
Clogging Dance with the Grasswind

I'd looked forward to the hot pot party at Grasswind Restaurant for a couple of weeks. It was held by D67 Spring Convention 2007 organizing committee to celebrate the great performance of convention ambassadors. No one can forget the dress code and the sweet sweet smile of young and pretty convention ambassadors. Every ambassador wore a pink shirt with a flower in her hair to echo the convention theme "Blossom in Spring". The student ambassadors provided best services possible to members and guests alike. They left a great impression on many foreign delegates.

Four out of 14 Convention Ambassadors showed up at the party. Two out of 4 expressed their interest in learning clogging dance after seeing the demo dance by Michelle and me. We performed "Sweet Sweet Smile" by Carpenters and "Baby One More Time" by Britney Spears. Some senior Toastmasters also showed their willingness to learn clogging dance with us. Wow, I can hear the happy-go-lucky clinking sound in Toastmasters.

It was super hot Sunday afternoon, the 27th of May. I gave up riding my motorbike under the scorching sun on my way to the restaurant. I took the metro to Jian-tan station and I was 15 minutes late. Michelle was waiting for me. Without wasting any time, we sweated all over in less than 20 minutes rehearsing on the verandah outside of the air-conditioned restaurant.

The party was 30 minutes late. I like parties, but a hot pot party in summer isn't my cup of tea. Fortunately three super-power air-conditioners transcended us to the vast grassland of Mongolia. The steaming hot pot became mouth-watering in the romatically adorned basement with a full house of laughter of toastmasters. What a cool way to kill the loneliness in a hot Sunday afternoon in Taipei!

Sammy Su, President of Taipei City Government Toastmasters Club, is the coordinator of the convention ambassadors. She spent a lot of time contacting and helping convention ambassadors do their jobs well. In the meantime, she was one of the 7 finalists at the International Speech Contest. Remember that tallest woman Toastmaster in town? She brought two cakes, three bottles of yogurt in one hand to the hot pot party. She is invincible. She is single and available.

Convention Chair Gloria Chou took charge of the panel discussion about the strength and weakness of convention ambassadors and the room for future improvement. She invited four convention ambassadors to share with us their experiences. We knew in depth and in details how much convention ambassadors had served us. I really admired the student toastmasters' team spirit and serving attitude.

Before we closed our party, we were told that Grasswind Restaurant offered kitchenware clearance sale because it will move to another new location next month. Grasswind is owned by Division C Governor Mike Yang's younger brother. We not only had a special price for our food and drink, we also had a premium service from Mike's daughter. No party could end better than every participant walked away with hands full of cups, plates, baking pans, anything you can imagine. There will certainly be many more parties to come and I'm waiting for the invitation calls. Sherry

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"You looked uptight (serious) on stage," Gloria said to me after the demo clogging dance. Coincidentally Virginia gave me the same comment after the dress rehearsal of Legacy's 10th Anniversary Party.

Life is but a STAGE. People in the streets, on the buses, are players who can act naturally until they are placed on stage with written script in hands. The facial expressions reveal what was there on their minds. In my case, it is the cue sheet of the dancing sequence.

Dancing is like public speaking, I don't know how long it'll take me to set myself free from the cue sheet. I don't know how long it'll take me to learn to internalize in stead of memorizing the steps. I'm working on it. It is my GOAL.

Why act? Be happy! Smile no matter what!

義大利語 B1

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