
Ocean Obsess

Gas price is soaring. People around the world are awoken to give the natural resources a second look. Golden ladies can't be exempted from shouldering the Eco responsibilities. We make it a rule to make a move only when the car is full. Five of us got up early to conduct a field study along the North-Eastern Coast of Taiwan in an early summer breeze Thursday, June 5th.

Be Formosans, we have every reason to enjoy the blue water around us. It is our privilege and obligation to befriend the ocean, the beach, the blue sky and the delicious seafood. Today we had four lessons about nature and humanity for nine and a half hours from 7:30 in the morning till five o'clock in the afternoon.

Lesson One, we arrived at Yehliu Geopark at 8:30. After millions of years of exposure to the salty wind, seawater and strong waves of the great Pacific Ocean, the weird erosion of the Limestone featured a theatrical play of the rocks to get hold of our eyes. Each rock has a true story to tell. Plants settle on steep rock cliffs for home. The Nature is sending messages we couldn't decipher.

Lesson Two, we were waiting for the shuttle bus to Dharma Drum Mountain at 9:30. The monastery constructed by Master Sheng Yen is in the hills of Jinshan. After we visited the holy complex dedicated to spreading the Dharma and to promoting Chan practice, we were inspired to show respect to, to preserve, and to protect life and natural resources.

Lesson Three, the visit to Taipower wind power house was phenomenal. Six huge wind turbines high above sky converted the kinetic energy in wind into electricity day and night. At the foot of the big pole of fans roaring in the air, we felt humble and insignificant. When my skirt flied high in the wind suddenly, I felt the power of wind injected into my body. I felt recharged to move on to a new destination.

Lesson Four, the main purpose of our excursion is to enjoy beach and to savor the delicious food at Nania's Sound Restaurant. There is a Japanese saying, 十人十色 (junin toiro), different people have different tastes. Among five of us (Grace, Virginia, Cecilia, Lydia and me), we ordered five dishes, Lobster, Prawn, RibEye, Pickled Pigs Feet, and Lamb Chops. We ended up have a piece of everything in our stomach. After being pampered with coffee and desserts, Lydia, Cecilia and I couldn't wait to indulge ourselves in the blue ocean water. It felt goooooood!

I didn't take a rest before I attended Grand Toastmasters Club's first regular meeting in June this evening. It has been another fulfilling and gratifying toastmasters day.


Anonymous said...

I always enjoy reading your blog! It's nice to see you ladies always together to join in various activities 8-)

Thank you for introducing another nice spot there: I should not miss a chance to visit the ocean area during my future visit to Taiwan. It seems that the weather there is already like summer, right? I enjoyed all the photos including some sexy shots of yours :-) Please give my best regards to the golden ladies I met in Taiwan!

Sherry Li 李向慈 said...

Dear President Fujino of Fukuoka Toastmasters Club,

The North-eastern coast of Taiwan is full of arresting wonders, from cold springs to gold mines. Please stay two more days in Taipei after the joint anniversary of Success 10th and Kumamoto 20th in October. To see, to hear, to taste, to smell, and to feel is to believe what Formosa has to offer.

義大利語 B1

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qZeZWpp32LY&list=PL6YsTaFq7KcOn4ITiO7Ury0Lma_Jx2rK7&index=37 義語字典 https://context.reverso.net/transl...