
The Tail of Summer 2008

Kate has it, the figure, the face, and the fervor. She belongs to the runway. She has supermodel DNAs in her. She looks natural and confident in front of camera. It was the first time I saw Kate in bikinis. It was the first time I saw Kate pose in bikinis. It was the first time I took photos of Kate in bikinis. She reminded of Kate Moss. Are all Kates supermodels?

Summer 2008 will soon come to an end. In a joyful splash at Lydia's luxurious 15x25 swimming pool, golden ladies grasped the tail of summer 2008 on Wednesday afternoon, the 27th. Lucky we were, only four of us (Lydia, Kate, Trini, Sherry) soaked in a huge blue topaz of crystal azure water, plus Lee, a young and pretty lifeguard, on guard by the poolside.

Being a student at National Taiwan Sport University, Lee worked on the afternoon shift as a lifeguard. Lee is 172 centimeters tall with a cute face. She is good at the high jump, so was Lydia. When lovely Lee took photos of the happy-go-lucky spicy big girls, she was impressed by the energy, spirit, and camaraderie among us. Upon our sincere request, Lee demonstrated the right way to breast stroke, and every golden lady tried again and again to impress our youngster coach. Kate tried the hardest and improved the most. Trini was converted from a non-swimmer to a swimmer.

After a good pool exercise for one and a half hours, four bathing beauties rushed to shower, shampoo, get dressed to head for the luxurious Angelina Patisserie for a golden afternoon tea with the finest desserts and sweets in town. But as soon as Kate lay an eye on the fresh fruits, red wine, Camembert cheese, crackers on Lydia's coffee table, she changed her mind and talked us out of venturing out but staying in for a cozy Wednesday afternoon. Nobody could and would say NO to spoil her previous weekday afternoon away from office.

Lydia showed the DVD of 2008 Ballroom Dance Show in Tokyo, while we chatted, drank, drank, and chatted. We wowed every handsome couple in dazzing costumes on the floor. Kate and Trini decided instantly to sign up the ballroom dance class with Lydia from September. I was amazed by the strong motivation and fact action of golden ladies indeed.

Kate, thank you from the bottom of my heart for letting me see your beautiful body line in bikinis. You provide a powerful impetus for me to convert five pounds of fat into solid muscle on my tummy in the following months. I shall purchase a large durable Hula Hoop first thing tomorrow morning, and I'm going to make it a rule to twirl it around my waist for 30 minutes non-stop everyday till I have your arresting waistline. Aloha!


Toastmaster Magazine Reading Gathering in August

Does it ring the bell if an old hilarious analog about the good's and bad's of different countries is told? The heaven is earn American dollars, marry a Japanese wife, eat Chinese food, and live in an English country house. The hell is make Chinese RMB, live in a Japanese apartment, marry an American and eat English food. But if we haven't been to hell, how could we appreciate the heaven?

Golden ladies had Toastmaster Magazine Reading Gathering in August at JB's English Restaurant Friday evening, the 22nd. Trini, Lydia and I were hungry for Fish and Chips, Kate and Irene followed the crowd, so we settled for JB's on Shida Road.

Being seated in a private booth on the second floor, it felt like dining on the mysterious Orient Express of Agatha Christie. On the train from Moscow to Istanbul, we ordered authentic English food, including two fish & chips, one pork & chips, one sausage & mash, one chicken & mash. Five pink cocktails were complimented on the house to add colors to five golden oriental ladies' elegant dresses in the private booth eating, drinking, chatting, and laughing. JB's English food was not bad at all.

The theme of reading gathering in August was "Parents". Lydia brought a huge framed photo of her parents and a big photo of her father. Lydia began her story first and told us that she missed her father even though she had never seen him in person. Her mother fled to Taipei from Hong Kong in the 50's and her father was left behind in China and passed away during the Cultural Revolution. Lydia's mother brought up two of her daughters single-handed. Irene talked about her handsome and rich womanizer father and her outgoing mother. Her father used to be a real-estate tycoon and her mother a Karaoke champion. Trini and Kate fought to compete whose father was more talented in arts and life. After all ladies talked about their parents and their marriage lives, we began reading Toastmaster Magazine July 2008.

Every lady was well prepared in advance at home. We actually read from cover to cover this time. All articles in July 2008 are useful and applicable in our everyday toastmasters activities, especially the annual evaluation and humorous contests are taking place soon. Every piece of good advices in the articles would be like a welcome raindrop on the dry land. As one of the contestants, I was happy to have the chance to reinforce the good reading. Of course, our monthly gathering was also patched here and there with many taboo topics of Sex and the City Taiwanese version after the cocktail effects.

All golden ladies wore big satisfying smiles getting off the Oriental Express before any of us got murdered for beauty &/or $. We caught all the eyes from the crowds while having a photo taken in front of the bar. I even plan to return to JB's one of these days for a weekend brunch. Care to join me?


