
Welcome to the new Brand

I received the Toastmaster Magazine September 2011 in my mailbox this morning. It had a layout quite different from those issues in the past six decades. It spoke out the new brand that would precede us in the Toastmasters International from now on!

In the viewpoint, the newly elected International President Michael Notaro talked about building a better brand at Toastmasters: a place where leaders are made. Toastmaster Beth Black, Associate Editor of the Toastmaster Magazine, explained why a new logo was necessary and how the new logo the Toastmasters globe emblem was evolved.

While thinking about how much it might cost to have the club banner with the new logo made in the future, I read the article "How to benefit from change" by Dana LaMon. Yes, why can't I accept the change of the logo? I should not fear it, but use it! Benefit as much of the new logo as possible for another six decades. I must hang in there. Yes, I will!

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