
A Speech for Single Nobles at MOFA--Life 123

Upon the invitation of President Charles Teng of MOFA Toastmasters Club, I delivered the following speech at a special meeting Thursday noon, September 5th, to encourage single diplomats at Ministry of Foreign Affairs to get married and settle down!

Life is about setting goals since the first burst of crying. Whao, Whao, Whao......What a beautiful world in front of my eyes! Life began with the crying for love!

Let's begin Life 123 with Mathematics 101. How much is zero plus zero? How much is zero plus one? Yes, one is the starting number to infinity. One plus as many zeros following in the bank account as you wish, so long as you can stand on your feet. Health is No.1. You're No.1. Single is one. While single, invest in yourself to the best of your ability!

But it takes two to tango. One plus one is greater than two. That's the power of love. While in search of true love, we must be courageous to take the risk! Love is art, but marriage is life. Marriage is a bliss. Better late than never. A couple grow in intimacy and privacy. Take Ogre Shrek and Princess Fiona for example! After they find Mr. & Miss Right, they are happily married ever after!

In marriage, we learn to compromise with the better half more than we with our parents or colleagues. The relationship between a husband and a wife is the most important bond in human beings. When we are loved by our spouses, we learn to love others and ourselves. The feelings of being in love prompt us to achieve our best! In marriage, we learn to trust in others. From a stranger, our spouse becomes a family. From old family to new family, we entrust our life in another person. In 25 years of marriage, I give my husband a credit rating of AAA to pay my bills.

Three's company! Human beings are social animals. In Toastmasters, we learn communication and leadership skills in public. It's the public we interact with to gain our strength and energy. We give and take to complete life in the society. We spire upward in a group to feel high together as a team! Birds of a feather flock together to get the momentum to fly across the ocean!

From 1 (single) to 2 (marriage) to 3 (society), we are connected to the world! One is to stand on your feet, to invest in yourself, physically, mentally, and spiritually. Two is to get married, to invest in your relationships. Three is to involve yourself in the society, to invest in friendships. From one to three, one step at a time. Don't expedite the flow. Otherwise haste makes waste.

There is a Chinese saying, "when we reach the third age, we need old friends, old partner, and old home." Marriage is vital in human development. For those who are single, please be constantly on the lookout for your better half to complete you! Wish you a happy marriage ever after, and become a better person in the life 123.

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