
A Long and Arduous Journey

D67 Spring Conference 2011 was around the corner! D67 Female Vocals were still not in shape, to be honest! But, there is no turning back now! We couldn't do anything else, but practice to the best of our abilities!

Thirteen singers from D67 female vocals showed up at our last rehearsal at Grand Toastmasters Club Thursday evening, April 21st, including six golden ladies Toastmasters. Every singer was thrilled to get a scarf of our national flag in memory of the 100th Year of ROC from Toastmaster Caroline Kiang, the Organizer of the D67 Spring Conference Party 2011.

President Erin Ke didn't show up at our rehearsal because of the scooter accident of her fiance on the way to the meeting. They must have been in a rush to the rehearsal and in the end they ended up in the hospital. Fortunately both Erin and Joel were alright, the old woman that Joel hit insisted to stay in the hospital for observation overnight. Erin sent me a text message to apologize for not being able to come to the rehearsal and she said that she and Joel might encounter an unpleasant law sue!

Even only thirteen female vocals practiced for only 30 minutes this evening, before the biweekly regular meeting of Grand Toastmasters Club started, I was more confident we would break a leg to wow the Toastmasters at D67 Spring Conference Party 2011 the coming weekend, just like the Hsin-tien Women Chorus wowed 10,000 people at the Third Li Shutong (李叔同) Lakeside Concert in Ping-hu, September 18th, 2010.

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