
Shanghai Reunion in Taipei

Toastmaster Harry Fong invited a group of Toastmasters friends to join the Karaoke Party at his mansion to welcome Dragon Lee back to Taipei for Chinese New Year this evening. It was more like a family gathering, with Toastmaster Harry and his wife Lydia, Toastmaster Harrison with his wife Cecilia, lady friends of Lydia, and the Toastmasters who visitied the Bilingual Drama Toastmasters Club in Shanghai with Harry and Harrison, the two founders of Legacy Toastmasters Club, on the 24th of September, 2010.

Dragon Lee is the big brother of Toastmaster Harrison Lee. He is a successful business person in China. Upon the invitation of Harrison, Dragon joined the Bilingual Drama Toastmasters Club meeting in Shanghai with us. I met Dragon for the first time, we didn’t have much time to talk with each other.

It was the second time I saw Dragon this evening. My hears became upright like a rabbit when I heard Dragon sing for the first time. When he opened his mouth, his sexy voice mesmerized all the ladies and gentlemen as well. In addition, he can accompany any karaoke singer with a male or female key instantly. He is a music talent. Too bad, he is not interested in public speaking. Otherwise, D67 Toastmasters Chorus can recruit another great singing Toastmaster!

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