
Fun Reading is Contagious

The first day we sign up to join the Toastmasters, we're hoping we can hone our communication and leadership skills at the world biggest non-profit educational organization as much as we can. But, it's not an easy task, we must strive hard to reach our goal. The more we get on stage, the more we feel at ease delivering speeches in public. So is reading monthly Toastmaster Magazine! The more we get together to read, the happier we'll be.

READING is fun. Fun reading is contagious. I am happy I had the opportunity to conduct a trial reading of Toastmaster Magazine May issue with Grand Toastmasters Club members Saturday moring, June 2nd. We read two articles for twenty mintues before our yakiniku luncheon at the Longevity Restaruant in Shi-lin, "Simple Steps to Writing a Fantastic Speech" by Charles W. Buffington III, ATMB, page 22 and "Managing Your Toastmasters Materials--What to do with all those certificates, speech notes and manuals" by Shelia Spencer, DTM, page 24.

In "Simple Simple Steps to Writing a Fantastic Speech", we learned about "Soapbox" issues. In early days, English used to carry soapboxes to Hyde Park to speakup their ideas and believes to the people. Nowadays, people use blogs to convey messages to the people around the world.

In "Managing Your Toastmasters Materials--What to do with all those certificates, speech notes and manuals", Shelia Spencer, DTM taught us how to create a system to mangage our Toastmasters document smartly. I echo her opinion that we can donate the Toastmaster magazine back issues to the club where they can be made available to guest and other members if we do not want to keep the magazines for ourselves. (I've kept Toasmasters Magazines since I joined Grand Toastmasters in 1986. If you are interested in reading the back issues, feel free to borrow them from me.)

I'm happy we had a great time discussing two articles in a short period of time.I prepared two questions for members to answer. The winners had the gifts to take home with, the rest had the knowledge (more powerful and valuable). I wish goldengirls can lead reading activities with club members to make fun reading contagious in Toastmasters. Sherry

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