
Toastmaster Magazine Reading Gathering in March

March is a busy month for most golden ladies, with a lot of sightseeing, examination, and business activities. Only three golden ladies, Irene, Linda and I, showed up in green (the dress code of the month) for Toastmaster magazine reading gathering in March this afternoon, along with three lovely guests, Amy Chen from China Toastmaster Club, Sophia Chen from Grand Toastmaster Club and Sophia's elder sister Belinda.

Amy Chen is an old friend of mine in Toastmasters. She called me two weeks ago that she would give away one of her beloved fashion hats to me. She said the hat would look better on me. When I proposed that she came join our Toastmaster gathering with the sweet gift, Amy gave her consent cheerfully. I've been wondering what kind of hat I would inherit from the hat queen with excitement and anticipation since.

Amy arrived at the lunch gathering at twelve o'clock with a sexy black hat adorned with many dazzling Swarovski crystals on top. The moment I put the hat on, I could see the big shining and admiring eyes of Linda, Irene and Amy. Wow, Linda grabbed the camera on the table and took a snapshot of me and the bling bling hat at once!

Sophia and Belinda joined us at 12:30. They just finished their morning makeup assignment at a photo studio for an online clothes company. Sophia looked extremely excited because she just got a second-handed Canon digital single-lens reflex camera from the owner of the photo studio. She was pleased with the price and quality of the newly acquired gadget in hand, and was eager to document every minute of golden ladies Toastmaster magazine reading gathering in March.

From 12:30 till 2:30, we kept exchanges opinions for two hours non-stop about three articles Linda assigned, including,
1. "Give the Gift of Listening—Hear the story of a lifetime" by Patrick Mott, Page 14;
2. "Leading by a Tale—How to put storytelling to work in your organization" by Caren Neile, Ph.D, ATMS/CL, Page 16;
3. "All in the Name—safeguarding the Toastmasters Brand", by Tammy A. Miller, DTM, PID.

In addition, we also touched upon two additional articles,
1. "The Art of Bragging" by John Spaith, ACS;
2. "Speak Up!—A hearing-impaired Toastmaster offers practicle advice" by Rick Moore, ATMB.

Many thanks go to Amy, Sophia, Belinda for their active participation in the March reading gathering this afternoon. As much as golden ladies inspired our lovely guests (as they said), the visitors also contributed many insightful perspectives and valuable experiences to golden ladies reciprocally.

Together we make effective communication a worldwide reality (a former Toastmasters tag line).

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