Yahtzee with Granders

Eric was a super lucky dog. He played Yahtzee for the first time, he had two large straights, took away 70 points, he claimed a total of 173 points, and became the Yahtzee Champion among Granders Thursday evening, the 21st.

The second party after the regular meeting always brings granders closer, like buddy and buddy, heart to heart. This evening was no exception. After the in-house evaluation contest, eight granders and two guests stayed for the second party at the Mos Burger.

Without much delay, Emily brought the Yahtzee sheet they played last time. She was the loser, entitled to have a second chance this evening. She was desperate to win the other first timers.

The eyes of five players were focused on the bamboo basket of dices only. Each player took turned to pray and tried his or her luck. Every player was involved with big excitements. We became an instant family on the Chinese New Year Eve with a lot of laughter and noise. Chinese have the gambling DNAs. We believe in our luck, we believe in our chance, and we believe in our future.

Eric won to nobody's surprise. He looked like the God of gamblers, and he became the winner of Yahtzee among Granders. Emily lost the first time as a guest and came back for the second time and lost again as a guest. She will be entitled to challenge her third chance. Being a guest to Grand, she decided to win the third game and join Grand as a member.

I was impressed by the life learning attitude of toastmasters in Grand this evening. I was impressed by the solidarity among Granders this evening. I was impressed how fast time flied when we were enthusiatic in new tricks this evening. I'm happy that Emily will be our future member because of Yahtzee.

Why go online to play Yahtzee with cyber strangers? Why lockup yourself in the bed room like an Otaku? Why not mark your calendar and come join Grand's in-house humorous speech contest Thursday evening, September the 4th?

In addition to listening to a lot of humorous speeches, you've got a chance to play Yahtzee with Emily. Before that study the Yahtzee rules carefully or contact God Eric for a piece of advice on gambling. See ya! Yahtzee!


Joint Anniversary of Success & Kumamoto Toastmasters Clubs

In less than two months, Success Toastmasters Club of District 67 and Kumamoto Toastmasters Club of District 76 will have their joint anniversary in Tao-yuan, Taiwan on the 11th of October. This is probably the fist time in Toastmasters history that two clubs across two districts (two countries) joining hands together to celebrate their happy moments together.

In toastmasters, everything is possible in terms of brining people together to hone the communication and leadership skills. In additions to regular meetings of our own club(s), we often invite other clubs to have joint meetings, attend district conventions to observe outstanding toastmasters excel on stage. We grow in a friendly and supportive environment to become better people.

In the middle of May this year, I accompanied President Gina Lin and EVP Emily Yu of Success Toastmasters Club to visit Kumamoto Toastmasters Club in Kyushu after D76 Spring Convention in Hiroshima. Within less than two hours, we came up with an unprecedented plan to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Success and 20th anniversary of Kumamoto together in Taiwan. It's going to be a big project, and I'm going to be part of it. Am I thrilled?

When I walked into Peace Toastmasters Club yesterday afternoon, the 16th, I received a big welcome from fellow members. It must have been a year or so since I last attended the club meeting. Every member was excited about the coming Joint Anniversary, and I was able to finalize the joint anniversary and party agenda with the support and encouragement from Japanese speaking Toastmasters clubs in Taipei.

More than a dozen toastmasters from D76 have signed up for the Joint Anniversary. Six of them are from Nagoya Toastmasters Club, the sister club of Success. We all look forward to achieving a new milestone to make a happy and memorable Toastmasters gathering for ourselves to cherish and for others to emulate.

In the next two months, there will be a lot of correspondence between toastmasters in Taiwan and in Japan. Aren't we grateful to Toastmasters International that we have the chance to build the bridge between two friendly neighbors countries in the Pacific? Hopefully one day, an International Speech Contest in Japanese will be endorsed by the Headquarters. That would be awesome, wouldn't it?


Health Check-up

I thought I must be a goddess or something. It seems that I need not any intake to sustain my life. I consume a tiny amount of food, walk a lot, but I don't lose weight. After Glendy gave me the data sheet of my physiological index, I realized I was not an immortal after all. I had a low Basal Metabolic Rate(BMR) 1,246 Kcal, but it still falls within the average range (1,200-1,500 Kcal) for women.

"Hey, Sherry, your biological age is 52", Glendy congratulated me. "Many office ladies in their thirties have a biological age of 50", Glendy explained. "Wow, I'm one year younger than my actual age, hum", I thought, "Isn't that something remarkable to make me feel proud about myself after all these efforts"?

Glendy called me Wednesday morning, the 13th, asked me for a brunch Thursday morning. Frankly speaking, I didn't know who she was from her voice, but I accepted her invitation just the same. Glendy Yu is from Legacy Toastmasters Club. I met her for the first time at Toastmaster David Chen's funeral two weeks ago.

