
Toastmasters in Tokyo

It is challenging to navigate in the subways maze of Tokyo, a city of people mountain and people sea. No matter where I go, I see the flow of people, in all directions, I feel like an ant wandering in the underground labyrinth of a huge factory full of layers of layers of conveyors.

Toastmaster Tommy Tomohide was waiting for me at the south gate of Shinjuku station when I rushed to meet him from Tokyo Midtown. Tommy came to Taiwan with his wife Rika Tomohide, the Incumbent Council Governor of toastmasters in Japan nine years ago. They are the pioneers to build the toastmaster bridge between Taiwan and Japan.

Whenever I am in Tokyo, I always meet with Tommy and have a cup of coffee with him. Tommy took me to an Izakaya for dinner near Shinjuku station. After dinner, we went to a cafe pub for a couple of drinks. And He wrote me a note on the pad. What a sweet memory!

Tommy and Rika are running their company Speaking-Essay to provide training courses to clients interested in upgrading their personal performance. They are also prolific writers in communication and leadership skills. If you are interested in their books and services, please contact Tommy Tomohide.

代表取締役 大嶋友秀
〒223-0061 横浜市港北区日吉4-14-12-402
TEL:045-560-5925 FAX:045-560-5926

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