
When the Sun Rises Again

Fall seven times, stand up eight! ~Japanese proverb

I'd like to thank Sunrise Toastmasters Club for inviting me to deliver my prepared speech "Toastmasters in Mongolia" Tuesday evening, April 27th. I finished the entire speech in six minutes and 37 seconds without any slip of the tongue this time.

It was indeed healing and soothing for me. I stood up from where I fell. I was not afraid of watching the videoclip of my anticlimactic performance at D67 International speech contest 2010 in Tai-chung any more. I am confident that I could and I would do better next time I am on stage at a national, regional, or even at an international level. I have a new goal in my life, to become a better speaker!

I like Sunrise Toastmasters Club. It is full of diligent and promising young people. Quite a few members speak fluent English. The meeting atmosphere is lively and joyful. I was invited to join the debate on "Searching on the Internet of the Convicts" and I won the best Tabletopics Speaker Award this evening.

During the intermission, YS Liao, D67 LGM Elect 2010-2011, donated two big pizza and a bottle of Pepsi Cola to show his thanks to Sunrise members for their support of his running for D67 LGM at the D67 Spring Conference 2010. I was lucky to join the celebration party. I confessed that I had two big slices of pizza, bacon and seafood topping respectively. YS also said that he would bring fried chicken to Sunrise next time he shows up. Count me in, YS!

On my way to the MRT station after Sunrise's meeting, Toastmaster Nebula Ou asked me about how to search for the correct pronunication on the internet. I recommend the free on-line dictionary http://www.howjsay.com/. Toastmaster Nai-ling Liu and I took the metro back to Hsin-tien. We talked about chartering a Toastmasters club in Hsin-tien before we said good-bye. What I lovely evening I had with Sunrise. I saw the bright future of Toastmasters in Taiwan.

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義大利語 B1

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