
Hakka Association in Taipei County

December is the election time. The three-in-one municipal elections 2010 was just over last Saturday, November 27th. I was invited to attend the Assembly of Hakka Association in Taipei County, to help them with the ballots counting, Sunday noon, December 5th.

I was invited along with ten other members of Hsin-tien Women Chorus by one Hakka member to the festive gathering, to help her with the ballots counting procedures at the annual election day.

Being a first timer in the ballot counting procedures of a political arena, I felt the ballot counting fun at the beginning, but I got bored chanting the same names over and over again. Nevertheless it was worthwhile to see an election process in a huge association. In Toastmasters, the ballots counting is much simpler and easier.

The extravagant banquet after the election deserved all the trivial ballot counting efforts. On stage, the passionate Hakka people sang authentic folk songs to the Hakka orchestra. The eye catching Hakka dancers dressed in traditional flowery costumes danced merrily on stage. I was contented to sit with Hakka members and guests eating and drinking. The party started from 12 noon and it didn't end till two thirty in the afternoon. I walked home with a satisfying smile and many joyous Hakka mountain songs lingering in my mind.

****** 祝福大家虎年福虎生風 ******

*** 山歌唱來鬧洋洋 客家文化要發揚 ***
*** 飲水思源情意重 落葉歸根切莫忘 ***

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