
A Leaping Rabbit

So many things to accomplish in year 2011, I must move like a leaping rabbit to have as much done as possible after the Chinese New Year holidays.

It was sunny in the south throughout the entire holiday season. I took the advantage of the good weather enjoying the countryside life with my parents-in-law. I practiced piano with my niece living next door in the morning. I taught children English and Mandarin in the front yard in the afternoon. I studied the German language on-line in the living room in the evening. I read "The Sorrows of Young Werther" by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe and "Ein liebender Mann" by Martin Walser at night. In one word, it was a relaxing and educational New Year holidays in Po-tzu with Mr. von Goethe around.

The star fruits grew well in the front yard. Nobody in the family was interested in eating the fresh star fruits. So, I picked most fruits on the tree, preserved them in two big jars. It is said that the star fruit juice is good for the throat. Maybe I could give a jar to the Regensburg Domspatzen when they are in town in May. I could give the other jar to golden ladies when we meet for the Toastmaster magazine reading in Summer.

Being a goat, I am curious about the forecast of my fortune for the Year of the Rabbit. It is told, "March, April and September are well-starred for work advancement and positive changes. The past couple of years have been challenging for the Goat and 2011 will be much more upbeat, positive and happy. There will be many chances over the year to make new friends and attend social outings – just what the Goat needs. The support and friendship of others will be very important this year. The whole year will bring happy social occasions. It’s going to be a busy year!" Yes, just what I have been expecting!

What's your Zodiac? I'm curious about your fortune in the year of the Rabbit!

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