今年五月三日開始認真學韓語,有機會認識了新一代的韓國年青人,感受到當下地球村年輕人的活力,體會他們心中對未來的夢想與希望!談到K-POP橫掃世界,當紅炸子雞非「BTS防彈少年團(방탄소년단)」莫屬,去年9月24日受邀出席第73屆聯合國大會,年僅二十四歲的隊長金南俊(김남준)在聯合國為他們參與的UNICEF(聯合國兒童基金會)計畫「Love Myself」以流利的英語發表演講,向年輕世代提倡「自愛」的重要性。看到年輕人如此努力,我們樂齡一族亦當迎頭趕上才是!
Thank you, Mr. Secretary-General, UNICEF Executive Director, and all the excellencies and distinguished guests from across the world.
My name is Kim Nam-joon, also known as RM, the leader of the group BTS. It is an incredible honor to be invited to an occasion with such significance for today's young generation.
我的名字是金南俊,也叫做 RM,防彈少年團的隊長。我們深感光榮,能受邀參與對年輕一代來說如此重要的場合。
Last November, BTS launched the LOVE MYSELF campaign with UNICEF, building on our belief that true love first begins with loving myself. We've been partnering with UNICEF's #ENDviolence program to protect children and young people all over the world from violence. And our fans have become a major part of this campaign with their action and with their enthusiasm. We truly have the best fans in the world.
去年十一月,防彈少年團投入與聯合國兒童基金會合作的 LOVE MYSELF 活動,而這是建立在這個信念之上:真正的愛是從愛自己開始。我們與聯合國兒童基金會協力合作,參與 #ENDviolence(終結暴力)的企劃,保護世界上所有孩子與年輕人遠離暴力。而我們的粉絲帶著行動力與熱忱,成為活動的主力。我們真的擁有全世界最棒的粉絲。
And I'd like to begin by talking about myself. I was born in Ilsan, a city near Seoul, South Korea. It is a really beautiful place with a lake, hills, and even an annual flower festival. I spent a very happy childhood there, and I was just an ordinary boy. I used to look up at the night sky and wonder, and I used to dream the dreams of a boy. I used to imagine that I was a superhero who could save the world.
And in an intro to one of our early albums, there's a line that says, "My heart stopped when I was maybe nine or 10." Looking back, I think that's when I began to worry about what other people thought of me and starting seeing myself through their eyes. I stopped looking up at the night skies, the stars; I stopped daydreaming.
Instead, I just tried to jam myself into the molds that other people made. Soon, I began to shut out my own voice and started to listen to the voices of others. No one called out my name, and neither did I. My heart stopped, and my eyes closed shut. So, like this, I, we all lost our names. We became like ghosts. But I had one sanctuary, and that was music. There was a small voice inside of me that said, "Wake up, man, and listen to yourself." But it took me quite a long time to hear music calling my real name.
Even after making the decision to join BTS, there were a lot of hurdles. Some people might not believe, but most people thought we were hopeless. And sometimes I just wanted to quit. But I think I was very lucky that I didn't give it all up. And I'm sure that I and we will keep stumbling and falling like this.
BTS has become artists performing in those huge stadiums and selling millions of albums right now, but I am still an ordinary 24-year-old guy. If there's anything that I've achieved, it was only possible that I have my other BTS members right by my side and because of the love and the support that our A.R.M.Y fans all over the world made for us.
防彈少年團現在成為了能在巨大的露天體育場辦演唱會、賣出幾百萬張專輯的藝人,但我依然只是個平凡的二十四歲少年。如果我能有任何成就,那都是因為我有這群防彈的成員們在我身旁,以及因為全世界所有 A.R.M.Y 粉絲們給予的愛與支持才有可能辦到的。
And maybe I made a mistake yesterday, but yesterday's me is still me. Today, I am who I am with all of my faults and my mistakes. Tomorrow, I might be a tiny bit wiser, and that'd be me, too. These faults and mistakes are what I am, making up the brightest stars in the constellation of my life. I have come to love myself for who I am, for who I was, and for who I hope to become.
I'd like to say the one last thing. After releasing our LOVE YOURSELF albums and launching the LOVE MYSELF campaign, we started to hear remarkable stories from our fans all over the world: how our message help them overcome their hardships in life and start loving themselves. Those stories constantly remind us of our responsibility.
我想再說最後一件事情。在我們發行 LOVE YOURSELF 系列專輯並投入 LOVE MYSELF 活動後,我們開始聽到全世界粉絲令人動容的故事:我們所傳達的訊息如何幫助他們度過生命的難關,並開始珍愛自己。那些故事不斷地提醒著我們的責任。
So, let's take all one more step. We have learned to love ourselves, so now I urge you to speak yourself. I'd like to ask all of you: What is your name? What excites you and makes your heart beat? Tell me your story. I wanna hear your voice, and I wanna hear your conviction. No matter who you are, where you from, your skin color, your gender identity, just speak yourself. Find your name and find your voice by speaking yourself.
I'm Kim Nam-joon and also RM of BTS. I'm an idol, and I'm an artist from a small town in Korea. Like most people, I've made many and plenty mistakes in my life. I have many faults, and I have many more fears, but I'm gonna embrace myself as hard as I can. And I'm starting to love myself gradually, just little by little.
我叫金南俊,也是防彈少年團的 RM。我是一個偶像,也是來自韓國一個小城市的藝人。和很多人一樣,我一生中犯過非常多錯誤。我有很多缺點,懷揣著更多恐懼,但我想要盡我所能緊緊擁抱自己。我開始漸漸學習愛自己,一點一點地。
What is your name? Speak yourself.
Thank you very much.
來吧!推一首BTS防彈少年團(방탄소년단)」的好歌『Love Myself』!