"Oh, my god. It is already 7 o'clock. I'll definitely be late for my 7:30 appointment with golden ladies," I thought. I jumped out of bed, checked the email again to make sure the meeting time, it was 7:30 alright. I put on anything available on the floor. "Honey, I'm going to the new Skywalk at Little Wulai in Taoyuan today, see you this evening".
After hopping on my pony scooter, I speeded up to the meeting point from Hsin-tien to Nanking East Road. I ran God knows how many red lights, figuring out several possible excuses for being late, feeling the hair on my arms dancing on my goose pumps in the cool morning breeze, only to find out that nobody was waiting at the meeting point.
It was very strange. Being a group of punctual golden ladies, I didn't believe what I saw. What happened to everybody? Did I mess up with the meeting point? I waited, waited, waited. After 20 minutes, I decided to knock on my friend's door in the neighborhood.
"Lydia, are you still at home? What happened to our outing today," I asked.
"Are you Virginia," Lydia answered the door in a sleeping voice.
"No, I'am Sherry," I replied with a disappointing tone. "Aren't we supposed to go to the skywalk in Taoyuan today?"
"But Sherry, it is Monday. We will go to the Skywalk tomorrow."

"Honey, I'm back, see you this evening." When I opened the door, my husband was in a shock to see me. He gave me a worried look before he left home. Me, I had better thing to do. I returned to my bed to catch up the sleep.
Before noon, I opened up my emails, I found a comforting message from Lydia, informing me of a recent medical discovery among seniors, the AAADD, Age Activated Attention Deficit Disorder. Thank God, there's a name for my behavior. I am not alone. Don't laugh -- if this isn't you yet, your day is coming!!
Talking about attention decifit disorder, it is no news to me. When I was in grade school, I loved to look out of the window to watch the students play on the ground. One day, I watched the physical education instructor call, "One, Two," the students replied, "Three, Four". I also shouted "Three, Four" in the classroom. I was called upon to stand in front of the classroom for the day.
When I grew older, I had more money in the pocket, I never took home the things I planned to buy. Often that I wanted to a shirt, I ended up with a pair of shoes, a kitchen knife, and a bottle of red wine in my hand.
As I got older and wiser, I couldn't remember how many times I left the keys on my scooter. I spent most of my day searching for my reading glasses. One day, I spent the entire day to find my house keys. After I gave up, I found them in the vegetable bag in the refrigerator.

I must return to the accessory shop as soon as possible. On my half way to the accessory shop, I became panic. I was not sure about myself. I thought maybe I left my purse on the coffee tray at the Mos Burger. So I returned to the Mos Burger to dig in the trash can. I couldn't find my purse, but I found some false teeth, to my surprise.
When I rushed to the shop running a few red lights and against several traffic signs, the clerk gave me a smile and returned my purse! What a relief to find my purse! In the evening, I told my husband about the story. He suggested I see a doctor to have Ritalin prescribed!
C'mon, you can get closer! See the wrinkles and blemishes on my face, the signs of aging after more than a half century exposure to the sun and gravity? They can be gone next week if I meet with my plastic surgeon this week! But how about the wrinkles and blemishes in my brain? I must have some for sure. Who doesn't by my age? Will I allow someone to open up my head? Nope!
About AAADD, I really couldn't care the less. While I can still remember my name, I can still find our way home, I am happy. All I can think of is to have fun till one day I don't even know how to put the alphabets of AAADD in the right order.
Here is what my friend Leslie Chen's comment.
I think you need to rearrange the sequence of events to match the title in order to make sense. AAADD is a joke for age over 50 people, not a clinical diagnosis. You are more joking about pre-alzeimer symptom than AAADD. My suggestions are as follow:
1. you got up early in the morning, put on clothes, but forgot the makeup;
2. got on scooter, passed by MOS burger, and got coffee
3. waited for coffee, saw the bathroom and wanted to check how's your makeup/hair looked after the wind blew
4. realized forgot to put on makeup, searched through the entire purse to find available makeup and applied
5. back to finish coffee and off to go to the scooter only to find out no keys anywhere
6. add the panicking scene of back trace to find the key in MOS burger, it was in the cosmetic bag or somewhere bizarre
7. now it's getting late, so call Lydia to apologize for going to be late, and found out it was for Tuesday and now is only Monday
8. dazed with the events, went home to check email for confirmation, dramatize the action of finding reading glasses
9. checked email and found AAADD pop up from Lydia, so ahhhhh!! what just happened is completely normal for age 50+ afterall!
What's to worry!!!!
Hi Leslie,
I can't thank you enough for the ingenuous ideas. I'm always grateful to you for being the first reader of my humorous speeches!
Upon your suggestions, I think I'm going to add some elements of action/adventure movies to my humorous speech, maybe with a few scenes of Martial Laws!
Before I sit on the wheelchair at the nursing home not knowing where to go or what it is about, I'm happy to be able to cherish the AAADD on stage in my 50's.
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