
Teleconferencing on Toastmasters Magazine in May

Saturday afternoon, I lay in bed till four, got dressed, coughed badly. Reluctantly I picked up the phone and called Lydia that I couldn't make it to the dinner and Toastmaster Magazine reading gathering at her home this month. I was in the middle of my serious flu. But it might not be a bad idea for us to try teleconferencing on Toastmasters Magazine for a change.

Late in the evening, I received the call from Lydia. Golden ladies had the first teleconference discussing the assigned articles in Toastmasters Magazine. Trini talked mostly. I could visualize her sweet smiles talking to me, challenging me with different questions. Kate was worried about my flu (not contagious in distance), urged me to hang up the phone to get rest. We talked for twenty minutes on the phone, not as long as I had expected, because golden ladies were not used to teleconferencing on Toastmasters Magazine.

I think teleconferencing is an alternative measure for golden ladies who couldn't show up in person at the reading gathering, but could still get connected to the group. Thanks to the advancement of telecommunication technology, everything becomes possible these days. Maybe we can organize a skype reading group to connect five reading groups in different countries to read Toastmasters Magazine at a specific time. That will be awesome!

I used teleconferencing call on the daily basis when I was with a multinational clinical trial company ten years ago. Every morning, I arrived in the office, I talked with colleagues in Australia on the poly teleconference system to report the progress of contract clinical trials in Taiwan. In the late evening, I took care of the calls from the headquarters in the US. No matter where I was, either in the office or at home, I could be reached. Just think about it, the mobile phone was not so popular at that time.

Having a flu isn't that bad in the end. Golden ladies have a new way of reading Toastmasters Magazine. I haven't had a flu for many years, it can certainly boost my immune system for a long time. Sherry

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