
1000 Paper Cranes for Good Health

The crane is the symbol for long life, prosperity and good health. It is a tradition in Japan and in Taiwan for friends and family members to fold a thousand cranes together to wish their beloved one get well soon and have a good health and a long life.

A group of Toastmasters led by the Incumbent International Director George Yen, Former D67 Governors Harry Fong and Jorie Wu, Incumbent Division C Governor Trini Ding and many golden ladies joined the taskforce to fold 1000 paper cranes for one of our beloved toastmasters in the hospital.

Learning by doing is the motto of toastmasters. With all sizes of colorful papers, a origami handbook, plus a friendly volunteer guidance of a 11 year old boy, we figured out how to fold the paper cranes successfully. Even though it would be more efficient to fold the paper cranes in an assembly line, the majority of toastmasters preferred to take the challenge to fold the paper cranes in different sizes, advanced from a hand size to a finger size paper crane.

While folding 1000 cranes, we prayed in our hearts to wish our dear toastmaster friend get well soon and return to the big toastmasters family. It is our sincere hope that our prayer would be answered. And we can see the smiling face of our friend surrounded by 1000 colorful paper cranes in all sizes and come back to us in good health.


Exploring Delights and Wonders in Life said...

Yes, it was a care and friendship rendering gathering. We all gave our best wishes to our friend for his quick recovery. Trini

Michelle 劉清痕 said...

I hope the holy sincerity from all of us could touch the heart of God and let our beloved TM friend come back to us healthily soon. Please!

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qZeZWpp32LY&list=PL6YsTaFq7KcOn4ITiO7Ury0Lma_Jx2rK7&index=37 義語字典 https://context.reverso.net/transl...