
Five Stars Clogging Dance Performance

A rating of five stars is certainly encouraging! I was feeling on cloud nine when I saw the five stars rating for the clogging dance "Eyes Like Yours" Trini and I performed at Sui-yuan Community Center on Dragon Boat Festival Tuesday noon, the 19th of June. I knew I had done something meaningful, but I didn't expect Trini and I would have won a five stars rating. Simply amazing!

I started uploading video clips of clogging dance on YouTube from March this year. I've uploaded about ten clips of our performances for the past four months. The first rating I received was three stars for "Baby One More Time" Michelle and I performed at D67 Spring Convention Ambassadors Celebration party in May. I was quite pleased with the appraisal. But when I saw a five stars rating in June, I was so thrilled that I could receive such an encouraging feedback from the viewers. I am sure Trini would be just as happy as I am.

Even though "Eyes Like Yours" got only 24 views now and one rating of five stars, I still felt so much uplifted. I knew I did a good job after the dance, but I am still very grateful that somebody appreciated our dance and gave Trini and I a rating of five stars. Wow!

I don't deny that the five stars marked a milestone of my clogging dance career. And I shall take it as a compliment to my effects and enthusiasm in the past and an encouragement for me to hone my clogging skills to advance further to attend the Annual Clogging Convention in the US in June 2008.

If life is like a box of chocolates of different tastes and shapes (no one knows what she or he is going to get next), learning clogging dance is certainly the sweetest piece of choice which keeps me in shape and in spirit. I am grateful to Trini who took me to the clogging class and guided a new journey for me to travel in the years to come. Sherry

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