
Grand's Indoor Outing Chez Gina

A dozen members signed up for Grand's outing to Hwataoyao—Botanical Graden, Ceramic Studio & Wood Kilns, arranged diligently by MVP Sally Wang was forced to be cancelled in the end, due to the failure to meet the minimum reqirement of 20 visitors per group. PRVP Gina jumped at the chance to receive Granders to her lovely home for an afternoon party, Saturday afternoon, October the 2nd.

The fun and relaxing home party started at 2PM sharp with a full table of seafood salad, nigini, pizza, and beverage from Costco. Gina, Erin, Joel and I were the early birds, followed by Jimmy and his wife, Ashley and her boyfriend, Tina, Nite, Angela! Gina, as always, served as the best hostess in town to offer us a superb afternoon with lots of food, friendship and joyful time!

After Erin, Joel, Ashley and her boyfriend left early for other engagements in the evening, we hung around chez Gina for another hour or so before we took a group photo together. It is said that there's always one apparel short in a woman's closet! Not for me this time at Gina’s home party. I put on a beautufil silk dress I bought at Hung-chou Airport on my way back to Taipei from China the week before. Didn't I look young and sexy?

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