
New Year Resolutions 2009

When President Carrie announced that it was the last meeting of year 2008, I couldn't believe that time could fly so fast. It seemed to me that the young and energetic officers of Grand Toastmasters Club were just installed, but they would complete half of their terms soon.

Grand's second regular meeting in December will be replaced by a huge Joint Christmas Singing Party of Grand, NLFD, TTY at Holiday Karaoke Box, Thursday evening, December 18th. There will be Joke Session—Humorous Song Contest, Tabletopics Session—Group Ad-lib Song Contest, Prepared Song Contest, Evaluation Song Contest. Just thinking about this unprecedented event, I couldn't help feeling exhilarated and high.

At the first and last meeting of December this evening, I was thrilled when Jimmy Wu, Tabletopics Master, called upon me to tell my New Year Resolutions. To be honest, I've been pondering upon this question ever since Thanksgiving Day. But I thought it was still in early December, I didn't expect that I'd be given the chance to finalize what I plan to achieve in the coming year in a loud voice in front of my fellow Toastmasters members. Many thanks goes to Jimmy to let me announce my New Year Resolutions 2009.

1. Go to Africa. On the day when Barack Obama was elected as the President of the United States, I thought about visiting Kenya, the birthplace of Barack Obama Senior. Nairobi will definitely be one of my stops in Africa. Kenya must have a lot to offer in addition to the super genes of the first class world leader. Dakar will certainly be my second stop. I plan to visit Manuela and her husband in Senegal for a couple of weeks in July. Manuela is one of my best friends in Italy. We studied at Ritsumeikan University as exchange students in 2001. I missed Manuela's big wedding day this year, but I wouldn't miss the opportunites to accompany her to meet with her parents-in-law. Year 2009 will be the year to connect Africa and Taiwan.

2. Spend a Fortune. In addition to the consumer voucher of NT$3,600 I'm about to receive from the government, I shall spend as much as I can in the coming year to boost the economy of Taiwan and the rest of the world. Hopefully I can contribute my humble share to bring a halt to the global economic downturn. Thrifty is no doubt a virtue to be, but when my country needs my money, I shall spend without reservation!

3. Lose 5 Pounds. In year 2008, I was not only successful in reducing 5 pounds, but I also reduced the fat deposit on my tummy in 2008. Diet control and regular exercise were the keys. I couldn't feel happier, healthier, and sexier. If I lose 5 more pounds mainly on my belly, I should be qualified as a supermodel on the runway. It is my goal to stay slim and fit in 2009 and in the years to come.

Tonight we had a birthday celebration for members born in October, November and December. I was one of three Libras, along with 3 Scorpios, and one Sagittarius. When we stood in line, blowing out a big candle of question mark, I looked a good look at my fellow members born in the last quarter of the year for the first time. I found out some common characters among us, talkative, expressive, and versatile.

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