
Toastmaster Magazine Reading Gathering in July

Sex and the City is the theme of this month's reading gathering. Anything I put on from head to toe had a label, from Christian Dior 2008 big shades Sunglasses to my favorite Marks & Spencer's underwear, so that's me, another woman indulged in labels and love at the other side of the world!

Being an early bird, I was the first to arrive at Linda's factory. So I had plenty of time to talk about my thrilling resurfacing experience with 1064nm laser irradiation. Upon my college classmate Leslie's invitation the day before yesterday, I walked into her brother-in-law's beauty clinic in Hsin-tien to give myself a chance to look younger and brighter. Even though, nobody could tell the immediate effect, but I'm convinced to have regular laser treatment in the future.

When all golden ladies arrived, we went upstairs to discuss with two young and promising fashion designers to work on our own T-shirts. They are Linda's daughters. They just started their e-business in fashion this year. While satisfying our buying desires, we were pleased to have the chance to talk to designers in person. They met all our needs and every golden lady bought something. I like their label, "so that's me". Indeed, we are what we wear, aren't we?

After the first time DIY shopping, we moved to Bear House Restaurant owned by Linda's daughter-in-law. Linda ordered 10 dishes for a total of eight of us. There went my one pound a week weight reduction plan instantly. The food was delicious and Linda prepared two big plates of fresh grapes before lunch, four big plates of watermelon and pineapples for desserts after lunch. Who would want to READ after so many exciting activities?

Virginia, Irene, Kate and Lydia left first after lunch for other urgent engagements. Trini, Linda and I hung around to complete our reading activities of the month till 5PM. We read four assigned articles by Kate diligently, 1. Promoting Environmentalism by Julie Bawden Davis, page 8; 2. Ready to Blow a Fuse by Pat Mott, page 10; 3. The Never-Ending Question by R. J. Stove, CC, page 14; 4. How to Make a Singaporean Laugh by Eric Feng, ACS, page 24. We spent most of time sharing our experiences how to control our tempers at home and we were determined to refuse to give others the power to get us mad.

After doing the homework, Linda, Trini and I changed the topic to Sex and the City. We tried to categorize seven golden ladies into Carrie, Samantha, Charlotte and Miranda. Guess who among us is like Samantha and who is like Carrie? Do you agree if we conclude that Irene is like Charlotte and Lydia is like Miranda? No matter who's who, we are pleased with our small reading group. We shall feel like single girls with lots of love like the four in Sex and the City! Cheers, golden ladies!

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