Glendy was already waiting at a far end corner by the wall when I walked into Ikari Cafe'10 minutes before our brunch rendezvous. I didn't know the purpose of our gathering, so we just talked anything. Glendy told me about her education and experience in Australia for eight years. She went to college in Melbourne and worked in a hotel there before she decided to come back to Taipei to develop her career. At first, she continued her hotel business for a few years and then she found her future in direct marketing business.

Glendy knew well that I collected fancy hats. So we spent quite some time talking about one common topic, the Melbourne Cup. How Aussies dress themselves up to the best of their abilities to condescend their counterparts in every possible way at the biggest event in Australian horse racing. For those who can't afford the tickets and/or fancy outfits stay home in front of TV or gather at a local bar to bet on the national holiday.

After 12 noon, when Glendy took a laptop from her black suitcase, I thought, "Hum, Finally we got down to the business". Oops! It was a weight scale when I saw it for the second time. I was insturcted by Glendy to stand on the scale for a couple of minutes, and Voila, Glendy passed me the physiological index of mine, simple as that, in a cafe'.

Honestly I had been quite contented with my height (168 centimeters) and weight (58 kilograms without clothes on) before. I took a bow when people complimented my supermodel figure. I knew my tommy was not flat, so what, with a deep breath, I could get by. But, I was in a totoal shock when I saw the number of my body fat. It was way above obesity. Then Glendy overwhelmed me with millions of health advices for my consideration to stay slim. I could hear nothing!

I don't hate fat. Fat is not at all a bad thing on the condition that it is deposited at the right position. From the moment I received the data sheet from Glendy, there went my dreaming of being a Goddess! I'm a 53 (or 52) mortal in a secular world, period. And I felt like a disproportioned walking fatty meatball when I left Ikari. I didn't order lunch to soothe me. I still have a long way to go to lift my fat up!


彰化之旅—記 趣

【第一天】八月九日 星期六 晴

7:30am、8:00am,都8:30am了,Trini怎麼還沒到?八成又迷路了!等到8:52終於可以出發了!感謝Trini的遲到,讓Sherry 在等待的時後發現我家門前的漂亮果實(如右圖)。懲罰Trini的遲到,我們決定騙她說此果可食。結果呢?不只她吃,Sherry也吃,身為主人的我真是左右為難,不吃嘛!萬一有事脫不了關係,,若也吃了,萬一有事誰求救呀!折衷辦法是淺嚐即止-吃一小口。

上天保佑,3天過了3人都沒有症狀出現.所以Sherry更大膽在回台北當天晚上練踢踏舞時,拿給Kate 與Michelle一人一個. 我馬上說:不要吃! 但Sherry 與Trini 卻說沒關係啦!我們吃了都沒怎樣,Kate真勇敢,當下就吃了,Michelle說回家後再吃.哎呀!我的媽呀!我真是擔心。因為這些黃金女郎勇於嘗試的冒險精神,未來一段日子我得多拜佛求觀音媽祖,多多保佑,一切平安。

因為Irene的熱心寄了『摩爾花園』的照片給我。它的建築設計巧妙地結合西班牙摩爾式建築及建築大師高第的風格。是由安宇民與周志榮兩位聯手仿西班牙格瑞那達(Granada)的阿罕布拉宮(Almanbra) 讓人眼睛一亮的驚豔設計。

『摩爾花園餐廳』是位於雲林縣的斗六市市郊的引善路。黑松汽水工廠及引善寺是兩大地標. 我個人非常的喜愛這種設計風格,因此讓我念念不忘要親自去體驗一下它的藝術之美。而我的娘家就在彰化與雲林兩縣的交界點-西螺大橋附近,離『摩爾花園』只有40分鐘的車程.所以才有這次的彰化之旅。可惜的是我們7位Golden Ladies,只有3位成行.讓我伸出我的纖纖玉指,算算七仙女,我漏了那一位呢? Sherry, Trini, Kate, Michelle, Irene, Linda(主人/司機/寫者),對了!就差我們之中的歌星Lydia。因篇幅有限,多彩多姿多Pause的照片,請看我們之中的才女Sherry的照片專欄。

8月9日第一天,光是開車找路就耗了半天。原本中午12:00左右就應抵達『摩爾花園餐廳』,但我們卻快一點半才到。餐廳的沙拉吧只供應到下午2:00,而Sherry 與 Trini只點用沙拉吧。所以侍者對我們特別叮嚀可以多拿一些放桌上慢慢享用.當用餐時間快結束時, 一位侍者很貼心的為我們準備一大杯的果汁,要我們不必急著離開餐廳,可以慢慢邊享用果汁邊聊聊天, 此時Sherry半開玩笑半抱怨說我們晚到沙拉的肉片都被客人吃光了。這位侍者很懂得抓住客人的心與胃,馬上進廚房特別為Sherry再準備了一份『生菜肉片涼拌沙拉』.真是 『塞翁失馬,焉知非福』!

