

Good Morning! What’s up today? In order to perform with local guitarists at the Kunigami Village Culture Center in Northern Okinawa, Kay helped us arrange a Karaoke gathering this morning (1/28) at her father’s nursing home to practice a dozen songs, six popular Okinawan songs(涙そうそう、花、童神、島人ぬ宝、島唄、安里屋ユンタ), three old Japanese songs(悲しい酒、夜霧のしのび逢い、ウナ・セラ・ディ東京), one old Japanese song about Taiwan(台湾楽しや), one old Chinese Japanese song(何日君再來), and one Spanish song(Besame Mucho). Hopefully we will give a successful performance at the culture center and followed by one or two visits to nursing homes in Okinawa!

After singing hundreds of times, at last, I can memorize the entire lyrics of Besame Mucho by heart! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LLsg_Lk819s

Besame, Besame mucho, como si fuera ésta noche, la última vez
Besame, besame mucho, que tengo miedo a perderte, perderte otra vez
Besame, Besame mucho, como si fuera ésta noche, la última vez
Besame, besame mucho, que tengo miedo a perderte, perderte después
Quiero tenerte muy cerca, mirarme en tus ojos, verte junto a mi
Piensa que tal vez mañana, yo ya estaré lejos, muy lejos de ti

Sunday morning, from 10 till 12 noon, at Taipei City Library-Jing-xin Branch, I had an interview with a graduate student from Chengchi University, about the perspectives of Taipei City Library affiliated Learning Centers for senior citizens for two hours. I enjoyed a reflective chat with a graduate student working on her master degree! She tried to compare the learning centers for senior citizens between Taipei and Tainan. The learning centers for senior citizens in Taipei City have been established for more than ten years and those in Tainan city just started!

Sunday afternoon, I had the first language exchange with Basilio, a Korean tenor and guitarist. We worked on a few Japanese and Chinese songs for two hours. With the guitar accompanying, I improved singing skills a great deal and hopefully in time I shall have bigger vital capacity through singing practice on daily basis!

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義大利語 B1

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