
New Year Eve 2010

It was the most exciting New Year Eve in my life. The evening agenda was filled with exciting celebration activities. My heart was filled with joy, gratitude, and hope. I listened to the 64th Handel’s Messiah Concert of YMCA Oratorio Choir's with seven Toastmasters at Zhongshan Hall, including Harry Fong, George Yen, and five golden ladies, upon the invitation of Toastmaster Lydia Lin.

The premiere night of Messiah Concert with the double pianos, percussion troupe and hand bells group was mesmerizing. I felt being transcended back to the times of George Frideric Handel in 1742, the moment the concert began. The composing talent of Dr. Wen-pin Hope Lee was outstanding. The performance of YMCA Oratorio Choir was impressive under the leadership of Conductor Sun ai-kuang. At the end of Part II, everybody was excited to stand up when the chorus sang Hallelujah! What a glorious moment it was at the new year eve of 2010.

After the concert, I rushed against the north wind on my scooter at a speech of 20 kilometers to the District 67 count down party of 70 toastmasters at a Chinese restaurant near Taipei 101. The traffic was so heavy with many motorcyclists heading for the Taipei 101. I arrived at the Toastmasters count down party late, but in time for birthday cake cutting and lucky draw. It was a touching moment when Toastmasters joined hands to sing Happy 100 to the Republic of China!

The spectacular pyrotechnics display at Taipei 101 at 12 midnight attracted one hundred thousands people near Hsin-yi Business Area. When the count down began, the Taipei 101 was like on fire in many colors for four minutes. People hugged and kissed one another on the streets to celebrate the happy moment. The New Year's Eve celebration parties and gatherings brought about the prosperous beginning of the New Year of 2011. Happy New Year!

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