下午2:30-3:00外面太陽還光芒四射,所以結完帳我們就在餐廳內部到處走動拍照,還發揮了Toastmaster的本色與餐廳的經理陳雲龍Johnny相談甚歡,不但獲贈送貴賓卡一張,還額外享用一杯透心涼的特調飲料呢!外面的花草景觀,布置設計才是占據數位相機記憶體的主角,Sherry 與Trini還意猶未盡換了另一套水水的衣服,大大的耳環,繼續再卡嚓卡嚓地儘情的拍,直到相機沒電也照得夠多了,所以就回我彰化娘家了!

【第二天】 8月10日 星期日 晴



第二天的中午先到二林我二嫂掌廚的『竹椅生』爌肉飯小吃攤嚐嚐她的爌肉,嗯---有香哦!不是我老王賣瓜自賣自誇。不信你問問人客-Sherry 與Trini。沿路來到我爸爸上班的竹糖慈航宮,看完建廟的傳奇過程後進廟雙手合掌求個平安。再順路繞到土庫村我阿姨家,搜括她的拿手醃製品-豆腐乳以及她家旁所種的水果-釋迦,芭樂還有龍眼等。


再去拜訪我三叔的紅麴養生雞場以及我四叔的豬舍.這兩個地方味道雖然有點刺鼻,但去拜訪總不會空手而回.所以紅麴蛋(Anka Egg)是逐臭的代價. 看官們! 您若知道紅麴蛋的英文為什麼是Anka Egg? 請與我聯絡,將曾有精美禮品一份。

拜訪每個地方都有拿各自的產品,那四叔不會殺一隻豬吧!當然不會,要守法不能私宰. Sherry 與Trini 看中種於豬舍旁---旁-----旁邊的青木瓜(離很遠,絕對沒有豬屎味).聽說青木瓜燉排骨可以讓Lady的胸部UP! UP! UP哦!

【第三天】 8月11日 星期一 晴
為了避免星期日返回台北的車潮,所以我們決定今天(8/11星期一)一大早驅車回台北.由於昨天的行程滿滿的,到了晚上11:00其實累了! 但3人為了看完公視的一齣單元劇-蟹足.都忍住睡意硬是看完整齣戲,再回房水睡覺. 此時已是半夜了.還擔心今早起不來, 沒想到Sherry早上6:00就起床, 因為早所以不再麻煩媽媽為我們準備希飯, 而是在上高速公路前找一家早餐店, 享用了燒餅油條,再加上一大杯混合的豆米漿, 填補我們因睡眠不足的疲累, 讓我們可以有充沛的活力直奔台北。

今天晚上的Clogging Class, Trini 為了從Sherry的SUB copy『Lipstick Jungle』而來.Sherry為了從我這兒拿回她的SUB而來.我為了多運動好消耗這兩天的脂肪囤積並還Sherry的SUB而來.不管是什麼原因,總之今晚的踢踏舞課讓我們6個Golden Ladies又聚在一起,也才有機會讓Kate吃下一個讓我”皮皮挫”的不知名的果實.

旅程雖然結束了,但故事絕對不是完結篇.因為不知名的果實是否可食?紅麴蛋的英文為什麼是Anka Egg?待答案.而當我完成此趟旅程照片展示給大家看時,我想我的彰化娘家將會成為觀光景點之一。Linda Tseng 曾玉玲 筆於97.8.12


Long Weekend with Linda


In July, Toastmaster Magazine Reading Gathering took place at Linda's factory in Wu-gu Industrial Park, Taipei County. After a grand tour of Linda's lovely daughters' fashion studio, golden ladies were contented designing their 2008 fashion T-shirts and sweaters with the guidance from the two young and promising fashion designers. That's not enough!

When the ceramics dolls displayed in living room caught our attention, Linda generously gave away all of them. They were made by her cousin in Chang-hwa, Linda's hometown. Linda took the opportunity to extend her open arms to invite us to play with the dirt at her cousin's atelier one weekend. We've been looking forward to our trip to meeting Linda's extended family full of entrepreneurs ever since.

Day 1 (August 9, Saturday)

Human Trials
As usual, Trini was late. Linda and I waited for her at the gate from ten to eight. We knew she must be lost making circles somewhere in the neighborhood, therefore we didn't call her to make her feel nervous. While Linda went fetching for breakfast at Seven Eleven at the corner, I found many mysterious fruits in green and yellow on the gate trees of Linda's factory. They were like persimmons. I can't help picking four of them and asked Linda if they were edible. The answer was a NO.

Trini finally arrived at nine o'clock, an hour late as usual. As soon as she arrived, she rushed to the rest room to take care of her biological need. We waited for her for another five minutes before our official departure for the long weekend. When Trini saw the big box of fresh tomatoes and grapes Linda prepared in advance, she started eating immediately. I took the opportunity to pass over one of the mysterious persimmons to Trini and invited her to have a bite. Do I remind you of the story of Princess Snow White? The beautiful and ugly stepmother of Princess Snow White? Ha, Ha, Ha, that's me!

