
What Makes A Good Politician?

It was a full house of students, from high school to college when I walked into Room 428 at MOFA Toastmasters Club at 12:30 Thursday noon, Feburary 5th .Wow, it felt good to see young people in Taiwan seize the opportunities to learn outside of their schools during the winter break.

It was a special day. At the reception of MOFA, I was told to go ahead by the security guards without changing the visitor pass, because they were out of supply. I trailed three students from CYCU Toastmasters Club to the elevator. In stead of an awkward silence in an elevator with a bunch of strangers, I struck a conversation with three students immediately in the Toastmasters language.

MOFA Forum in February was hosted by President Jenny Tzeng. She assigned an article by former congressman Lee Hamilton, What Makes A Good Politician? I listened to the mp3 a day before and thought about two questions Jenny asked us to prepare in advance:

1. What traits should an ideal politician possess?
2. If any of your family members decides to pursue political career, what would you say to him/her?

After the prepared speech seesion, I joined the group at the back, including four students from CYCU Toastmasters Club, Clark, Ruru, Fanny, Hanks, what a coincidence! We took turns reading the article, and Clark Liu, the President of CYCU, represent our group to give an oral report in one minute in public.

Being the General Evaluator, I was happy about the participants turnout rate this afternoon. It was the first time I saw a full house of people at MOFA. MOFA Forum proved to be effective to involve and connect all particpants. What a networking mechanism for all!

After meeting, I complimented Toastmaster Howard Chien, VPE of MOFA, for inviting a dozen high school students. While I saw the strong desire to learn communication skills in the sparkling eyes of the high school students, I urged Howard to conduct Youth Leadership Program and establish a Gavel Club at high school. Howard told me that he would talk to the principal about the possibility to found a club or hold a youth leadership event in Nay-li high school.

PS: After reading "What makes a good politician?" by Lee Hamilton, I thought about what makes a good Toastmaster. Likewise, a good toastmaster must be trustworthy. She or he must be energetic, focus, ambitious for individuals, clubs, districts and for All.

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