
Dancing is...

Dancing is a combination of beauty and energy. It requires a lot of practice.

Last Friday, I took a half-day off from work in order to rehearse the dance for Division C Christmas Party next day. I didn't have the chance to rehearse the group dance with other golden ladies at all. It was like I was going to deliver an unprepared speech – the feeling panic, uncertain and reluctant. I kept telling myself I would be fine, a Toastmaster member should be able to take any challenge.

Lydia and I wasted no time in chatting but practice and practice. The videoclip Sherry uploaded on the YouTube greatly helped me. I learnt a part of the dance in advance. We were quite happy with the outcome of three hours sweating. We learnt the group dance and managed to complete the 2nd part of our dance.

The moment had come. Irene's smooth flow of dance and fully displayed body movement arouse the excitement from the floor. Linda's performance was full of energy. From the audience scream, you would know how she attracted the audience. How could the audience move their eyes from Lydia who showed the beauty of dance with her sophisticated technique? Sherry is the symbol of creativity, the focus of the spotlight. I memorized all steps; somehow, I felt my dance lack of power. I recalled what Lydia said while we were rehearsing. "When you sing or dance, you need to put your heart in it."

Yes, Lydia was right. Not only for singing and dancing, "heart" is important for everything. The Division C Christmas Party has driven me to take the action – to learn 'jazz' with my heart. By Kate Hsu

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