After the first bite, I saw Trini's smile on her face. I took the fruit back immediately, examined the contents with my eyes and nose, had the second bite. I passed it over to Linda to have the third bite. We took turns eating up the first mysterious persimmon. Then we waited for the possible outcomes. Five minutes passed, ten minutes passed, we were okay. The mysterious yellow fruits were clinically proved edible after the first human trials on three golden ladies. But, none of us was eager to give the rest three trial samples a second chance.

Monday evening, the 11th, I gave Kate one and asked her to have a bite and I gave Michelle one and asked her for have a bite at our cloggding dance class. I kept one at home and asked my husband to have a bite. It has been proved on six human subjects (one male and five females) that the mysterious fruits are edible. Now I need to come up with a good recipe, as Linda promised to supply barrels of them when needed.

Wednesday morning, the 13th, Linda solved my weekend puzzle by informing me of the name of the mysterious gate trees. They are common Garcinia, one of the most common campus plants. It is believed by many Chinese that this tree brings luck. Now I am more than sure the fruits of the luck trees are edible.

Global Positioning System (GPS)
It was the first time Linda carried a portable a GPS with her upon her daughters' recommendations. It's not because she didn't know how to get back to her hometown, it's because she wanted to take us to Moors Garden in To-liu for lunch and she didn't want to miss the lunch hours. She made an appointment at Moors at 11:30, presumably we left her factory at eight o'clock sharp.

We were alright from her factory to the Freeway, we ate variety fruits, drank cold, warm and hot tea, talked and talked nonstop, and we followed the advice from the GPS saying "Moving Ahead" obediently. After we arrived in Tainan at 12 noon, we found that we were over dependent on the satellite gadget. In the middle of nowhere in the vast sugarcane field, we got off the car and asked for directions with a GPS in hand. From then on we checked with the strangers for directions first and listened to GPS as a second opinion provider. At last, we arrived at Moors Garden, it was 13:10.

A Blessing in Disguise
Being late for lunch, we were advised by the waitresses politely to get the buffet as soon as possible, as the lunch hour would soon came to an end. Imagine what it was like when three hungry beauties after a long way, ready to gulp down three horses, just to discover the leftover buffet on the table. Without much thought, we grabbed the plates, filled them up with hors d'oeuvre and gorged down as fast as we could.

Being a small eater, I took it easy to taste whatever was available. I could live by as usual on a cup of coffee for lunch. While the crowds of patrons at Moors began to leave for the day, to my surprise, we started to receive the VIP treatment from the manager and waitresses of Moors Garden. They listened to our story, they knew we were from Taipei and we got lost on our way to Moors. In stead of fetching for our buffet, we were served with plates of Spanish salad and fresh fruit drinks to our liking.

After lunch, the manager of Moors became our personal tour guide and photographer. In a huge tent like dining room by the garden, three golden ladies were pampered with icy tropical cocktails on the house. Linda and her husband went to Spain two years ago with David Chen as the tour guide, she loved Catalan architect Antoni Gaudí's works. When she saw the Moors Garden—a miniature of Gaudí's dream garden house in a small town in the middle of Taiwan, she smiled with great satisfaction.

We took photos nonstop from corner to corner of Moors Garden in different outfits. We must have taken more than 300 photos in total, and we didn't leave the Moors Garden till 5 o'clock. If I should have known that we would be in a castle of the Moors, I would have brought along many traditional outfits I bought in Casablanca ten years ago. Now I am counting the days I can dine with more golden ladies at Moors Garden for the second time.

Home Sweet Home
The dancing landmark willow tree in the sunset at the gate waved at us when we arrived at Linda's sweet home at six o'clcok. Linda's mom greeted us with open arms and guided us to the spacious dining room. The dinner table was covered with many traditional Taiwanese dishes, including roast chicken, bamboo shoot salad, sweet yam leaves, fried fish, just to name a few. It felt like returning to my parents-in-law, my sweet home in the countryside of Chia-yi. At dinner, we had a pleasant chat with Linda's parents. I was contented to know the love story of Linda's parents and their individual family history. I even tried to converse with them in Japanese, because Linda's mom attended elmentary school in Japan for three years in early 40's, and Linda's dad studied in high school in Taipei before World War II.

After dinner, we went bicycling upon Trini's request, but we didn't stay out long because of millions of bugs flying on the countryroad and we couldn't see well without the road lights on. It was just enjoyable watching TV with Linda's second brother and chatted with him. We were thrilled to know that Chen Wei-ling took Taiwan's first bronze in weightlifting in the women's 48kg class category at Beijing Olympic 2008. When Trini and I retired for the night at the huge guestroom of ten, Linda hung around with her brother in the living room. Linda was indeed an invincible woman full of energy and power, she didn't show any sign of fatigue after a long day drive as the sole person behind the wheel.

