
Acting Your Age

I don't know skiing, I don't know skating, I don't know surfing. I attempted the snake board on Chinese New Year Eve.

My little distant niece was excited to show off her newly bought snake board. She showed us how to propel the snake board in any direction by standing her feet on the board. She moved her feet in and out on the snake board, the LED lighting on two wheels beneath the board flashed like two fire balls.

I was eager to get on the board, to get the feeling of what it was like to have two wheels under my soles. It was hard for me to find the balance on the board with the help of two adults. I felt like a giant from Brobdingnag, too big to move an inch.

In order to demonstrate my courage, in front of my husband, I tried to stand my left foot on the footplate on my own, no sooner than later, I fell hard, first on my hips, and then on my head, BANG! A huge lump immediately developed after my head hit the marble floor. Ouch, it hurt! I was amazed at how fast my head reacted to the sudden stroke! It was like a golden dumpling falling out of the blue on my head on the Chinese New Year eve.

A snake board evolves from the skateboard, brings with elements of snowboards & surfboards. A snake board has two pivoting footplates attached at each end. Wheels are attached to the footplates to move in 360 degrees.

In year 2012, I have a plan, to stand on a moving snake board firmly to perform spins and somersaults. I shall wrap myself well with the helmet, knees protective gears. Am I too old to dream, to be adventurous?

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