Like Sherry, typhoon days meant fun for me when little. My tiny head could never understand the damage, the catastrophe brought up by typhoons. I longed for typhoon to come so that I could breathe the clean and fresh air, feel the cool and clear water with my feet, and enjoy the exotic beauty in nature. Nothing could drive the dull and lifeless routine away so well like typhoons did. How wonderful it is to be naïve and carefree!
1. Taiwan is a highly populated country. On such a small island, there are over 100 TV channels and over 100 radio stations. How big is the chance that the audience will switch to the station we are on? How big is the chance that the program will get across to a possible interested audience?
2. If we want to promote Toastmasters on the radio or TV, disregarding the outcome, what radio stations shall we approach besides ICRT (International Community Radio Taipei)? ICRT has done several interviews with Toastmasters, how often will they be willing to support us?
3. Who are the ideal representatives of Toastmasters to be interviewed on the radio and TV?
4. Who should be responsible or in charge of planning and promoting live interviews on the radio or TV?
Even though I can't carry a big expectation of an interview on the radio or TV, I shall prepare it to the best of my ability and enjoy the process with an ardent hope to inspire the audience. If time allows, I hope I'll come up with an imaginary interview in time later.
While we were reading, Sean came sit at the next table at Café 85°C. It was unbelievable to see a familiar, long-time-no-see young face. Sean, the eldest son of Athena Lien, DTM, District 67 Governor 2003-2004, took a few photos of Sherry and me, and called his mother to inform her of our short encounter. What a small world! Trini
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