
Golden Girls Clogging Toastmasters

Dear All,

I now announce that we have a blog to ourselves to communicate among seven of us about our fascinating activities. This is just the begining. I shall do my best to make the garden of Golden Girls Clgging Toastmasters as users friendly as possible.

I'd appreicate your support to supply your beautiful photos on the blog, so that everybody can know you in the future.

For our monthly gathering to read the Toastmasters Magazine, I welcome the volunteer to donate the meeting minutes. With the permission of Jennie Wang, we can also upload the cue sheets of clogging dances on the blog.

If you have any suggestions or comments, please feel free to contact me. Sherry


Exploring Delights and Wonders in Life said...

Golden girls, also known as happy cloggers, just made their exciting debut successfully at the 1000th meeting of the China T/Ms Club. It was fun and unforgettable. Alone the process, we got more and more interaction and colored our lives a great deal. Clogging to have fun, to be happy and healthy is what matters most. Still having the chance to present what we have learned in public can motivate us to further cultivate our clogging skills. Let's clog!

Anonymous said...

It is indeed wonderful to try something new day in and day out. I am happy that we have a blog to begin with. There are more interesting events ahead of us for sure.

First of all, we need to get ready for the clogging performance this coming Sunday, the 18th of March, at Linda's Spring Party. Then we shall exert all our energies at Legacy's 10th Anniversary Party Friday evening, the 20th of April.

Time flies when we have many fun and challenging activities in front of us!

義大利語 B1

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