
The Tail of Summer 2008

Kate has it, the figure, the face, and the fervor. She belongs to the runway. She has supermodel DNAs in her. She looks natural and confident in front of camera. It was the first time I saw Kate in bikinis. It was the first time I saw Kate pose in bikinis. It was the first time I took photos of Kate in bikinis. She reminded of Kate Moss. Are all Kates supermodels?

Summer 2008 will soon come to an end. In a joyful splash at Lydia's luxurious 15x25 swimming pool, golden ladies grasped the tail of summer 2008 on Wednesday afternoon, the 27th. Lucky we were, only four of us (Lydia, Kate, Trini, Sherry) soaked in a huge blue topaz of crystal azure water, plus Lee, a young and pretty lifeguard, on guard by the poolside.

Being a student at National Taiwan Sport University, Lee worked on the afternoon shift as a lifeguard. Lee is 172 centimeters tall with a cute face. She is good at the high jump, so was Lydia. When lovely Lee took photos of the happy-go-lucky spicy big girls, she was impressed by the energy, spirit, and camaraderie among us. Upon our sincere request, Lee demonstrated the right way to breast stroke, and every golden lady tried again and again to impress our youngster coach. Kate tried the hardest and improved the most. Trini was converted from a non-swimmer to a swimmer.

After a good pool exercise for one and a half hours, four bathing beauties rushed to shower, shampoo, get dressed to head for the luxurious Angelina Patisserie for a golden afternoon tea with the finest desserts and sweets in town. But as soon as Kate lay an eye on the fresh fruits, red wine, Camembert cheese, crackers on Lydia's coffee table, she changed her mind and talked us out of venturing out but staying in for a cozy Wednesday afternoon. Nobody could and would say NO to spoil her previous weekday afternoon away from office.

Lydia showed the DVD of 2008 Ballroom Dance Show in Tokyo, while we chatted, drank, drank, and chatted. We wowed every handsome couple in dazzing costumes on the floor. Kate and Trini decided instantly to sign up the ballroom dance class with Lydia from September. I was amazed by the strong motivation and fact action of golden ladies indeed.

Kate, thank you from the bottom of my heart for letting me see your beautiful body line in bikinis. You provide a powerful impetus for me to convert five pounds of fat into solid muscle on my tummy in the following months. I shall purchase a large durable Hula Hoop first thing tomorrow morning, and I'm going to make it a rule to twirl it around my waist for 30 minutes non-stop everyday till I have your arresting waistline. Aloha!

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