
Taiwanese Folk Songs

"Ms. Ji Lu-xia (紀露霞) is a family friend, she often comes to our house to play Mahjong", Brother Jimmy told me at dinner this evening, "when Mum is still alive, she and Ms. Ji go to dinner gatherings with wives of retired air force men every month."

I met Ms. Ji for the first time in my life when I started the four lessons (2/15, 2/22, 2/29, 3/7) of Taiwanese Folk Songs with her at Taiwan Music Center Wednesay evening, February 15th. After Associate Professor Stone Chi-shen from Soochow University gave a lecture on the Taiwanese folk songs in 50's and 60's from 6PM to 7PM, Ms. Ji told us her story as a singer, taught us the vocalization skills, and demonstrated how to sing "Longing for the Spring Breeze (望春風)" for two hours, from 7PM to 9PM.

It was a class of 30 students, men and women, young and old. Every student was enthusiastic to articulate the most famous Taiwanese folk song. Ms. Ji at the age of 73, has a beautiful voice with a remarkable vital capacity. It was blissful listening to her singing at a close distance.

Life is mysterious. A stranger on the street may turn into a close friend in life. A stranger in the classroom may turn into a spouse (the case of my husband). A stranger in a music class may be connected to our family member. It's my hope I can learn the Taiwanese folk songs diligently with Ms. Ji to rember my beloved mother! Maybe I can invite Ms. Ji to come to Brother Jimmy's place for dinner one day!



English Translation
I was alone waiting under a lamp, when the spring breeze blew on my cheeks.
In the teen I was still single, fancying young men of my age.
Indeed handsome and cute he was, which family was he from?
wishing to chat with him, but the butterflies in my stomach played pipa.

Wanting him for my prince charming, I hid the love in my heart.
Hoping one day he would come pick the bloomy flower.
Heard someone coming, I opened the door.
The moon laughed at me for being an idiot, as I was tricked by the breeze.

日本語訳 戀心
靜かな春の 宵なのに 秘めてた戀の 悩ましさ
今宵はあの人 來るかしら 切ない胸の このさわぎ

わたしは戀の 蕾なの 春風吹けば  咲きませう
微かな音に 出て見れば ほゝえむ月が 憎らしい

Spring Breeze was dubbed in Japanese 大地は招くin 1941 by 越路詩郎.
アジアに狂う 木枯らしも
   いつしか止みて あおぐ日に
五色の旗も 手に映えて
   青空たかく ひるがえる

はてなき大地 燃えいずる
   吾らの力 いま見よと
緑の野辺に 鍬とれば
   うれしや口も 微笑みむ

のび行く國の 若人と
   生まれし甲斐に この體
御國に捧げ いざゆかむ
   大地は招く 日が至る

In 2010, Spring Breeze was dubbed in Hakka 客家魂 by 李彥輝.
獨身過海生命搏 不忘祖宗言
客家文化內涵多 客妹壯又膽
勤儉煞猛合心和 命運就會變
毋驚土地憨落破 前途大家展

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qZeZWpp32LY&list=PL6YsTaFq7KcOn4ITiO7Ury0Lma_Jx2rK7&index=37 義語字典 https://context.reverso.net/transl...