
Women Entrepreneurs Association in Taipei County

It's so eye-catching that four hot, sexy and spicy senior girls dancing on stage in front of a huge audience of four hundreds people at the Spring Party of Taipei County's Women Entrepreneurs Association Sunday evening, March 18th.

It might be hard to believe by Toastmasters fellow members that they were Sherry Li, Trini Ding, clogging teacher Jennie Wang and me. We invited professional made-up artists and hair stylists to beautify ourselves. We put on short sexy skirts of Taipei County's Women Entrepreneurs. Our luscious tops made us so splendid and shining.

We clogged "Carolina Mountain" and "Let me into your Heart" for less than six minutes on stage, but we practiced hours of hours in class before our performance. Thanks to the Toastmasters International that we learn how to deliver speeches in public, we know it is important that we practice, practice and practice before we walk onto the podium. The audience deserves the best. In clogging, we apply the toastmaster skills to dance in public professionally.

Speaking and dancing in public are not easy. Long, serious, and disciplined practices are required to make each performance as perfect as possible. We are happy we presented the best possible service to the women entrepreneurs in Taipei County. We hope they would consider toastmastering and clogging activities in their 2007 agenda.

No matter how old women we are, we are beautiful and attractive because we are willing to share the joy and happiness with people around us. I can't thank Linda enough for giving us the wonderful opportunity to excel ourselves outside of Toastmasters arena. It's indeed an unforgettable experience in my memory. Michelle


The Glorious Moment

On March 8th, golden girls and I made the first debut before a big audience. It was an exciting, sensational, and unforgettable experience.

It's a specially arranged program for the 1000th meeting of China Toastmasters club. Jennie (Clogging Instructor), Kate, Michelle, Sherry and I danced "BUGLE CALL" at the beginning of the ceremony. The idea was to bring a different opening to celebrate the glorious moment of my club. We five together not only fulfilled our mission successfully, but also cheered up the atmosphere completely. All the audience's attention was attracted immediately.

Regretfully, Linda, Lydia and Irene couldn't join us this time due to some personal reasons. But my heartfelt thanks to them too for their physical and spiritual support by either making their presence or giving their best wishes.

Giving thanks is not enough for me to express my gratitude to all my golden girls for their unconditional support. They gave China Toastmasters Club such an honor and made the Glorious and Ceremonious Opening I had pictured in mind possible. Be outstanding and stunning golden ladies, they are keen in communication and leadership skills, let alone their beauty, height and devilish figures.

It's not easy to make friends of same interests and dreams in lives. We became good friends because of "tap dance" and "clogging". Then we took initiatives to include more educational and meaningful programs in our group activities. We formed a "Reading Group of Toastmasters Magazine" to share thoughts about various hot issues. We chitchat with one another, swap beautiful dresses, enjoy gourmet food in different restaurant. I must credit it to Sherry and Irene who started the group first. Then we discovered a whole new world we could explore. It brought us so much fun. Viva! Golden Girls! Trini


Just Perfect

The total make-up artist and hair stylist Susan Kiang from Just Perfect will arrive at Linda's Spring Party at 3PM Sunday, the 18th of March. Please make sure you bring along your pretty clothes and matching accessories to the party venue as early as possible. Let's take a lot of beautiful photos to post on the golden blog!

Jennie agrees to arrive at twelve noon for dress rehearsal Saturday, the 17th. The 30 minutes practice is a must for our best performance at the Spring Party of Women Entrepreneurs Association in Taipei County. Sherry

Golden Girls Clogging Toastmasters

Dear All,

I now announce that we have a blog to ourselves to communicate among seven of us about our fascinating activities. This is just the begining. I shall do my best to make the garden of Golden Girls Clgging Toastmasters as users friendly as possible.

I'd appreicate your support to supply your beautiful photos on the blog, so that everybody can know you in the future.

For our monthly gathering to read the Toastmasters Magazine, I welcome the volunteer to donate the meeting minutes. With the permission of Jennie Wang, we can also upload the cue sheets of clogging dances on the blog.

If you have any suggestions or comments, please feel free to contact me. Sherry


五月的威內托(Veneto)天氣是多變化的,下著雨的時候多,晴天少的時候。感謝二位住在巴都亞(Padova)朋友的邀約,五月底到威內托一遊,六天五夜,接著搭 MSC Sinfonia 序曲號遊東地中海八天七夜。 說到二位住在巴都亞的朋友,一位是彩雲,另一位是彩蓉,二位都是五月初一...