
Leadership and Genes

Birds of a feature get together. Among ten golden ladies Toastmasters, the blood types are either O or B. All golden ladies birthdays fall on the second half of the year. Isn’t the statistical data intriguing? Are Toastmasters of natures or nurtures?

Toastmaster Trini Ding brought up the blood type issue yesterday, when she was in Tainan to accompany for her mother for the weekend. When she looked at the group photos of ours, she took some thinking how interesting it was forming a group like ours.

At the beginning of this semester, while getting to know her students she realized she was wrong about a lot of things that she was so sure of. For instance people with Blood type B is just a little bit more than blood type AB. Being "O" the predominant blood type, in one of her classes "Type A" is more.

I belong to the group of type O. It's the predominant group in human beings, including people in China, Britain, and the US. Type O is particularly high among the indigenous populations of Central and South America, where it approaches 100%. But group A is more prominent in Japan, with 38% of the population. Interestingly the most common type among Japanese Prime Ministers is O. What about the blood type demography among Toastmasters leaders in District 67 and in the Toastmasters International?

Blood-typing is used to determine compatibility for marriage and romance, and also for career paths. My husband is type A, which is compatible with type O woman. Maybe that's one of the reasons why we still stick to each other after two decades plus happily married after.

I had never thought that talking about the blood types in public would invade the privacy, until the day I gave a workshop at Mongolia Management Institute in January 2010. When I asked the participants, mainly professors, to break into groups according to their blood type, they made a strong protest immediately.

In Taiwan and in Japan, people talk freely and openly about their blood types, but not in Mongolia. I don’t know if people are discreet about their blood types in China, Britain, and the US. That would be another interesting area to study how people of different countries interact with one another!

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