
A Hearty Breakfast at AFA

It was the second time I visited Anatolia Formosa Association (AFA) this morning, to have a hearty Turkish breakfast with black tea and to fetch a silk scarf Toastmaster LJ Lamb had kept for me. When I arrived, I saw four tables full of guests at AFA lounge. LJ and his wife, Elizabeth, were among them. There were a dozen young and handsome Turkish gentlemen waiting in the room. It was the first time I saw so many Turkish men.

Much to my surprise, I didn't see any young and friendly Turkish ladies I met at the first coffee day in 2013 at AFA two weeks ago. Their lovely smiles and tender looks prompted me to join AFA to study the Turkish language and culture.

It was LJ who posted the Turkish Coffee Day at AFA on Facebook, I began my Turkish adventure  in Taiwan. The moment I walked into AFA, I was greeted warmly by three Turkish ladies and I felt at home immediately. Then I saw Liz accompanied by LJ to AFA. It was the second time I saw Liz. When I complimented her on her crimson silk wrap around her head, Liz promised to give me a silk scarf she bought from Istanbul without any hesitation.

Liz is a super friendly and beautiful Chinese woman with Mongolian heritage. When I first met her at MOFA Toastmasters Club last year, I was attracted to her at once. She told me her family history, her studies in the US, and her romance with LJ. Liz reminded me of the beautiful women I met in Mongolia during the Toastmaster mission trip to Ulaanbaatar in January 2010.

With a view to sitting at the same table with LJ and Liz, I found an empty seat facing them. Serendipitously, my brother and sister-in-law sat next to me. They were invited for breakfast by their Turkish tenant who works at AFA. It was a indeed pleasant encounter to catch up on the news with the couple of my younger sister's in-laws.

During breakfast, there was an entertainment session, featuring a bamboo flute player and a drummer. The first two pieces of music were religious prayers. The third piece of music is for accompanying a lively Turkish dance in 7 beats.

At the same table, there were many interesting strangers. I met a professor of Arabic Calligraphy at National Chengchi University. He talked about his ancestors in Shandong province. President Hu Ya-Fei of KIVAM Junior High School talked about his mother and his son Hu Guan-chung, the protagonist of Jaisal A Gabey on Da-ai Station. After seeing the TV series, I understood the friendly ties between Taiwanese and Turkish people. I knew about the earthquake registering 7.4 on Richter scale in Izmit and Güllük, Turkey on August 17th, 1999. I knew about the kidnap and investigation of Mr. Hu after September 11 attack in US.

As I plan to join AFA to learn more about Turkey, I shall wear the chic silk scarf from Liz as often as possible. Hopefully before I set foot in the mysterious ancient kingdom of Anatolia, I could say a few Turkish greeting words and sing a few Turkish songs.

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