
Fantasia Italiana

Good Morning! Buon Giorno! Chi va piano, va sano e lontano! Before embarking upon the Costa Venezia on April 7th, 2019, the brand new cruise dedicated to the hometown of Marco Polo and Casanova, I'm studying diligently the Italian language. From Taiwan to the shores of Japan, I shall indulge myself in Venice Carnival lives on board!

In addition, I’m watching a few Federico Fellini’s famous films. They reminded me of the wonderful three months studying the Italian language in Milan, Florence and Rome in 2004. Hopefully I can reminisce those happy hours on Costa Venezia.

There are still a lot to learn in the next three weeks, the Italian language, the Italian cinema, and the Italian songs! I'm planning to bring along the Mandarin version of Fare Un Film by Fellini on board. Hopefully I can find the English or Italian version at the library of the Costa Venezia.

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義大利語 B1

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