming, I thought it would be one of the ordinary regular Saturday afternoon meetings.

On the 13th of October, I arrived at Kyoto Train Station before noon, rushed to the hotel to get changed, ran into Toastmasters Fujita and Muro at the lobby of Campus Plaza, took the elevator to the 3rd floor with them together. Everything was like yesterday, when I was an exchange student of Ritsumeikan University, when I was the President of Kyoto Toastmasters Club seven years ago.

Then I saw "Welcome Sherry, Kyoto Toastmasters Club 100th Regular Meeting, October 13, 2007" on the front wall behind the lectern. Wow, that certainly helped me break the ice easily with new members. I pointed at the poster and mentioned my name, feeling like a Hollywood celebrity in Kyoto!

As an old fellow toastmaster as well as a speical guest from Taiwan, I was given a lot of privileges to deliver an opening speech, to perform a clogging dance, to take the assignment as a language evaluator. Toastmaster Akiko Ogawa picked up my digital camera on the table and took many photos of me. Wow, I have never seen so much of my Acting in Toastmasters before.

After meeting, 17 members and 1 guest got together at our familiar Japanese restaurant for a sumptious dinner. Then Toastmasters Raoul Nivon, Sato Kazumi, Shimada Shuzo, Ohtera Shozo, Matsui Keizo, Sato Tomoyuki, sweet guest Rika and I ventured into a new Karaoke for sanjikai, a third party, in a row. Incumbent President Nivon accompanied me back to my hotel to put a perfect ending to a memorable and fruitful Kyoto Toastmasters Club's 100th meeting of speaking, listening, thinking, dancing, eating, drinking and singing! I thank my members from the bottom of my heart!

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