When Toastmaster Caroline Kiang asked me to deliver a demo speech at 傑人會, a 6 months old Chinese-speaking Toastmaters Club, I said Yes without any hesitation. It was the first time I delivered a humorous speech for 5-7 minutes, I was happy I made it this evening.
Caroline, Toastmaster Kate Hsu, and I met for dinner at a small family restaurant near the meeting venue before 6PM. After dinner, we were the three early birds at the meeting 30 minutes in advance. Kate took the last minute assignment as the joke master.
It was a successful meeting at the most sophisticated meeting room in District 67. After meeting, Toastmasters Eva Liu invited us for snack at her boutique in the neighborhood. Eva showed us her product line of a brand new Taipei brand. President Jennifer Liu, Kate, and I spent a small fortune to support Eva's idea and dream.
We didn't leave Eva's boutique until after half to 12 midnight, Eva gave a good discount to Kate and me, wishing us happy birthdays in October. Both Kate and I are looking forward to showing off our new dresses to golden ladies Toastmasters at our birthday parties next month.
我是隻(小小鳥的動作),飛就飛,叫就叫,自由消遙(轉一圈、摔一跤、沒人笑) 沒摔好,還要加強演練!不能慌,整個場面要hold住,(中文會不可以穿插英文),我穩ㄨㄣˇ 住了!
(一看手錶)今天我是隻早起的鳥,六點,滿地都是蟲,mmm, mmm, 好吃耶!
我騎上三陽野狼(bu~bu~bu), 來去復興鄉天空步道!
今天天氣好清爽,陌上野花香, 多麼鳥語花香的好日子啦!
紅燈右轉,遭了! 路上有警察埋伏!
說時那時快,我這隻早起的鳥變成驚弓之鳥。心想七早八早,竟然碰到這種鳥事,整個場面要穩住, 不能慌,我穩住了!
二隻警界菜鳥,三二下就被我這隻溝通老鳥給乎巄過去了! 好不高興,賺到一千八!要鎮定,我穩住了!
糟糕, 我的野狼鑰匙不見了,會掉到那裡呢?東也找不到,西也找不到,最後到摩斯漢堡的垃圾箱找到了,還找到別人的眼鏡及假牙,真噁!想吐!不行!我是貴婦,要裝模做像,我穩住了!(bu~bu~bu)
打電話給瑪麗,『妳說什麼,明天才去玩,今天是星期一?』我的神經快崩潰了, Haaaaaaaa!反正也沒人再看,我就別hold住了!Haaaaaaaa!一隻鳥兒號久久!
打開電腦,看到瑪麗的email, 恭喜我中標—老年過動健忘症AAADD,東西丟三落四,從早天到晚,東一點、西一點,結果一事無成,每天都被時間追著跑,聴到老字,我就氣,不行,要穩住了!不然鄒紋就會跑出來!只要穩得住,就好!穩得住的小鳥 No. 1 啦!
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五月的威內托(Veneto)天氣是多變化的,下著雨的時候多,晴天少的時候。感謝二位住在巴都亞(Padova)朋友的邀約,五月底到威內托一遊,六天五夜,接著搭 MSC Sinfonia 序曲號遊東地中海八天七夜。 說到二位住在巴都亞的朋友,一位是彩雲,另一位是彩蓉,二位都是五月初一...

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