It was the second Saturday evening in a row, Golden Ladies (GL) enjoyed an ecstatic night at Toastmaster Kate Hsu's cozy apartment.
Over the Indonesian dinner to celebrate Gina's birthday this evening, we had a full course of laughter as always, while taking many snapshots. I brought every GL a chunk of turmeric root to try out the authentic Indonesian turmeric rice at home. Learning by doing is the motto of Toastmasters!
Kate and Gina shared with the GLs the musical performance they saw in the afternoon. Kate volunteered to recite "playing with words" during the performance. She encouraged every GL to speak out loud in Taiwanese and Mandarin. The tongue twisters tickled every nerve of noisy GLs. After dinner, we marched cheerfully and giggly to Kate's house across the street from the restaurant. We couldn't wait to start the lengthy women's chitchat about health, love, and lust, the moment we stepped into Kate's territory, till after midnight.
In the living room of candle lights, GLs drank a bottle of sparkling wine, a bottle of millet sake, along with lots of finger food, a plate of pork jerky, a plate of dragon fruit, a plate of guava, and a big birthday cheese cake. Every GL took turns to stand on the weight and announced the present and ideal weights of theirs. I weighed 58.5 kilograms. If I were 5 KGs lighter, I would be the sexiest and spiciest cheeky girl this evening!
Like an intimate group therapy, whenever there is a GL gathering, we share the secrets about life experiences and Mind-Body adventures. Every GL had a say, and every GL felt high by the activation of the Molecules of Emotion in the mesolimbic passway of our brains.
Do you believe in the will power to reach the blissfulness and ecstasy in our body and mind? I do, with all my heart. I believe that with the imagination of feeling high and happy, our brains create endorphine to activate the opiate receptors in our brains. We can reach climax after climax using our will power to excite our body, control our breath, cherish our life of fantasy.
Happy Birthday to Gina and Cheers to GLs! With the constant stimulation of neural, hormonal and immune systems of ours, we shall live fruitful lives of health and longevity together!
Remarks: My two cents after reading "Molecules of Emotion--The Science Behind Mind-Body Medicine" by Cancace B Pert.
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Dear Sherry,
This is a topic quite challenging to me. It has never occured to me that I'd need such a will power. To me my life is already satisfactory enough with you girls around.
Dear Trini,
Believe in the will power to stay health and young. The molecules of emotion, the molecules of youth, and the molecules of intelligence are in the macro and micro melting pot of body-mind-spirit of ours in the universe.
Daily exercise, replenishment of fruits and vegetables, sound sleep, positive thinking, will empower us to transmit the energy to the people around us.
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