
Three's Company

Life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get. ~~Forrest Gump

I didn't know my dear brother Jimmy sang till this evening. When he and Bill sang together, I was so impressed with their beautiful voices. Unlike the previous five choral lessons of D67 Toastmasters Chorus, I was the only female vocal this evening, with two big tenors singing next to me.

Bill Wan was the only chorus member who showed up at Jimmy's place to practice singing this evening. The moment Bill sat down, Jimmy and I gave our sincerest hospitality by displaying a full table of fruits, desserts, and drinks. After a warm-up party of the threesome, eating, drinking, chatting, Jimmy joined us to sing 'O Sole Mio and Akatombo to my surprise. I guess Jimmy was obliged in the beginning, but he was happy along the way, and he became a part of the three's company!

While we were singing happily, Conductor Hung called and offered us six free concert tickets at Chungsan Hall Thursday evening, October 29th. I am sure Conductor Hung must have overheard our singing to the CDs. She should be very pleased with our diligence and enthusiasm in singing.

Soprano: Sherry Li
Tenor: Bill Wan, Jimmy Li

Brother Jimmy is a shy and introverted person. He doesn't have many social activities after my parents passed away ten years ago. But thanks to Bill, I saw a new Jimmy this evening full of joy singing 'O Sole Mio with Bill. Jimmy even invites Bill to join the family Thanksgiving Dinner with Toastmasters Rio Imamura and Masaki Oshiumi, Thursday evening, November 26th.

When I complimented Jimmy about his beautiful voice, he told me with humility that we were from the same family. If I can sing, so can he! I am grateful to Bill for being a friend to Jimmy this evening. I hope Jimmy can meet with more toastmasters to cherish his happy future surrounded with joyful family and friends!

'O Sole O Sole Mio Sta Nfronte A Te ... Sta Nfronte A Te.


Unknown said...

Dear Sherry,

So happy for Jimmy that he might found his wonderland through singing.


Sherry Li 李向慈 said...

Dear Irene,

Would you be interested in joining our chamber choir at Jimmy's place Wednesday evening, November 11th?

To hear is to believe! I'm sure you'll be impressed with Jimmy's beautiful voice. Come sing with us if you are available!


義大利語 B1

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qZeZWpp32LY&list=PL6YsTaFq7KcOn4ITiO7Ury0Lma_Jx2rK7&index=37 義語字典 https://context.reverso.net/transl...