Taiwanese Language Classroom
Among seven golden ladies, Linda and Irene were born in a Taiwanese family. I was fortunate to be brought up in a Taiwanese environment. My mother insisted that I went to Taiwanese elementary and high schools in Chia-yi. Later on, I eventually married a Taiwanese. Even though I was regarded as mainlander by most people from my appearance and demeanor, I'm a Taiwanese from the bottom of my heart. I need not join Taiwanese Toastmasters Club on a regular basis like Kate and Lydia. I feel at ease conversing in Taiwanese with strangers on the street. I bet that I can speak Taiwanese the best among seven golden ladies. In fact, my interest in language took roots in learning Taiwanese to compete with my peers in my early childhood. After the first night friendly conversation with Linda's mom, I was satisfied with my great progress in Taiwanese language proficiency. I even had a sweet dream in Taiwanese.

Day 2 (August 10, Sunday)

Early Birds in Town
We rode on the bicycles at six thirty to conduct an early morning field study in the countryside. Everybody in the neighborhood seemed already up for a while and was busy farming in the open misty rice field. At a quarter to seven, we arrived at the Big Banyan Temple by the Choshui River levee. The aerial roots of the massive Banyan canopy took up a huge area of the Choshui River bed and a tiny temple of Buddha was placed under the canopy next to the main root.

As Banyan trees are regarded as having spiritual importance in many areas in the Pacific region, so is the big old sacred banyan tree in Linda's hometown. The aerial roots were wrapped with red cloth here and there. Linda was proud to announce that the big Banyan in her hometown is the biggest in Taiwan, only second to the big Banyan in Penghu Pescadores.

Linda, Trini and I were instructed by the temple keeper of the Big Banyan to burn six incenses each. We prayed sincerely for the prosperity of our country and the health and beauty of golden ladies and their families. Then we placed three incenses at the head altar, two along the side and one in the open air in front of the temple. When Linda told us the old Taiwanese saying, "once you pray to the Gods sincerely, you will be blessed and protected by them." (有拜有保庇) We were happy to end our auspicious morning ride by praying the gods under the biggest Banyan tree in Taiwan.

Breakfast at Sweet Home
It was the best rice congee I've ever had in my life. The rice was cooked so well that it tasted chewy and gluey in the best possible way. My mouth watered after the first slurp, especially after a good one and a half hours bicycling in the rice paddy field. Linda's mom prepared eight traditional Taiwanese dishes, including stew-fried bean curd, stir-fried cabbage, various vegetable pickles, pork floss, and fermented bean curd. I was never a congee fan, but I was on an urge to refill my bowl.

There is a Chinese saying, "the cleverest housewife can't cook a meal without rice". Linda's mom was equipped with the islandwide famous Sanhow rice to make the impressive congee. The Sanhow rice grown in her hometown Chu-tang won the champion of Council of Agriculture Rice Contest in 2005. If you could have a morning ride with us, you wouldn't be surprised why the championship was claimed by farmers in Chu-tang with good climate, excellent soil compositions, and hardworking farmers.

Ceramic Atelier Hsi-chou
The Ceramic Atelier Hsi-chou was the main purpose of the long weekend with Linda. It was founded by Yu-pei, a young and talented cousin of Linda, in 2005. Yu-pei and her husband met and worked in Yingge ceramics town. After they won a reputation in making ceramics pigs and designing little ceramics buddha praying, they moved back to their hometown to establish an atelier to take orders from Yingge and market their own ceramic works.

The moment we arrived at Yu-pei's atelier, she started working with the clay upon Trini's and my requests. While she worked, I was amazed at her hands turing a piece of dirt into lively creatures instantly. She made a brooch in the shape of a little monk praying with the beads in hand for me and a brooch in the shape of a cute little girl with two pony tails for Trini.

Linda was fast in action. She ordered two blank ceramic plates, one large and the other medium. She started painting on the plates instantly. The large one was for her family, decorated with tiny cute flowers with two big Chinese characters 如意(as you wish) right in the middle. The medium one had colorful "Excellence Toastmasters Club" on it. Trini attempted a huge ceramic clock in the shape of a shoe to grow plants at home. She painted a large plate for her daughter Angela. Me, the least talented ceramic artist among the three, made a medium plate with the big help from Yu-pei's daughter. I'm sure it would be a lovely present for the coming joint anniversary of Success Toastmasters Club of District 67 and Kumamoto Toastmasters Club of District 76 on the 11th of October in Tao-yuan. No doubt Yu-pei had a strong impression about toastmasters. She must be curious how golden ladies met in toastmasters and how important roles toastmasters played in their lives.

Yu-pei's family of four, including her husband, her daughter and her son were totally occupied by three golden ladies on a busy Sunday morning. After playing with the clay and painting on various plates, we were treated with traditional rice cakes in turtle shapes, a green porcelain bowl of green guava and a huge blue and white ceramic plate of watermelon. Talking about watermelons, everyone knows watermelons from Taiwan are the best. But the best of the best are from sandy Choshui River, the longest River in Taiwan, juicy and sweet. My mouth starts to water just thinking of the Choushui Watermelon in my head.

