
A Love Story

"I had a crash on a monk. I couldn't let go of him. I stalked him crossing the river and turned into a snake. When he hid himself under the bronze bell of a temple, I seized the bell with all my energy, spit the fire to burn him to death. It is because of love and I just can't help it!" It's the love story of the famous Japanese dance Doujouji, I'm going to perform in 2010.

I was ready to pay a visit to the monk under the old bronze bell of Hanshan Temple. I put on my favorite Japanese costume. The Yukata is a gift from Toastmaster Takao of Osaka Toastmasters Club and the handbag is a gift from Toastmaster Shimada of Kyoto Toastmasters Club. I bought the Obi and Geta in Okazaki, Nagoya, when I was a student at a local language school in 1996.

To my big surprise, there was a golden monk under the bronze bell when I climbed on the attic. I was the lucky one to be alone with the monk for a while till someone climbed up the attic. I exerted all my energy to strike the bell three times to express my love and gratitude with a group of witness. The monk reminded me of my dear husband at home. He just sat there quietly to watch over me with all his love and support.

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