
Shall We Dance?--A1 Persuasive Speaking Assignment #3 The Winning Proposal

Some people are afraid of public speaking (pause), they are not in this room! Some are afraid of speaking English with foreigners (pause), they are not in this room, either! Some are afraid of dancing (pause), with two left feet (pause)! There must be a few in this room!

Imagine a middle-aged business man practices dancing diligently on the platform of a train station by himself in the rain. He has something on his mind. He wants to make a change in life. He is on his way to make his dream come true, one step at a time! He wears a smile on his face! He is contented!

In this room full of bilingual and multilinguals, you know what a wonderful life it is being a polyglot. And I'm here to persuade you into learning another language, d a n c e, dance!

Like the computer language of zero and one, dance is the combination of slow and quick steps. Take chachacha for example, slow slow quick quick quick. C'mon, you can't learn dancing without moving your feet. Now please stand up, and follow my instruction!

Step with your right foot, step with your left foot, remember to change weight. Bend your knees a little to keep the balance. Now slow, slow, slow, slow. How do you feel? Do you get the rthym?

Now let's try quick quick slow, quick quick slow! Very good. Voila, there you are! You're dancing! All you need is practice to get the rthym of slow and quick steps with your body.

How about quick quick slow; quick quick slow; slow slow? Very good! That’s swing! Swing, a popular dance during the 20's and 40's, is getting popular again among youngsters in Taipei. Now let's swing to the music, quick quick slow; quick, quick, slow; slow slow. Do you have fun? Thank you and please be seated!

Do you feel about the excitement to step out of the ordinary steps? Isn't it wonderful to express ourselves or communicate with others by another language, Dancing (pause). Dance is done all over the world and has been around since people could walk. Dancing is fun, good for body and soul. From dancing, we learn how to pace, we learn the discipline, just like we learn a new language, challenging but fulfilling!  A second language is good to train the agility of our brain. Dance is good to train the agility of our body. After we learn dancing, we can learn another foreign language more effectivly and efficiently! 

Life is of slow and quick steps. Sometimes we move quick to catch up with others. Sometime we slow down to enjoy the nature around us. Once we know the timing for slow and quick steps. We make the best of our life and become our best selves. Without further ado, shall we dance?

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