
Dress Rehearsal

It was a sunny Sunday afternoon yesterday. The dress rehearsal of Thousand Cranes Japanese Dance School (千鶴流) Year-end Party took place at the Youth Arts Center, the same venue where we shall have our annual Japanese Dance Performance Saturday afternoon, December the 13th.

Four Toastmasters were at the dress rehearsal, Reifon Tong and Janifer Kuo from Japanese speaking toastmasters club, Sophia and me from Grand Toastmasters Club. Reifon, Incumbent President of Peace Toastmasters Club, served as the master of ceremonies. Janifer performed three Japanese dances, including one solo dance. I joined a group dance. Sophia came to the open dress for the first time. Being a make-up artist and hair stylist, Sophia agreed to help me with my hairstyle on the performance day.

It was a very smooth dress rehearsal under the leadership of schoolmaster. The rundown of 26 Japanese dances, from cue to cue, master of ceremonies, tech crew (lighting change, sound effect, or scene change), and dancers exerted all energies to ensure that all details of the performance are adequate for professional presentation. We spent a lot of time rehearsing the opening and closing dances with more than 30 dancers on stage at the same time. We also rehearsed the celebration of the 80th birthday for four senior dancers. It was grand and magnificent.

Dress rehearsal is not only important for tech crew, but it also gives dancers the sense of being what it would be like at the real performance. Dress rehearsal is the only chance for dancers to see the whole program on stage on the performance day. Dress rehearsal is the best chance to observe other dancers' costumes, body movements, facial expressions, hand gestures and impromptu reactions.

It is the first time I tried on my handmade bling bling kimono. I was told that it had a special glittering and dazzling effect on stage. The hair accessories I bought in Obihiro, Hokkaido last year looked "Japanese Geisha" on me. Wow, how grateful I felt that I could have a relaxing Sunday afternoon sitting in the audience, chitchatting with dear friends, and playing with puppy like une femme heurese au chien au japon.

It is the fifth year since I joined Thousand Cranes Japanese Dance School. I enjoy every minutes of it. I got my natori certificate two years ago. I hope I can get my shifan certificate one day and I can continue the Japanese dance till age of 80 and beyond. I like Japanese dance (Nihon Buyou) for many reasons, gorgeous kimonos, geisha make-up, fancy hairstyles, gracious movements, and beautiful melodies. It is my way to learn Japanese language and culture by immersing myself in Nihon Buyou, so reads my golden toastmasters motto, "learning by doing".

Sophia and I went to Starbucks after the dress rehearsal. She told me the Japanese dance reminded her of the old times with her grandparents. She is thinking about joining our Japanese dance school in the future. I'm glad more and more toastmasters are interested in learning Japanese dance in Taiwan. I'm sure we could have a joint District 67 & 76 Japanese Dance Performance soon. That would be simply awesome!

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