Small yet Prosperous Cafeteria
Linda's second brother called us several times before we left Yu-pei's ceramics atelier. He had been expecting for us for lunch from 11:30, but we didn't arrive at his Taiwanese style cafeteria till 12:30. Trini's eyes opened wider than usual when she saw the delicious local delicacies on table. Second Brother welcomed us with a big smile on his face and offered any dishes upon our requests.

As a frequenter of Taiwanese cafeteria for lunch, I shall say that Second Brother's cafeteria is one of the best in Taiwan. Linda knew that I was fond of cooking and she encouraged me to stay behind for a week to work with her brother and sister-in-law to learn the entire recipes of the Small yet Prosperous Cafeteria.

"Birth from Bamboo Chair" is the trade name of Second Brother's cafeteria in Erlin. It was established by Second Brother's mother-in-law in 1979, operated by Linda's brother at day shift and Linda's brother-in-law at night shift. Can you imagine a small cafeteria of less than 8 square meters can feed a local crowd at twenty-four seven? I was speechless witnessing the hardworking spirit of small business entrepreneurs in Taiwan. Of course the good location right next to the Erlin Central Market was another reason to the success of the small yet prosperous cafeteria.

After lunch, Linda's sweet and genial sister-in-law fetched three bowls of crushed ice topped with various sweet beans and jellies from the most famous ice shop in town. Even thought we have been fed up to our throats, we all wolfed down the last drop of icy desserts. What could be a better way to quench the summer heat by a good bowl of icy dessert on a relaxing vacation day?

Golden ladies must have been phenomenal at a small cafeteria in a small town. Within 30 minutes, we satisfied all taste buds like we were gourmets cordon bleu de Paris. Trini was eager to venture to Taiwan Folk Village in Chang-hwa, while Linda and I were ready for a long siesta at an air-conditioned guestroom. Two votes against one, we headed for Linda's sweet home. On our way back, we paid a visit to Linda's father at work and Linda's aunt at Linda's grandparents' home.

PS: Tuesday evening, the 12th, I warmed up the braised Dongpo Pork Linda ordered from Second Brother for Trini and me to take home. It wowed my husband at dinner table. If you could see the stars sparkling in his big eyes, you would know how tender and tasty the pork was. My humble secret to grab my husband's heart is to satisfy his stomach. Get him addicted to the delicacy you arrange for dinner!

Seniors at Work
Linda's father will turn 80 next year. He's still working full time as the Secretary General of Tsu-hung Temple. He drives to work, eight hours a day, six days a week. Weekend is busy for him. He is off on Tuesdays. Linda's father is my role model. I wish I could work at his age and beyond. I wish I could work till the day I expire. I wish I could contribute my humble share to humanity till the last breath. Why get retired? No, not for me! "Get Older, Work Harder, Enjoy More", that's my motto.

Linda's father invited us for a cup of tea at his office in Tsu-hung Temple. He briefed us the history of the temple and the organization of the management team. I noticed the strong resemblance between Linda and her father, their smiles and their wills. "Like Father, Like Daughter", no wonder Linda is huge in body and soul.

Remark: Working, in my definition, is exercising body and mind in a proactive way. It has nothing to do with the generation of money per se!

Small Industry, Home Industry
Longan tress are everywhere in Linda's hometown. Trini could only look at the Longan fruits with regret, because she could not lay her hands on them on the country roads. They are privately owned. But Trini's payer was answered, maybe by Buddhas in the Big Banyan, when we arrived at Linda's grandparents' old house. A big longan tree full of longan fruits was right in the front yard.

Linda's little anunt from her mother's side lives alone in the big country house. She was out somewhere, and nobody was at home. Linda climbed on top of a horse ladder picking sweet and juicy longan fruits, while Trini and I waited on the ground with our mouths wide open. When three golden ladies stole the longan fruits zealously, there walked in Linda's little aunt from the iron gates.

Little Aunt is a decade senior to us, a single noble in modern terms. Her hobby is cooking. The moment I walked into her kitchen, I found several huge antique urns by the wall. Her fermented bean curds famous in the great China area have been resting there for more than two years. Through e-marketing, Little Aunt received orders from the internet. While packing the order for Linda, Little Aunt was proud to share with us the procedures to make the yummy bean curds from scratch in details. I was overjoyed when she gave me a jar as the greeting gift.

Remember the side dish of fermented bean curd for breakfast at Linda's? It melted in my mouth immediately after the first nibble, it tasted like the finest red miso. My head was filled with all possible recipes immediately. Linda's mom provided two recipes on the spot, with Tofu and Fish. I had exactly the same ideas. With a jar in hand, I'm sure Kylie Kwong would be impressed if she saw my Mapo Tofu with the exquisite fermented bean curd from Little Aunt. Bon Appetit!

