
Ode to Joy

"Happy Birthday to You, Happy Birthday to You, Happy Birthday Dear Masaki, Happy Birthday to You", Masaki blew the candles with tears in his eyes. He celebrated his 82 birthday in Taipei this evening. Being born in Korea in 1926, Masaki has special feelings towards people in his neighboring countries, especially Koreans and Taiwanese.

In order to support the Joint Anniversary of Success and Kumamoto Toastmasters Clubs Saturday, October 11th, VPPR Masaki Oshiumi of Kitakyushu Toastmaster Club arrived in Taipei Monday afternoon. He came with an aim to practice Ode to Joy as much as possible before his performance at the Joint Anniversary dinner party. Ode to Joy is popular among Japanese. On New Year Eve, it is one of the Japanese customs to sing Ode to Joy to welcome the New Year. Masaki sang Ode to Joy with Kitakyushu Citizens Chorus of 250 members at Well City Kokura Grand Hall December 22nd, 2007. Masaki was happy to share the emotions of Beethoven and Schiller at the unprecedented gathering of toastmasters from D67 & D76.

Early Tuesday morning Masaki and I practiced singing together (Masaki Tenor, me Alto) at the open-air concert plaza in 228 Peace Park in the rain for a couple of hours. This morning, we practiced singing together again at the open-air concert plaza in Daan Forest Park in the sunshine. It was like our duet concert tour in Taipei, with no audience.

On Masaki's 82 birthday today, Michelle Chen of Innovative Toastmasters Club and her mother invited Masaki and me for lunch at a famous Japanese restaurant in Xi-men. After lunch, Masaki and I went to Michelle's home and practiced singing Ode to Joy for a couple of hours. I invited Masaki to come to my home for dinner with my husband and my brother. We sang Ode to Joy for another one hour after dinner.

I am so impressed with Masaki's determination to sing at his best to touch upon the hearts of people around him. He would certainly make his Ode to Joy instructor proud to see him stand up and sing up on stage in Taiwan. Don't be surprised when Masaki sings Ode to Joy in Mandarin at the dinner party. Are you all ears?


青天高高 白雲飄飄 太陽當空在微笑
枝頭小鳥 吱吱在叫 魚兒水面任跳躍
花兒盛開 草兒彎腰 好像歡迎客人到
我們心中 充滿歡喜 人人快樂又逍遙
我們休息 在小山上 眺望美景真快樂
口中高唱 歡喜之歌 清風流水在應和
盡情遊玩 及時行樂 大好時光別放過
你也歡喜 我也歡喜 人人歡樂快樂多

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