A Fat Revitalizing Siesta
Everyone has a build-in biological o'clock, when to get up, when to eat, when to rest. For some people, six hours sleep is more than enough. For me, I need at least twelve hours a day. I sleep ten hours at night and two hours in the afternoon. The bed is the birthplace of my inspiration, followed by the toilet and the bikeback.

I passed out straight away when I hit the sack at Linda's guestroom. I didn't open my eyes in the following two and half hours till Linda's dad came home from work. My mystifying dream was patched like a big puzzle of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. I heard Trini whining for the last round of bicycling to put an end to our summer vacation 2008 with Linda. No sooner than later, we three hit the country road on our bikes right before the sunset in the early summer breeze. Our first stop was a high tech chicken farm two fundred meters from Linda's home.

High Tech Chicken Farm
Remember DreamWorks Picture's hilarious animation "Chicken Run" in 2000? A bunch of chickens being withheld within a sinister English chicken farm to produce eggs tried to escape out of their pens for freedome? The moment we entered the high tech chicken farm, five caged mean dogs were barking at us furiously, exactly like the begining the "Chicken Run". Thanks God, I were not born a chicken, otherwise I would have been scared to death just by looking at the big ugly dogs who could take my life instantly.

The Anka chickens at the high tech chicken farm were fed on a special formula from a biotech company. They produce Anka eggs lower in cholesterol. When they fail to produce eggs, they will be sold to make meatballs like those in "Chicken Run". I'd like to take the opportunity to thank all the chickens I've eaten in the past to keep me young and pretty. After a friendly chat with Linda's cousins--owners of high tech chicken farm for half an hour, at sunset, we left the chicken farm. It was free and cool to ride bicycles on the country roads like birds flying in the sky with winds beneath their wings.

Childhood Reminiscence
Linda's elementary school was the destination of our ride. While Linda and Trini took photos in the front zoo garden of Ten-to elementary school, I walked to the basketball court at the back. There I saw a little girl by herself blowing soap bubbles at sunset. That's the first encounter between Jolin and me. Without much introduction, we started competing who could blow bigger bubbles, who could blow more bubbles. The sun set fast, Jolin and I became instant friends. We took photos of each other joyfully like two friends, Nope! like a golden lady with her grandchild.

Linda and Trini joined us later. When I introduced Linda to Jolin, Jolin told us happily that she also had a friend called Linda. That's how we got to know the little girl's name--Jolin. Jolin will be studying at Ten-to in two years. Jolin will become a golden lady in fifty years. I wonder if Jolin would remember three golden ladies once ran into her childhood on a twilight summer day.

Farewell Super
Linda's mom was waiting in the kitchen when we finished our bike tour at seven o'clock. In front of us was another mouth-watering dinner displayed on table, including stir-fried yellow chives, Taiwanese style sausage, fried fish, mushroom wonton soup. I could feel how considerate Linda's mom was trying to put together the best local delicacies on table. I then realized Linda didn't just being grown up to her size for nothing.

The Great Escape
What could have been a better way to end golden ladies' summer vacation 2008 by simply lying on a huge leather sofa like three contented high school girl, eating sweet longan fruits freshly picked from Little Aunt's garden? We watched TV non-stop for straight three hours, not bothering to run to the toilet during the commercial time. After the last drama episode on Public TV at 11:30, we dragged to the guestroom for the night.

Day 3 (August 11, Monday)

At five thirty, I was up feeling totally recharged with a sweet dream. After a quick shower, we hit the road back to Taipei in the morning sunshine. Linda's mom picked all the red hot peppers growing in the front yard and gave me as souvenirs. When I squeezed her in my arms, I saw tears in her eyes. Like people everywhere in the world, senior citizens are left behind in the countryside while young people need to fight for living in the big cities.

Linda was sweet to offer me a ride back home in Hsin-tien, because she thought there would be no way for me to carry all the souvenirs in a total of 20 kilos, by MRT home. They are two big papayas (two kilos each), two boxes of Anka eggs, a huge bag of guava, a box of frozen Ton-po pork, two huge ceramics owls, not to mention three mysterious fruits from Luck Tress and many red hot peppers, in addition to my own luggage of many outfits, hats, accessories, bags and shoes.

Thanks to Linda that I had a chance to grab the tail of summer 2008 at a small town in the middle of Taiwan. I saw the hardworking people sweating on their land to grow plants and animals. I saw the entrepreneurship DNAs in Linda's extended family. I saw the tight bonds between people and their birthplaces. Thanks to Linda, golden ladies tried many unprecedented activities together and enjoyed many happy moments bathing in the warm sunlight and hospitality of friends and family.

義大利語 B1

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qZeZWpp32LY&list=PL6YsTaFq7KcOn4ITiO7Ury0Lma_Jx2rK7&index=37 義語字典 https://context.reverso.net/transl...